Take A Pill and Go To Bed
Nineteen year old Joan of Arc, leading a revolution against evil, was burned at the stake May 30th, 1431. Her last words, "I was born for a time like this."
At about the same time, 1450, the Catholic monk, Thomas a Kempis wrote his great book, "Imitation of Christ." Many wonderful words from this marvelous book. Best remembered, of himself, "I am what I am, before God, no more no less." This writer often feels that he was born for this time in world history. I am convinced that God wanted me to experience his entire world, though blind, traveling every continent, passport stamped in 157 countries, hearing the sounds and smells of his creation so I could describe what is going on.
No one could ever have convinced me that things could have changed as they have in my lifetime...such political decadence, the scientific community interested only in money. Education, all levels, elementary to university, entertainment not enlightenment, itching ears for a gospel of satisfaction in the church house, a world on the way to Hell with people telling the preacher that they enjoyed his sermon.
In America, separated by red and blue, if it were so simple to take a red pill, go to bed and all well be conservatism with its responsibilities. Take a blue pill, go to bed and all will be well with progressivism and its communist answers.
Red or blue, when did people actually lose the last modicum of their intelligence? Cameras everywhere, but none working at the scene of disaster such as the theatre of Aurora, Colorado. EMS expenses everywhere but no ambulances for the theater disaster...patients hulled to the nearby hospital in police cars. Like my town, inmate in jail, minor infraction, killed by the jailer, camera not working.
Like the Marrow building in Oklahoma City, the shootings and killings in Phoenix, Arizona, why use the killers picture from Arizona for the killer in Colorado? Why spread the word that the Colorado killer was concerned about killing police in his booby trapped apartment? He evidently was not concerned about killing the innocent in the theater. Then, consider, the felled buildings in lower Manhattan particularly building 7, which fell at 5:21pm while the others fell in the morning, nothing hitting it. These disasters do not make any sense. About the time we ask questions about Colorado, the mosque killing in Wisconsin, another one that makes no sense, cameras not working, eye witness testimony, when will someone ask the questions about warfare in the Middle East, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria, Libya, etc? Never before in the history of man has there been such hellish wars, inhalation of bodies right in front of soldier buddies. Then we wonder why so many of our military commit suicide while their unconcerned family and friends at home, or away from the military scene, just react in a cognitive distortion (It will all go away, things are not as bad as they seem).
Perhaps at other times in world history things have been profane. David had been anointed King of Israel but he and his men were evading King Saul. Perhaps because of political turmoil with Achish of the Philistines. Not wishing a longer association with David. David and his men of valor where asked them to leave and return to Ziklag, the town of their wives and children. Walking, a hard three day journey, tired-hungry, approaching the city, they found that it had been burned to the ground, their wives and children enslaved. "Then David and the people that [were] with him lifted up their voice and wept, until they had no more power to weep" (1 Samuel 30:4). This writer, in China, was told that after the Rape of Nanking (1937) by the Japanese, 300,00 out of 600,000 killed, the survivors wept until there were no more tears.
We wish it were as simple as red and blue, a pill or even penalties for treason. So many Americans refusing to identify the obvious, no time in preparation or separation, will question, why and how did we let this happen?
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