The entire world, this time, as every time, thrilled by the London Olympics. The first record of the Olympics, held in Greece, 776 B.C. The one event, was won by Coroebus, running naked. The run was 192 meters, making him the first Olympic winner in history. The Olympics continued every four years for 1200 years, naked people performing, but by 393 BE, so much decadence-pagan influences, the Roman emperor Theodosius I, a Christian, abolished the Games.
Of importance is the DEDICATION of the athlete, routine, time involved, discipline of every type (eating-resting-life habits). One does not become an Olympian by a lackadaisical attitude. There must be a competitive spirit, a sense of desire to be the best. Show me your habits, and I will show you your dedication in any area of endeavor.
Just as there can be dedication to rightness, there can be dedication to wrongness. Our lives are now shattered by the threat of terrorism. We know about the young Islam terrorists who are "brain washed," drugged, and sent to do their dirty deed. They have no hesitation about the consequences of their act. Certainly, a religion that has such a shallow doctrine that a mother can believe that if she names her male child Mohammed, he will go to Heaven, shallow enough to kill and be killed. For instance, Abjula Ahmed Ali and his wife, willing to kill themselves and their child, using the child's milk bottle containing the explosive (http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/liquid-bomb-plot-trial-terrorist-418706). We have reason to believe the recent actions of home grown terrorists (Hassan, Ft Hood- James Holmes, Colorado-Yates, Wisconsin). While that might be false flag actions, actions precipitated by government to bring on greater gun control, frightening the public into greater government controls over lives. It is significant that we have sewn to the wind and reaped a whirlwind (Hosea 8:7), secular humanist society. Who, tainted by the killings of the unborn, video killing of the innocent have escaped the Western Christian principles, "are we our brother's keeper (Genesis 4:9)?"
Thank God we still have heroes of the faith. Even those who know little about faith, willing to risk their own life to save the lives of others, this is real dedication (law enforcement, fire fighters, life guards, military, etc.)
This writer still CRINGES, some pulpits, T.V evangelists, profiteering in the name of Jesus. The epitome of all dedication, Jesus Christ's atonement on the cross, the sin barer of the wrath of God, for the sin and sicknesses of the entire world. The problem, the greatest problem of the Christian world, learning that you can not love God, rejoice in his atonement and continue sinning. From Mount Horeb, Moses leading the children of Israel, God providing a cloud of fire by night, the people complaining, tired of manna, tired of Moses. God sent fiery serpents and scorpions, many died. They repented and Moses put a brass serpent on a pole and all they had to do was look at the serpent for healing. (Theologically, the future lifting of Christ on a tree, the medical conduce on every medical officers coat, symbol of healing.) (Deuteronomy 8). Moses, proved his dedication to his people over and over. The doctor, every person involved in health care, long hours of study, proved their dedication to the art and science of health care.
The pace setters-heroes of the faith, the Judeo-Christian world (Hebrews 11). Martyrs of the faith. Most of us would not mind martyrdom if it could be over real quick. For most heroes of the faith, their dedication was proven over a long period of time, Paul, first missionary, jails-beatings-stoning. The earliest missionaries to Africa, often did not live but a few weeks, malaria and other diseases. This writer stood at Goma, Congo, head of the 2,000 mile long Congo River on the banks of which George Grenfell buried his wife and children, first missionary to evangelize the Congo. At his funeral about 100 years ago, a choir of 10,000 Africans sang, "All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name."
There are those blessed with exciting genes, remarkable talent, noble ancestry, they are that far ahead of the rest of us. For most, success depends on hard work-dedication. The more you sweat, the more you prosper-accomplish. The mother-grandmother, challenges of child rearing, given by God a remarkable ability to see their dedication down the road. Think of the dedication of a parent with a retarded child, one who is deaf-blind-crippled. There is bound to be a resounding anthem in Heaven, welcoming those who dedicated their lives to those whom God chose as special...particularly the special ones killed before birth (abortion). Lines of behavior are blurred by indifference, unconcern, lack of shame. The secular humanist, devotees to the false religions of communism, Buddhism, will never know the supernatural joy of forgiveness. Down the rocky road of drought, floods, despair and discouragement, they never know the enlightenment from the power of prayer. In a time when Mr. Obama and his ilk are intent on making everyone welfare dependant, the dedicated Christian world should empower all who will listen with the proposition that when you have technology you have what technology can do, buildings you have what buildings can do, military you have what military can do, etc. But when you have prayer, you have what an omnipotent sovereign God can do. The world needs Christians dedicated to the power of prayer.
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