The world traveler, one with intelligent inquest in interest in governments of countries, the history of their development. One cannot walk the streets of Venice, Italy, study the Borgia Palace right next to St. Marks Cathedral and St. Marks square, without having questions-concern for the ancient princedoms-Monte Carlo, Lichtenstein, etc. One cannot move through the protectorates and colonies of empires (Dutch, Portuguese, French, British, etc.) without wondering how they were conquered and ruled. How did the seychelle islands become a police state, Russia, China, North Korea-communist, Japan and Thailand-kingdoms...princedoms?
Most college students have been exposed to Machiavelli's, The Prince, great work of political literature. At an election season such as we are going through now, it would do us good to dwell on the fundamentals. I truly believe most American's know little and have even less appreciation for the unprecedented history of their own nation. Every time I look at this large, round, cast iron fireplace cooking pot, which hanged in the chimney of my ancestors home's, built in the new world after they left the good ship Kent, I'm enthralled by what it took in faith and sweat, starting with nothing but the good, free earth, to build and conquer America as they buried their dead (particularly women and children) who simply could not endure the hardships.
What is must have been like for the victims of princedoms, all over the world (territory-jurisdiction-sovereignty- rank-estate of a prince). The people of a city-state of a colony were conquered by the sheer force of their capturers, taking advantage of their ignorance. The enslaved, never have negotiating rights with the capture, rather, in fear, they quickly learn obedience. And, there are always a few in the crowd willing to talk the language of the capture and willing, at the price, FAVOR, aid and establish obedience over the captured. A people without faith and self worth are the hardest to deal with. People who have known conquest (such as the African slaves-Native Americans-illegal's) are easier to deal with. The Borgia's rose to power through the influence-arms of other powers, even influential enough to become heads of the Catholic church, always crafty enough to enrich and establish self but, always failing in the end. Most of the world's luminaries, Princes-Kings-Presidents, condemn the enslavement of other people as wicked but secretly admire their strength and cleverness. Cruelty when well used can be justified (Stalin killed 26 million of his fellow Russians, Mao-126 million of his fellow Chinese, Paolo Pot-2 million of his fellow Cambodians. God only knows others betrayed in communism, the wickedness of international greed, the gold of Gaddafi's Libya, oil of Hussein's Irag, the poppy fields of Afghanistan). According to Machiavelli, reliance on mercenaries-BlackWater (contract-civilian-warriors-buildings, etc.) and auxiliary forces, loyal only to money, is a grave mistake. Princedoms learn early that people cannot serve two masters, even God knew that (Matthew 6:24). The Prince-ruler must be educated, war-commerce-political geography and history (must be more than a politician-street organizer-fighter-hack). Reputation is so important, must not be a liar. Giving out money when it is fiscally irresponsible, just to engender a voting base, is a mistake. Machiavelli would warn Mr. Obama that displaying excessive welfare will prove fatal, better safe than sorry, better to be feared than loved. Machiavelli closes his book with a meditation on luck and its role in human affairs.
From 1799, the founding of America, a Democratic Republic, until 1892, we were considered, even by the Supreme Court, a Christian nation. The Christian knows he is at warfare with the world-flesh-devil. THE WORLD IS ANYTHING THAT DRAWS US AWAY FROM OUR TRUST IN GOD. The newest weapon of the world, we may have our Christian belief but have no right to push our morality-belief on others. For instance, held up as an example, Australia's lesbian Prime minister, Julia Gillard, is atheist but she condemns gay marriage.
This old writer, tells you in all sincerity, all of life, every action is either fidelity or infidelity. One can live with 1.) chastity, married or unmarried, 2.) one can survive poverty, this world traveler knows the poorest in this country, live better than the richest in most. Our poverty excuse has become our demise (100 million citizens on welfare, this does not include those on social security and Medicare-half the population of America lives on the hard work of the other half ), 3.) obedience, most obey because of laws, local-state-federal but, there is a higher power to which we must respond whether we like it or not. We are not stuck where we start, chastity, poverty, obedience. The real citizen-real Christian always presents the best version of himself.
Unknown to most Princes, Kings, Presidents or even Prime Ministers, the basis of life, living triumphantly regardless of ones station in life, dressed in the whole armor of God (Eph 6). The greatest knowledge a real citizen can know, "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high [places]" (Eph 6:12). Dressed in the whole armor of God, you dig in, do not back up one inch, "Greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world" (1 John 4:4). Do not turn your back, not one inch of your back is protected. Remember, words the Prince, President, King, "quisling" rulers of this world do not understand. These are fake rulers. Words of comfort to the real Christian, real patriot, " I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee" (Hebrews 13:5).
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