Bona Fides
Open my eyes, that I may see
Glimpses of truth Thou hast for me;
Place in my hands the wonderful key
That shall unclasp and set me free.
Hymn: Open My Eyes
The first victim of a political dictatorship, academic freedom, commercial entrepreneurs, spiritual modernism, TRUTH. We give the loss of truth a pretty name, still a four letter word, "spin" instead of lies. This writer is addicted to radios, totally blind, this is my way of keeping up with everything. So much of the "spin" on the airways, just laughable, including advertisements. Madison Avenue, academia, certainly those speaking to the pew warmers, know that they can get by saying anything. The dumbed down public does not know any better.
Recently, my car radio, a news broadcast about certain restaurant chains refusing to use beef products from certain slaughter houses. We know that animals used for slaughter should be in good health. The news broadcast said that some cows, before slaughter, were falling around, appearing sick. I said to my driver, "What do they expect? Cows heading for slaughter to trot, or even run smiling up to the slaughter pen?" If I were about to be slaughtered I would be falling around too-probably rolling around-acting real sick. The man on death row does not run to the executioners table. My guide in China told me the horror story of Chinese executions-the sounds for mercy before being shot-tape wrapped around the prisoners head, mouth, eyes. In Manchuria, this writer saw Chinese prisoners strapped-taped to tables, open top to bottom, their organs being transplanted from them to sick patients, there eyes and mouths taped, slowly dying as their organs were removed.
This writer was on a photography safari in Botswana, Africa. The jeep driver said to me and my guide, "I want to get you away form here, you do not need to hear this." It was too late. The army had found poachers with the ivory evidence. There, there is no trial, no delays, poachers are killed on the spot. Of course, I could see nothing but I could hear their cries for mercy before the shots rang out. The world needs the bona fides of truth more than anything else. Our blessed Lord told us over and over that He was truth (John 17:17,14:6). You may not believe in Jesus, but truth is truth whether you believe it or not.
I will never understand why or how those with education, concern, empathy, can refuse to impart their knowledge about many things. (School teachers, preachers, parents, etc.) How can anyone know the manipulation of the public particularly, what goes into the mouth of the body, (food, drink, drugs) and not talk, warn, coach, about such. After all, basically, your health is all you have. It makes no difference how much money, power, you have. Without health you have nothing, just heading for the trash heap of body debris. In the morgue, all dead bodies look the same...cold, ugly, lifeless. No matter how hard the cosmetologist might try, no matter how beautiful this casket-flowers, you can not make death beautiful. Whether the Queen of England, Queen of the Netherlands, Melinda Gates, Oprah Winfrey(the world's richest women), death, too late for health concerns, disease prevention. God tells us to love your neighbor as yourself. Your greatest act of neighbor-ness, warnings-education, about what goes into your body, the true temple of God.
Manufacturers are interested in sales. Senomyx is an American biotechnology company working toward developing additives to amplify certain flavors and smells in foods. The taste trap senomyx extends even toward desires of certain foods in certain races. (This company uses unborn fetal cells to experiment on what taste people most desire, PepsiCo, Kraft, Nestle.) Most shoppers, looking at ingredients, can not even pronounce the words. Chemicals, synthetics, although not disseminated, of little or no nutritional value, addictive to taste and cravings. I am convinced that some chemicals in food, inducive to the sugars-alcohols, gateway to alcoholic beverages-alcoholism.
Your government obviously does not care, the many tax funding agencies who should care. They are too busy with their cocktail parties-buffets, extended by the lobbyist of the manufacturers. Microscopic particulates of aluminum and barium....accumulative in plants, animals which you may eat, the air which you breathe from chem trials. Just look up and see them, supposedly, radar enhancing, remember for all the toxins you take into your body, that much more to detoxify in order to live.
Early Americans, working in the soil, working in the sweat rooms of industry, not in and out of baths or showers, "stinking grime," detoxified themselves. There is nothing as therapeutic as dirt on the skin but try telling that to sophisticated, powdered and perfumed church people, educators, sterile doctors and lawyers. Try telling the modern farmer riding in an air conditioned cab on his tractor, about the evils of G.M.O's-S.M.G's, chemical grass killers.
Unless totally tainted by government grants, as is the scientific community, the chemist-physicist, knows that chemicals leach from plastic. This writer well remembers the first plastic. In my lifetime, I have seen plastic and such chemical products, take over the world. (Containers, clothing, cars, capitularies and catheters) When will we teach children that chemicals leach from plastic-synthetics disastrous to the body? A person drinks bottled water looking for health, has it ever occurred how long the water has been on the shelf, or our meat wrapped in plastic, or everything used at a fast food restaurant? I have advised people not to spend tremendous amounts for decomposing metal and wood caskets and vaults. Rather, use plastic. The bona fides of truth involving health and nutrition, as non disposable, non degrading, non reprehensible as plastic, synthetics.
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