Futile System Agenda
The great jurist, lawyer, writer, Oliver Wendell Holmes, was walking down the streets of Boston with a friend. This was during the time of slavery and a male slave met them on the street, obediently removing his hat. Oliver Wendell Holmes removed his hat in return, towards the slave. His friend said, "Why did you take off your hat to that slave?" Holmes replied, "He is a man and I must show him the DIGNITY which he showed me."
It has taken hundreds of years, but man has lost his concept of DIGNITY, showing kindness to one another. (Dr. Franklin said, "Kindness costs so little.") This writer devoured The Bible when he could see. God's answer book for every question. In these last days, "end times" God's judgment on present day Babylon, economics, require a new look at the agenda of the present futile system.
My ancestors left Europe, attempting to escape the futile system of lordship, one man superior to another, arriving on the good ship Kent in 1677, founded Morristown NJ, some poor farming members of the family moved south to Wayne-Wilson county, NC. One of my grandfather's brothers John, a medical doctor, later moved back to Morristown. Anyway, a respectful, land owning family, diligent with integrity in peace and war.
This descendant, this writer, a totally blind, 100% disabled, service connected, medical officer, veteran of the Korean conflict at age 82, never having been denied service from others, commercial or healthcare at any place, anytime. I will gladly give 1000 dollars to anyone who can show that I haven't paid anything but cash for all purchases, "never delinquent one day on a credit card, only making payments in large real estate transactions and NEVER any problems with credit." I have never been embarrassed about payment at any doctor's office. I would never, never, never have embarrassed any patient in my own practice about payment to me. When I stopped practicing, I was owed thousands of dollars by patients who had honored me by trusting me with their healthcare. Most doctors as well as patients, never realize the shortness of time with which they deal with one another on this earth. It can all be over so quick, the only thing you leave this world with is the good you have done while here...a mystical, supernatural, quantity, beyond one's concept of value.
In my lifetime, I have seen the purity involved in God, family, country, slowly diminish. The reason I fought socialized healthcare, few areas of trust and comfort left between two individuals...has totally escaped the political scene, slowly seeped from Christianity, even families. The one area of trust-comfort, the patient-doctor relationship. It started with the military-unconcerned, more or less mechanical-assembly line care. Then it came to the individual, private practice and hospital, technical-SOP, (standard operating procedure) faceless, frivolous tests. If your doctor touched you, spent more than 5 minutes with you, you considered yourself special.
I balked about and talked against the Obama "enslavement system." It does have its problems but from now on, I AM PROMOTING SOCIALIZED HEALTHCARE. Big farmer, big medicine, has brought on big fees and lack of empathy for the patient unto themselves. Whether he'll burden taxes, county, state or foundation largess, large technical warehouses have been built to treat the public. DOCTORS ARE THE ONLY PEOPLE WHO MAKE MONEY THERE. At tax supported University campuses, again, large warehouse type research hospitals, buildings with laboratories and teaching facilities, available for a select few. The military doctor does not have any control over his assignments, he follows orders. IF, those educated-trained in tax supported facilities do not want to submit to the controls of socialized healthcare, then they should not apply for the education and the subsequent largess of tax dollars. The time has come that those who, throughout their life, money taken from their paycheck whether they want it taken or not, should have the NECESSITY of healthcare and not be subjected to the callousness of those giving the care simply because they were fortunate enough to have received the education. Long ago these leaches of the sick and infirmed lost the love and respect that once accorded the "family doctor." Ask any patient of the past 50 years...you spend more time in the practitions office answering questions about payment for your care than the time spent on your care. And, it never ends, Regardless of your insurance cards, veterans benefits, even your fight for immediate attention. You could die in most hospitals while the administration is attempting to decide if you are financially able to be there...to say nothing of your chances for survival from germ infestation. (A National Vital Report says that there are 90,000 in-hospital deaths per year from a combination of hospital-acquired infection and medical error. Read more at http://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_many_people_die_each_year_in_US_hospitals#ixzz22OsBh6oD). My sickest days were in New Hanover memorial hospital, staff infection after prostate surgery.
There is a "hedge of elitism" which surrounds a small percentage of the population-those elitists, doctors-technicians-nurses who make a very good living, simply because human beings get sick. The politicians, powerbrokers of industry, academicians, are in the forefront of thought control. (Never subjected to the rigors of the poor and disenfranchised.) In an unholy alliance of political medicine-big farmer, control of the media have attempted to indoctrinate the general public in just how lucky they are to have the inadequacies of western healthcare. They are called professionals, the rest of us are pawns-servants-slaves, supposedly content with the crumbs from the floor as the "hedged elitist" feast at the table of big brother's, healthcare excesses.
The present system no longer functions-some form of government socialization imparity. Just yesterday, having only recently written a check to cover any Medicare and VA nonpayment, Dr. Whitesides office (urologist who had removed my prostate unnecessarily, leaving me with a nest of cancer cells) called to say that my appointment would be cancelled because the government had not given permission for my care.
Get ready, get used to it. Changes must be made. In England, robots attend to patients. (The world's three largest employers: Chinese army, India's train system, England's socialized healthcare system.) BRING ON THE ROBOTS if it means eliminating callous, unconcerned, workers. If there is no empathy for a decorated, blind, 100% disabled veteran, God be merciful to the rest of you.
We have learned to dance to the tune played by utility providers, the tune of taxation, the tune of defending the country, the tune of regulating every area of human existence, EVERYTHING EXCEPT HEALTHCARE. It is time for healthcare providers to dance to the tune of government socialized control. I will use every means I can conjure up, to promote this.
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