In Greek mythology, Sisyphus was a King whose crimes included deceit and treason, sentenced and punished to spend his life pushing a large boulder up a mountain, only to have it fall back down again. Today's world, power brokers, Kings, prime ministers, presidents, in a "stupor" of fairness and political correctness are allowed to just "move on," write books and make large gratuities from speeches. Near the end of God's book, these people are referred to as living deliciously (Rev 18:9), the best the world has to offer, lifestyles, excesses which would make even King Solomon envious. Jesus and his disciples own nothing. Judas was the only one who ever talked about money and who left the last supper early. There is nothing in God's book to lead us to think that Judas was saved. Even Dr. Albert Einstein, perhaps the worlds greatest mind, said to a German newspaper, "This Jew will stand with his fellow Jewish kinsman, Jesus Christ." The rich who have grabbed for power, prestige, profit, have never realized that they enter the world with empty hands and will leave the same way. The rich-wealthy-prestigious might leave fortunes to their children but their children, unless complete mental cripples, must know how their wealth was obtained. "Wealth [gotten] by vanity shall be diminished: but he that gathereth by labour shall increase" (Proverbs 13:12). I have never known a politician who returned from his government service, poorer than when he left. We all understand why millions are spent to get elected. Perhaps the greatest examples, recent Presidents, Lyndon Johnson and Bill Clinton both went to the Presidency poor but left rich. Clinton said, "When I went to Washington I did not have 10 cents, but left a millionaire." Lyndon Johnson went to Washington poor and in debt but left Washington after his Presidency, worth 98 million dollars.
When you go on the golf course, you have a 1/12,000 chance of making hole in one. Looking over the universe, you have a 1/81,000 chance of matching two atoms, a 1/62,000 chance of becoming ill from a supplement, 1/136,000 chance of showing that every promise and every prophecy in God's word would work out to be exactly correct. Even the 700 years between the Old Testament and New Testament, every prophecy exactly correct. Why then would you take a chance? Mock almighty God? "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap" (Galations 6:7). And, "For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows" (1 Timothy 6:10).
Look across the ocean to Europe, financial-economic trauma, and what has happened to the churches. Always, without fail, the more Christianity is reduced to religiosity, the worse off the world.
It takes 51 million voters to elect a President in America. There are enough Catholics-Baptists (two largest denominations) to elect a President. Why do we have a President who is pro-choice (pro-the killing of babies), pro-homosexual (promoting same sex marriage), pro-destruction of our military forces (infiltration by homosexuals), pro-communism (socializing of everything), pro-government controls, regulations (travel, taxation), a man who has never known real work, a real job, just intent on the destruction of the middle class.
If, there were 20 crashes each day of a 747 airliner, about 3,000 deaths, there would be mayhem throughout the nation. Yet, 3,000 of the most innocent lives are taken each day in the holocaust of abortion. If, the average working man were to take as much time off playing golf, vacationing, as does this President and his family, there would be no one to pay the taxes required to pay the interest on the national debt. If, the average church-God had to depend on such "Christians" as Obama and his family, Reverend Jeremiah Wright and other Obama supporters, the anti-Christ movement-media promoted, would be complete. But, they are all living deliciously, evidently thinking that God is blind.
There is so little joy in the world. Even in the world's richest country, most just trying to survive.
Give us back the days of the family farm, the family business, integrity at the White House, state house, court house, school house. On the family farm we were diligent, honest, worked hard, and glad to pay our own way. We got up early and worked late. Sweat was not sauna event. Food had not been molested by GMO's or MSG's. I so well remember the first time that my father sold his tobacco for 50 cents a pound...we celebrated new babies as a family, knew the thrill of new clothes, we knew the thrill of electric power lines going into the community, could hardly wait to turn on that bulb hanging down from the ceiling. It took God 40 years to humble his chosen slaves from Egypt, saved only Lott and his two daughters from the destruction of Sodom. God is not surprised by sin-political, social, financial.
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