Spirituality of Work
Over a long and eventful life, I have owned many businesses, hired many personnel. Every life has a story and every person has a story to tell. With every year I find that prospective personnel become more interesting. Gone are the days of simple lives, simple lifestyles.
Yesterday, a young woman, answered to an advertisement for secretarial assistant initially interviewed by two people, came for her interview with me. In the course of the conversation, she told me she was a single mother with a young daughter... Many things she told me did not agree with her resume. I told her, “I must have people working for me, in my condition (totally blind), on whom I can depend, on whom I can trust. I could write books about employees over the years who thought they were smart enough to take advantage of me, stealing, lying, cheating, thinking their lack of integrity would never catch up with them. She said, “you can trust me. I am a very moral person. I said, “you have already betrayed your morals, you are living with a man to whom you are not married with whom you have a child. Your child deserves married parents, If this man cared for you or your child, he would marry you. There is a sanctity in marriage, the two greatest evils in the world, the two greatest evils recognized in every culture, every civilization, abortion and the homosexual lifestyle, neither of which honors the creator with the greatest creation the human being. She said, “We are going to get married eventually but I want my daughter old enough to be our flower girl at my wedding!” Later she said, we don't get along very well but cannot afford to live separately and support the child. This is just one example of things I run in to constantly involving today's work force.
I have talked with the largest employer in this city (regional hospital), the 2nd largest employer in this city (school system), large or small, every person will tell you... Including a staffing service in one of my buildings... That the greatest problem in America today, and one reason we are going through this depression is a lack of integrity in the work place. Everyone wants to get paid but very few accept the responsibilities of a job (watch the finger pointing at any congressional inquiry. Whether bankers or oil rig operators(BP etc.), without exception whether a CEO or specialist, like children on the play ground, they always blame someone else) . From the time of the caveman, through the industrial revolution, right on through the horror story of child labor practices and the in human practices of union bosses there have been inequities in the work place. David Rockefeller, world manipulator of the worlds money system, world manipulator of eugenics a member of every world power tribunal said, in his biography, “Some men are born to rule others to be ruled”.
I have traveled through every communist country, supposedly everyone on an equal playing field (conrads). Early, you find there, the bourgeois (poor and middle class) and the dictators who run things.
Mexico has been swallowed by an evil mindset, the country is an absolute disaster, wealthy beyond words in resources, because of crooked politics and insane drug trade, war fare among the people is bringing on disaster there as well as USA. The most dangerous city in the world is Juarez Mexico, even the mayors of border Mexican cities live in America traveling back and forth across the border each day. The sophistication of the tunneling systems above and under the 2000 mile border is beyond comprehension. The new saint in Mexico boreos is called the Grim Reaper. A recent movie called “ Machete”, a recent Arizona search law, a recent mantra of news involving illegal migration, the fact that 30% of all federal prisoners are illegal immigrants, and just looking down the streets in any town will cause any person with economic reasoning to know that something must be done about the “wetback problem” (a term used by President Eisenhower”).
For every need there is a seed. Do what is in front of you. There is nothing more honorable than work. There is not a civilization in the world that tolerates laziness... One of the seven deadly sins. Never once, Never have I heard a person brag about his father being lazy. Never once, never have I heard a man or woman brag about the sorriness of their mother. Their mother may have been a prostitute, their father may have been the village drunk, they chose to block this out of their thinking. It makes no difference where you came from, you are not stuck where you start. When you study the genealogy of Jesus, you will find that Rahab, the harlot, is in his genealogy. When DNA was discovered by Watson and Krick in 1953, I was in college. This greatest discovery of the 20th century gives every living person “a reason to bask” in the verisimilitude of his ancestry the quantum of knowing the trillions of cells comprising his body ( The Temple of God) gives one and exacting historical account, each cell with a potential of thousands of pages giving the marvelous 23 thousand genome in the experiment from god, invested in your creation.
There is not one minuet doubt in my mind that I was chosen of god before the very foundation of the universe. In his divine providence, he placed my unique DNA, into his divine caldron of Omnipotent perception. There are over six billion human beings living on earth today, and about 6 billion have lived previously since the great flood of 5,000BC. No two persons, with the same DNA, the same finger prints, the same iris flex in the eye, the same voice, the same inner man, mental wiring. Your are a unique individual, and if chosen by god, an internal being.
One day, in my office, a young man came in a pharmacist, who had been sent by someone at UNC CH. I said to him, After looking at his address and other vitals, you appear very familiar. Do I know any of your family”? He said, “my father died young, my mother remarried and I was adopted by her husband, now my father and I have his name”. I said, What was your biological fathers name? Where did he live? He told me, I went to school with your father, I knew your grandfather. I could tell you much about your great grand father from what I have been told. I have never recognized such stunned silence. He said, no one has ever talked to me about my fathers family, please tell me what you know. I told him about his father, what a fine hard working man he was. That his grand father was one of the finest men, anyone, anytime,any where anyone could ever know. I told him what I had been told about his great grandfather... large land owner...great church man. Before this young man left my office, he said, this is one of the greatest days of my life. My life will never be the same again. Sometime later, his wife called me that he had been killed on his own private plane. She said, “He so admired you, I wish you could participate in his funeral.
Every action, every attitude matters. For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”( Romans 8:38-39). No more can we be separated from the love of God and Christ Jesus than we can be separated from our genealogy. There is honor in work just as there is honor in our servitude following our creator. The saints sang the old hem, “Work for the night is coming, when mans work is over”
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