Fire Tower
Something peculiar to Eastern North Carolina and something greatly noticed are FIRE TOWERS. The state forestry service would put a fire tower, 100 feet or so in the air at strategic locations throughout eastern North Carolina. The towers consisted of one small room with a roof, a top and an extended platform, with a ladder going up to the room. They had windows all around the room. A person with a telescope could watch for a fire outbreak for many miles in the surrounding area, call a district office and have forest fire fighters on the way. I'm sure it was not a high paying job like the light house keepers, in the many light houses along the coast. Theirs was a lonely but important job. The lighthouse keeper, keeping his light in service so the light would warn ocean ships to keep them off the shoals along the coast. The fire tower keeper to signal an early warning of a fire that could wipe away a large part of the states forestry. The fire tower keeper would signal an early warning to those responsible for the preservation's of the state forestry. Man kind pays little attention to warnings. Nearly 5000 years after the creation of the world and the creation of man, the earths surface was covered with water. Everyone and everything drowned except 8 human soles, 2 animals of every specie preserved by god, to replenish the earth after mans downfall through sin. Noah, Preacher of righteousness warning the people and even standing in the ark of salvation, begging them to come aboard and escape destruction.
On this side of the flood, several hundred years later, the senates of Noah attempted to build a tower going into the heavens, the tower of Babel (present day Babylon), still in existence largely restored by Saddam Hussein. Babylon is best known for the hanging gardens, one of the wonders of the world.
The year 2000 BC, Abraham, “father of a great multitude”, the first Jew, was called by god from his home near Babylon to travel 600 miles north to the land of cannan, burring on his way, outside the Damascus, his father Terrell... thus wiping away worship of idols.
No one can dispute the history of the Jewish people, not even, Christopher Hitchens or Richard Dawkins. Today's outstanding atheists. (so adamant are these atheists, god defying promoters, wanting to arrest Pope Benedict 16 on his trip to England) Abraham, Jacob, Moses, had direct contact with god, Christ appearing to them and other in types and shadows in the old testament it is on April 15, 33AD, when Christ is crucified that we, gentiles, the church, come into contact with grace through faith of Christ as taught by the apostle Paul always preached to gentile believers Christ, Jewish, as were his disciples , preached to the Jewish nation in the gospel of Christ, he talked about the tower of Siloam (Luke 13:4) in this, why the 18 who were killed with the falling of the tower were worse than those not killed. “think ye that they were sinners above all men that dwelt in Jerusalem?”. It is by grace, through faith, plus nothing that we are saved from anything and everything on earth. We often think of gods judgment in earth quakes, tornado, fires, but we must remember that god, and god alone, is all in all “he is boss” we have towers, warnings, but today's seekers of mans wisdom gained from the deception of the world, pay little attention to warnings as never before, in the history of the world, has modern health care been able to supply so many warnings about pathology even though life's expectancy has risen dramatically, few are enjoying disease free lifestyles DOCTORS AND HOSPITALS DO NOT MAKE MONEY OFF DEAD PEOPLE most are kept alive so the cash registers of expensive care can continue ringing. In this socialist system of “bail outs” and “handouts” and , god help us, “sell outs” to everyone in has a “handout” responsible people are working more and more for less and less.
In the 234 years of this democratic republic called united states of America, a nation for which thousands of our finest have given their life's (126,00 buried on foreign soil, many thousands lie buried in America, 250,000 in Arlington, millions visiting VA hospitals regularly).
The warning above every warning is the uncertainty of life I never talked with anyone who thinks he or she will die even though they pass cemetery's everyday. The 103 citizens of the world who died in triply libria. yesterday in the air afrique plane crash thought they would be alive today. Only one 8 year old child survived the crash years ago, I traveled air afrique the airline had 2 planes one flew transatlantic to new york the other transatlantic from Africa to Europe. I remember well, sitting in an airport all night while mechanics worked on the plane to which I was to fly over the deep Atlantic ocean to new york. Every sound of the mechanics was a warning to me of the unpredictability involving air flight. 5000 planes are in the air every minute of everyday in this world. European flights are making and 1200 mile detour around the volcanic ash remember, as I have told thousands of young people, speaking to them, around the world, “Live every minute, enjoy every minute we are not promised tomorrow” there were light houses along every coast when the titanic sank 100 years ago. There were fire trucks when Chicago burned 100 years ago. There was sensitive equipment when portal prince fell last year, killing over 200,000, leaving millions homeless without water or food. Someone put on his socks this morning, but a mortician will take them off tonight in spite of doctors, hospitals, big Pharma, vitamins, exercise and the 23 thousand which “supposedly” will keep us alive. Often, sirens do not warn us about anything.
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