Richie Havens, famed guitarist of the 70's is best know for his song, "Here comes the sun." In this parade of knowledge, here comes the vanguard of truth. Vanguards, banners, have always marked certain groups. It is astounding that God's word, so accurately counted, the vanguards of soldiers-citizens in each of the Jewish tribes, marked by tribal guidons, even in the wilderness. Each tribe, much like today's military units, had its distinctive-individual guidon, easily identified when taken into battle. The standard was transposed into a patch-may not have been worn by the Israelites but unit guidon patches are worn by today's military. This writer has traveled the world. There is not a place in the world that does not use street signs. Everyone knows the markers of ownership...the most basic hypothesis of Western Civilization, private ownership.
The Roman empire extended from the British isles to Greece..you find Roman ruins-roads-walls across Europe. Geoffrey Chaucer, said, "All roads lead to Rome." But, we know what happened to the Roman Empire. (opulence, decadence, profane, military control)
Today, all roads lead to Washington, D.C where that same decadence, military violence around the world, ambition for a new world order, triangulating in a future disaster. Rome's many military and commercial vulgarities, resulted in total economic inhalation. Today, Rome is known only for the Vatican. Every nation empire, aiming for total control, making populations welfare dependant, anti-Christian, will wind up as did the other fallen international vanguards. (Persian, Greek, Roman, British, Dutch, Portuguese) Just "narratives" in history books. The human psyche-the man's truth and truth is the first loss in all dictatorships and tyrannies. Our blessed Lord, himself, said, "You will know the truth and the truth will set you free" (John 8:32). The vanguard, guidon, standard, sign post of life, truth.
Amateur thieves have stolen much from me, employees in my businesses and house. I do believe that many house keepers, first day of employment, looked over everything to decide what they wanted. My experience at the court house has been with thieves, people finding it so easy to steal from a blind man. (check writing, credit card usage, etc.) But, this thievery is nothing, I can excuse that. It is the thievery of politicians, bureaucrats, even greedy business people. I have found from experience and observation that the greatest greed takes place among families. This is almost as bad as the greed-thievery, that takes place at the school house where children are cheated from learning, the church house, where it is so easy for ushers to rack off a few big bills, or the preacher to live "high on the hog" from God's money or standing right in front of his congregants, compromise with truth.
There is a massive effort toward mind control by everyone in power, the greatest theft in the world. People in power can buy their own propaganda, white wash their sins. In my lifetime, the secular humanist, their purveyors of political correctness, the procreators of state controlled secular media, have robbed American's in particular, from the last vanguard, visage, celebrating truth. I can think of nothing worse than psychotropic drugs...now given even to school children, manipulating military forces. Big Pharma-big medicine prescribed or street sales, drugs warping the minds of people. It is all a matter of control..deceit.
God wanted me to totally travel the world He had created, designed. From every continent, every country I have studied, one truth is definite. "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high [places]" (Eph 6:12). The world has chosen prison, slavery, in many places we even vote for it. There are two type prisons, large inward-fenced, shut in prisons and the much larger prison, outside the walls of the inward prison. Those in the outward prison labor to support both themselves and those within the walled prison. Those within the walled prison, live much better than those outside the walls who struggle for survival.
A female deputy sheriff worked for me for a few days, part-time. Her full-time work was at the local prison. She saw how frugally I live, a totally blind, 100% disabled, service connected, medical officer veteran. She said, "Dr. those behind the walls at that large prison, live much better than you."
Every city, every law enforcement office, now has a helicopter. In my town, I hear the helicopter flying over the city night after night, watching, waiting, making sure the prisoners are behaving.
Remember, the word "refuge" means security in a high place. The Christians banner, vanguard, guidon, standard post, tells us, and assures us that you can believe anything and everything you want to but the truth is the truth whether anyone believes it or not. The truth of the great "I am" will see us through. Our lost family members, friends, consider us narrow minded. Narrow is the way that leads to life eternally. (Matthew 7:14).
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