Happy Ending
Most children's books and their stories always ended with the words "and they lived happily ever after." We want happy endings, books, movies, T.V documentaries, narratives from the hospital and doctors office. Everything does not have a happy ending. There will always be fires, floods, tornados, that destroy family homes. 1/3 of the American public will die from cancer. In fact, this writer believes that everyone has cancer, it is just a matter of the immune system and, we know what cancer does to the body, and to ones finances. Some marriages do not last long enough for the couple to even use their wedding gifts.
I was acquainted with the family of a very fine young man, graduating high school. I did not attend their church but know that the family and this young man were very active in their church, a non denominational assembly. There was occasion for me to see he and his mother and she mentioned his upcoming high school graduation. I said to him, "What are you going to do with your life? Where are you going to college?" He said, "There is only one thing worthy of my life. The only thing in which I am interested, I will attend Bible college. Either the ministry or whatever God wants." And, so, he was in Bible college when he had an automobile wreck which killed him instantly. In such an unhappy ending, we question, but must rely on the fact that God knows best.
To the monotheistic Jew, the name Jehovah was the greatest word one could pronounce. Like Satan, so jealous of God in Heaven, rulers such as Caesar wanted to be called Lord. The early, New Testament church established the preeminence of Jesus. "That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of [things] in heaven, and [things] in earth, and [things] under the earth; And [that] every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ [is] Lord" (Philippians 2:9-11). Even 700 years before the New Testament, the silent years, before Jesus put on a tent of flesh, born, dwelled among us, the profit Isaiah had said, "I have sworn by myself, the word is gone out of my mouth [in] righteousness, and shall not return, That unto me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear" (Isaiah 45:23).
Sleep walking Christians, a lackadaisical church, bends with the secular humanist and listening to the satanic powers of the air (Eph 6:12). In ignorance about the purpose (Romans 8:28) and perfect plan of God. Every life, no matter the skin color, genome, is precious to God. Not just the Nazi's or Margaret Sanger or planned parenthood attempting to "thin out" human kind, personhood, but to this very day, international qualifiers challenge the wisdom of God. In 1950, John D. Rockefeller and John Foster Dulles, champions of eugenics, just as today's Bill Gates, traveled the world's third world countries, making attempts in population control in non white nations. (http://www.newswithviews.com/Cuddy/dennis84.htm)
Rockefeller was a Baptist, Dulles an Episcopalian...just words. Like many denominations, (Lutheran, Episcopalian, Presbyterian) gave preachers, bishops, bringing into God's circle of belief such abominations as same sex marriage, the homosexual agenda. The time has come, long past due, for separation. The real believers, real Christians in these denominations, should come out and separate themselves. “Come out from them and be separate, says the Lord. Touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you.” (2 Cor 6:17).
No one need tell you that it is "fashionable" in 21st century America to have large mega churches, drums and drama, bells and smells, where nightclub type music, party type clothing, are the join card to fill up space. Little wanted, little expected, little found, little gained..."party time for Jesus, all you need is love." In a world where souls are on their way to Hell, everyone believing that you can believe what you wish with a happy ending, laughing and clapping, God's message of sins ruin and Christ redemption, the crucified and risen savor, hardly known, few believe.
One young man worked for me, four small children in his home, having been around me, other employees, etc. he told his wife one Sunday morning that they should take their children to church. There was one of these large mega playtime churches nearby. They knew nothing about the church, its congregation, etc. He said, "We enjoyed the music, drums, guitars", but, later, they were drinking something from small cups and eating small pieces of bread. He question to me, "What were they doing?" Can one even imagine-comprehend that in any congregation, large, small, etc, a minister would not explain the sacrament-ordinance of the communion service...the Lord's supper, its significance, purpose? This writer believes that the Lord's supper is reserved for believers. But, when there are visitors, when there are unbelievers in a service, like at the time of a funeral, no better time to teach-preach-introduce the message of Christianity. There can be a happy ending to this life and one would think that every living-breathing individual, unless their heart for some reason, has been hardened unless the soil was '"stony ground" (parable of the sewer- Mark 4) only the most callous-sightless would not care for some knowledge of Christian faith. "For we walk by faith, not by sight" (2 Cor 5:7). You may never reach some, that is God's business, but the gospel, good news, message is the only "happy ending" the concerned church office. The greatest ideals of a Christian culture are gratitude for our redemption, generosity in sharing with others.
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