Gestaltism in Retrospect
This writer was in college when psychology projected itself as a profession. I was in an auditorium, trying to decide what this "study of mind" (psychology) was all about. The PhD who wrote the initial psychology text by the name of Dashiell (Fundamentals of General Psychology) was attempting to show a film with a projector and screen. This was long before the time of television and DVD. The projector was fighting the film and poor Dr. Dashiell started beating-whipping the projector. I said to Dr. Phillips, who, too, was watching the scene, "This does not speak well for psychology."
In Gestalt psychology, you find that the brain has self organizing tendencies. I want to organize your brain power in considering what America would be like, four years from now, IF Obama were to win the next election. Joseph Kennedy, father of President John F. Kennedy, said there were three rules to winning an election. The first rule, money. The second rule, money. The third rule, more money. I believe the three rules: money, message, media. We know that Obama controls the money and that Obama controls all secular media...the alphabet corporations, ABC, NBC, CBS, etc. There are those who buy his message, people of color do not question anything, academic liberals despise everything for which America stands. The entitlement crowd (unions, welfare dependant, etc.) just want to eek out of the treasury everything that they can while the getting is good. Mr. Lee Greenwood would have you believe, "I'm proud to be an American because at least I know I'm free." He may belong to that small group of entertainers, elitists, welfare dependant recipients, well fixed by the totalitarian system but the rest of us are not free. The middle class has disappeared-the small businessman, the small farmer. Emma Lazarus' group, "Yearning to breathe free," on the statue of liberty, no longer free. Evaluating another four years of Obama with the last three years of Obama, will show you a total disappearance of the American, democratic-republic, way of life.
God's book, The Bible, is the only place where you can find freedom described. Whatever ensnares us and devalues you, drags the name of Jesus through the mud, is not liberty. God's book is racist, sexist, divisive, but it is truth (John 17:17). Look the world over, it is all we have. Where else could you find the three greatest men of The Bible-Moses, David, Apostle Paul, all three murderers, all three forgiven-set free. But, you will find that Baptists and Catholics, so anxious to be fair-broad minded, will vote against every principle of righteousness..the killing of the unborn, same sex marriage, homosexual agendas.
Black churches-colleges with their liberation theology and psychology, have already left God's word, God's family values, God's life values, favoring fairness, abortion, same sex marriage, political communism. USA, black population, 13% of the total, 52% of all black babies aborted.
Can you be a Christian, Catholic, fundamentalist, and still be a democrat? This writer, born and reared in Eastern North Carolina, will never forgive Christian fundamentalists, particularly Baptists, who voted the straight democrat ticket for 140 years and still thought they were Christians as they saw the trouncing of tenant farmers, cotton mill workers. A poverty of opportunity from the court house, to the school house, to the church house. In the depths of discrimination, desegregation, even Jim Crowism, blacks, the most defeated of all, yet now, ABOLITION OF THEIR ENSLAVEMENT, possessing all the rights of citizenship, they support politically, the sons and daughters of their past white masters-some colored dog democrats. What happened to the Gestalt-mental imaging, arranging, of their brain cells?
In the business of politics, big time money, big time advertisement, big time coercion, what is right-not considered, only winning. Whatever it takes, we can expect a stock market shock-plunge in October or early November.
Conservatives have made the choice of holding on to the Devil with one hand, grasping at political correctness with the other. In all the Presidential-political races I have witnessed, this time, their should not be a race at all. The Catholics chose to embarrass conservative, non believers, honoring Obama at Notre Dame-Georgetown. It has been difficult to find a perfect presidential candidate to challenge Obama but having seen-experienced this mans failure's, real Americans should be ready to vote for anyone else, with real American value.
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