I was visiting a large hospital in Israel near Jerusalem. I noticed that one of the windows was a memorial to a famous North Carolinian, Miss Gertrude Weil. The hospital manager said, "Yes, Miss Weil gave us much money." I remembered her, the Weil family, one of North Carolina's most prestigious Jewish families. The Weil lectures at Chapel Hill. Their other philanthropy in many places. I have never understood the attitude of Jewish giving. We know that under Jewish law, the tithe was required (Malachi 3:10). The Levite tribe was not given land. The other tribes gave tithes to support the Levites. The new testament teaches that we prove the spirit within us by our giving (2 Cor 9:7). God inhabits his people. The nature of God is to give. The tithe is the Lord's whether we give it or not. You can not out-give God. The social-religioness, would take back the widow's mite, she gave too much, it was not fair.
I was in the large Weil department store in Goldsboro, NC, one of the countries largest, most beautiful stores, talking with a Weil family member, a manager. A black woman entered the store with her child. She said, "We must use the bathroom." Mr. Weil said, "We do not have a bathroom"...with me standing right there by him, my knowing his lie.
Months later, I saw the same black woman in a grocery store. I walked up to her and introduced myself, told her about the incident-my embarrassment and empathy at the encounter. She said, "Can you even imagine what that did to my dignity as a person? What that did to the dignity of my child? Seeing his mother so treated." I well remembered how, as a young person, I had seen my own parents ill treated in businesses simply because they were country people. (My mother was asked to leave one store because she was making sketches of a dress on a manikin which she would make the pattern herself and sew at home.) The Weil family, like other wealthy Jewish families, so liberal-democrat in their politics, all had summer vacation homes on a white beach where black people were not allowed to go in the water. (Wrightsville Beach, NC)
MAN CAN NOT FIX THINGS AS FAST AS GOD CAN TEAR THEM DOWN if he decides to do so, HE IS BOSS. Who do we think we are? In his hands are the forces of nature: earth quakes, tornados, hurricanes, droughts, floods. Every person is made in his image. The triune God. "And God said, Let us make man in our image..." (Genesis 1:26). Jesus was there with the father. "Hath in these last days spoken unto us by [his] Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds" (Hebrews 1:2). AND, Jesus said, "By this shall all [men] know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another" (John 13:35.) AND, Jesus' greatest commandment, "the second [is] like, [namely] this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these" (Mark 21:36). AND, every promise to the church stands as long as the earth stands.
Someone, expressing interest in the next election said, "Two choices, a lost man with no morals, Obama, or a lost man with morals, Romney." Speaking of a Muslim and Mormon, Obama proven that he has no morals, Romney a very moral man.
God hates infidelity, injustice...the infidelity of political corruption, the killing of the most innocent (53 million babies in the American abortion holocaust). The killing of people around the world, whether by drones dropping bombs, or Chinese strangling their own babies in their "one child" policy. God hates the infidelity of addictive behavior, whether drugs or excessive eating (rare for a cardiologist to treat a vegetarian).
God hates the infidelity of immoral practices, pornography (14 billion dollars spent each year in the pornography business, more money than is given to all churches). The infidelity of same sex marriage. Marriage, a sacred-solemn union instituted by God shown by the marriage of Christ to his bride, the church.
God is embarrassed by the infidelity of our degrading ourselves, one toward another. There is no greater shame than the degrading acts of pedophilia and euthanasia (illegal abuse toward the innocence of children), the ill treatment of the disabled and particularly disabled veterans.
In the supernatural act of salvation, the spirit of God inhabiting the born again-new creation (2 Cor 5:17). His body, God's temple, is no longer his own for the Christian has been bought with a great price (1 Cor 6:20). AND, as the Apostle Peter tells us, if Christian, act like it. This is the only way the Christian can survive in a world of infidelity, satanic powers of the air, all around us (Eph 6). We must have the knowledge that "greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world" (1 John 4:4).
God hates all sin. Particularly the deadly sins of pride, anger, lust, laziness, greed, gluttony, envy. Through the atonement- resurrection of Jesus, my rotten sins were forgiven. Do those who make their fellow citizens lives so miserable through political practices, the robbery through excessive taxation-entitlements, realize the destruction brought on man kind. As this world traveler moved around the world, I was surprised by Americans living on foreign soil. After paying taxes, beaten almost to death by regulations, Americans now must flee the infidelity of their own country so that they can live their sunset years in places such as Argentina, Chile, Thailand. Every great world power went into eclipse (Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Persian, United Kingdom, Dutch, Portuguese, French). America, through infidelity, like the others, is heading for the junk yard of history.
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