Birds of a Feather
This writer is totally different from most people, I realize that. When one is a born again Christian, the holy spirit of God, controls your life, your thinking. Something has gnawed at my very insides for several years, ever since I first studied the imposter in the White House, Barack Obama.
I was one of the first outsiders to visit the Central African Republic, after Bokassa, having severely embarrassed the French- the world. The French army took over, Bokassa escaped to Ivory Coast. My guide in Central African Republic and others would not let me out of their sight. The nation was so afraid that one of the first tourists would get kidnapped. Of course, like the rest of the world, I had heard of the "bizarre Bokassa." But, you hear of many things. We human beings have a tendency to think that things are not as bad as they really are-not really true (Cognitive distortion). In Bangui, the capitol, my guide impressed me with the chaos of the country..and then, one of the first outsiders to actually see the home of Bokassa.
Bokassa began his rule in Central African Republic in 1966, total tyrant. In a few years he had declared himself emperor of the country. In Bangui, Roman columns were erected along the streets. In his horse drawn chariot and emperors costume, he would race up and down the streets. His solid gold throne, took 1/3 of the nations wealth. When he had massacred 100 school children, in which he himself had participated, beating some to death with his cane, simply because they would not wear costumes bearing his picture, the world finally had enough of this man and his messianic complex.
This writer was the first outsider to visit the home of Bokassa just outside the city of Bangui, back then, around 1981-2. (I would have to check my passport to get the exact dates. It's hard for a blind man to find anything after 30 years.) Fencing enclosed the large estate, weeds had taken over. But, around the house, a moat, filled with water and crocodiles. He fed his enemies to the crocodiles. There was a large refrigeration room where other enemies were hanged like meat in a slaughter house, the hooks were still there. It is said that he ate human flesh. My guide told me he was there one time when there were no prisoners to feed to the crocodiles. Instead, he would throw chickens into the moat and my guide said he had never seen so many feathers as the crocodiles enjoyed the not-so Kentucky chicken.
Syria is known for torture, in another article I have talked about the torture in Idi Amin's, Uganda. Look at the picture of Obama and Bokassa, do you see a resemblance? A messianic type existence? In these African countries, black dictators with messianic ambitions, most do much killing to gain power. In the "land of the free, home of the brave," 1/2 the population has voted for such dictatorship-leadership. They may not look alike to you, act alike to you, but we know now that Americans will fall for anything and as Gertrude Stein said, "A rose, is a rose, is a rose."
Before I was sightless, as an eye doctor, always interested in the eyes of people...particularly crushed wives, old people in homes of children where they were not wanted. I remember my Aunt Lizzy, Dorothy Dicks hospital, where she was placed by her family so they could get their greedy hands on her land. (Eyes of despair.)
America is just awakening to the eyes of discouragement-abandonment, from organized-purposed, Obama and his ilk. The people of Central African Republic, Uganda and other countries were glazed over with desperation....no longer having the brightness of expectation-excitement. Why do we allow mere men with messianic ambitions to so disavow populations?
Are you free? Only Jesus Christ gives you liberty. I do not remember a church-Christian in the Central African Republic.
In the addictive behavior of 21st century modernistic American's, a nation that has come so far, to sink so low, there is confusion about God, confusion about the Bible, confusion about science, confusion about religion and violence. Few Americans are troubled about theater or mosque massacres, deaths from drones. Everyone wants to be popular, have everyone like us, some even turn a blind eye to evil in government, so afraid to criticize.
On Mother Theresa's orphanage in, Calcutta, India are the following words, "People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered. Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Be kind anyway. If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies. Succeed anyway. If you are honest and sincere people may deceive you. Be honest and sincere anyway. What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight. Create anyway. If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous. Be happy anyway. The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do good anyway. Give the best you have, and it will never be enough. Give your best anyway. In the final analysis, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway."
Study, criticize, work, vote, once your country is taken over by leftist-fanatics, it may be too late to get it back. People who have a messianic complex, thinking that they have omnipotent rights to your life, the lives of the unborn and elderly, can live like Kings on your tax dollar. Zoologists know that different birds have different type feathers to accomplish a certain type of flying purpose. Have enough intelligence to recognize messianic dictators.
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