Oxytocin, a hormone, has a role in social behavior in all mammalian species, especially human beings. Both males and females exhibit this behavior in sexual contact, touching, hugging, and orgasm. The female shows a release of this hormone when giving birth-distention of the cervix and nipples. This hormone explains many characteristics of human nature, both physical and spiritual. Life is found in plants and animals, flora and phona (cell division-growth).
We are pretty sure that plants do not have a soul, no connection with oxytocin. Biologists still debate about the souls of the lower animals. There are many mysteries in animal behavioral studies. I have known homo-sapiens who seem to relate to their animals better than to people and pets so totally devoted their masters. Many believe that pets have a soul but not the holy spirit of God residing in the animal's soul. Your dog, cat, or horse can not experience spiritual redemption, salvation.
God instilled in man, whom He created from the dust of the earth, a soul, which really is your personhood without masks, weight, not identifiable in your body. Other parts of your body, your liver, lungs, heart, most non-neurological tissues, will regenerate and can be transplanted.
It was a long time ago, I was just six years old and to this day, the largest funeral I have ever attended, my beloved grandmother. I still remember what one of the preachers said, "The body of Ms. Martha Morris, lies here in the casket but it is just her worn out body, she has gone on to Heaven." In my lifetime, everything else has changed but my early "learning" about the welfare of a soul is as true now as ever. The time will come when the soul will be reunited with the dead body. Perhaps it is this hormone, on a human biological level, which causes the affection between parents, children, even friends. It is hard to understand why a young women, her own personal DNA-rearing, will suddenly have such a deep affection for a personhood of the opposite sex, particularly after a sexual dalliance. So many young women have told me, "He broke my heart, I thought he cared for me so much, I gave him my every thought, even my body, just to have him treat me like garbage....having gotten what he wanted (sexual conquest). Then, I was no longer special, he could treat me very casually if acknowledging me at all." This is just one reason why girls should be so careful about giving themselves away so easily. This writer, having traveled the world, seeing family life in many nations-cultures, is more convinced than ever of the SANITY of arranged marriages. This hormone probably predicts with greater certainty than anything else- how and why some marriages are so permanent. As Maimy Pedigo told me about her husband who had returned from the war, such a different man (having seen Paris, France), he thought he had returned to a depleted wife, spoke about divorce. She said to him, "You can leave any way you wish, door, window, chimney, casket, but I'm not going anywhere. I married you to live with you until one of us dies." Some do not understand how and why a mother will spend every moment taking care of her physically or mentally sick child-often for many years, or how and why a husband or wife will care for an ill companion for many years, such as is the case with Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and other totally debilitating diseases. Even after established in a responsible nursing home, the companion will go every day, knowing full well before going that the person will often not even recognize him or her. Often, all family income, even family fortunes, are spent giving end of life care. More money is spent by social security on the fastest growing segment of the population, those 85 and older, than all others combined. Oxytocin bonding extends through every social and economic level. This writer traveled the country of India many times-the most poverty stricken nation of the world. I asked several guides, "Why do they have so many children?' He said, "You will note that the parents bond with all of their children. This is their social security system. They just hope that one will take care of them in their old age, or unfortunate circumstances."
There is a human nature quality, and it is a quality, evident in both the Christian and non Christian, believers and non believers, you find it even in the nightclub-bar hopping crowd: attractions. Early, school children are attracted to their "friends." There is an indescribable-undefined attraction which human beings have to one another...I could see this attraction between my own blessed mother and her friends, a sparkle in their eyes when together. To a baby, nothing more soothing than the voice of a mother or father. Perhaps, this is why. The worst sickness in the world is homesickness, no matter how humble. You see this even between some couples. I have been told that you can find, very easily, if a married couple are still in love. When a group of men return from an outing, meeting their wives (a group of women), the first eyes, a still in love couple fixate on, is one another. Male or female, not interested in any other male or female, at that time.
Never think for one minute that God does not know what he is doing, that he knew what he was doing from the very beginning. Adam must have thought that Eve was the greatest gift God could have given him. She had no trouble tempting him with fruit, Eve did not have a chance against the serpent. Man is the crown and glory of God's creation. Birds have much better eyes, dogs-much better smell, cats-much better musculature, horses and cows-much better digestive system. Man's crown and glory is his nervous system, closely connected to the pituitary and adrenal glands. Both are closely connected to the hormone oxytocin.
"I will praise thee; for I am fearfully [and] wonderfully made: marvellous [are] thy works; and [that] my soul knoweth right well" (Psalm 139:14).
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