Cooks and Crooks
Every four years, our lives splotched by two weeks during the fall season, the pageantry of politics, the world's silliest drama, proving again, WE LOVE THINGS-USE PEOPLE. In the beautiful city of Tampa, Florida is the republican convention. Next week, in the up and coming city of Charlotte, North Carolina, the democrat convention.
The world is heading for an impending disaster. How could anyone with two purkinge cells, still snapping in their brain, think otherwise? In the post collapsed world, things will be worse. In my lifetime, the seriousness of life and living just flitted away, like so much dust.
We were taught that "honesty is the best policy," study, work hard, "the world is your oyster." Now, those who did study, did want to work hard-succeed, cooks in hamburger joints or selling illegal drugs as crooks on the street. (38% of all fast food employees have college degrees).
In his pastoral council, that great embezzler- hedge fund investor, Bernie Madoff said, "The game is fixed." From poling numbers to test the popularity of certain words, ideas, people, you have carefully crafted speeches designed to accomplish their purpose. The tax payer, producing citizen, not the welfare dependant, entitlement parasite, last in line for anything, furnishes the exorbitant funds. Not only for their high living pageantry but even the fleet of planes which keeps the money raising President, when not playing golf, on money raising trips. Obama spent $750 million four years ago to get elected and will spend over 1 billion attempting to get re-elected. Mr. Romney spent $110 million to win the Republican primary. Reality is, voters in the hinterlands affect politics very little. It is the professional political manipulators, those who deal with the numbers, putting a veneer on everything, the Carl Rogue's, David Axelrod's, those without any conscience except the conciseness of their own greed who determine the outcome and, they know well ahead of time what the outcome will be.
We live in a world of psychopaths, sociopaths. People, mostly men, whose lives and lifestyles, now and in the future, depends on their manipulation of the public. There was a time when we thought that the used car salesmen, ambulance chasing lawyer, etc. would do most anything for the almighty dollar. The world is intrigued by criminality. From the action figure comic books (Superman, Batman, Spiderman, Ironman, etc.) to the serial killers, military killers. Like Barabbas, whom the people chose and put Jesus on his cross, people, especially the electric, are captivated by thievery and criminals. They love people who are smart enough to get by with something. The seven deadly sins, pride, anger, laziness, lust, greed, gluttony, and envy, mean nothing to them...just laugh at those who believe in God and sin. Many politicians and bureaucrats actually put on a charade of church membership. As those attending the conventions actually watch such on television, grovel at the prepared speeches, every word poll tested, expensive advisors for everything, sucking you into the cauldron of deceit. When will we learn that we are just pawns-puppets, manipulated by political correctness-the gay agenda-the secular humanist manifesto.
Watch, wait and relate, the Democrats always head for the bottom. The conservatives/constitutionalists, always aim high. Republicans are covered with warts but not the internal depravity-decadence involving the promotion of baby killing, same sex marriage, greed and increasing debt which can never be repaid.
There was only one honest politician in the last election cycle, the congressman from Texas, Ron Paul. Compare the integrity of this man to the street organizer, now in the White House.
This totally blind, 100% disabled, service connected, medical officer veteran will always vote for a republican unless the republican party shames me. I will not shame my blessed Lord by voting for any political party with the objective of destroying my country. Most Americans are on psychotropic drugs of some sort (47% on anti- depressants). Many of us know blessed truth of faith, the spirit of God. We do what we do because we believe what we believe. We believe that God will have his way with this nation, this world.
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