Hardcore Surrender
I was once interviewed on the radio and was asked a question, “What constitutes the successful life?” I said, “Most people confuse success with celebrity don't confuse Madonna with Helen Keller. Success is in living a surrendered life. One must have enough discipline to surrender. Full surrender to the glory of god Full surrender to doing your best regardless of your station in life or even your disability”. The apostle Paul tells us to present our bodies a “living sacrifice” (Romans 12:1). It is easy to live a loose, reckless life. The first couple on earth, the only two people without navels, could not keep one law... One commandment, and they walked personally everyday with god in the garden. Their offspring was so sinful that god, around 5,000 BC, killed all life on earth except 8 souls and animal life in the ark of salvation. Around 2,000 BC god called one man, Abraham, to leave all and go 600 miles north as He directed. The descendants of Abraham were given laws to follow and they could not keep the 613 laws of the Jewish nation. They two, all those before the cross and after the cross, one day, will kneel to god, all graves will open (Romans 8:26 / Revelation 20). It has always been a matter of discipline knowing that you are going to die, does not even make a difference. As one 6th grade school teacher, working for me, said recently, “Everyone I know is just indifferent”. I have said on the radio a thousand times, “People just don't care”... Don't care about their soul, don't care about their health, don't care about their future and don't care about their past. Why be blessed with a brain, the crowning glory of man, when you put yourself in the same category as the lower animals.
Everyday of your life, remember that today's children will take over government, your church, your schools, your socio-economic-health care facilities. For those of us in the sunset of life, it is hard not to be bitter when we have seen a better world.
Discipline is both physical and spiritual you will be surprised how quickly life goes by. At my age, it seems that everyday is Friday, we worked hard, went through the struggles and now others are picking the flowers which we planted.
The most expensive garment my mother ever wore was the one in which she was buried. I remember, as a child, “farm feed” (cows, hogs, and chickens) would come in printed sacks. Material that could be used for dresses. My mother would go in and pick out the bags for her dress because available money was used for her childrens clothing.
The new government in America is one of capitalist-communist. I found this type government in the USSR and other old communist societies. Elitest such as those on Walstreet and the power brokers in Washington controlled all the money and were anxious to see everyone else in a socialized system. These elitest, international bankers and their cohorts control the politicians like a puppeteer controls puppets.
In the new American culture we have two systems. The traditionalist and the revisionist. We traditionalist, conservatives, holding on to our god inspired-constitution believe in liberty. The revisionist, liberals, sectarian believe in the separation of god from man. Man is his own god... His belly, his addictions, his love of the world and the “things” in it, all that is important. The revisionist has lost contact with decency of yesterday but wallow in today's decadence.
Europe is gone... Center of western civilization, center of advanced philosophy and religion, two protestant churches are sold everyday. I am told that even catholic churches are locked on Sunday. Tourist, wanting to see the architecture of famed catholic cathedrals find the doors locked. The churches still in operation, much like the churches in America, sparsely filled with gray hair. Young people have written god off... And god will write them off as he has certainly promised in his precious word. How can anyone live a faithless life? There are 3 absolutes in living the Christ-Centered life. All have sinned (Romans 3:23), Only blood redeems from sin (Hebrews 4), Without faith you cannot see god (Hebrews 6). Don't cheat yourself, you are better than the lower animals but, it is just simple math. Unbelievers do not produce believers. You can be sure that if you live for the devil, your children will live like the devil
Incompetence in everything is the rule of the day and, it seems that no one cares. NOAH is responsible for hurricanes, earthquakes, tornado's even activity in the oceans such as the oil spill in the gulf of Mexico. The government tried to poo poo the whole thing while 80,000 barrels of oil was spewing into the ocean each day... Killing the life of this vital ocean.
The government pushes control of health care while 50,000 people die of Merca every year. One third of all Americans have no money saved. 75 million Americans have no retirement. 52% of all black babies are aborted, 70% of all children are born in homes without a father, 78% of all college graduates leaves college as atheist. One third of all federal prisoners are illegals and, you think you can live a faithless life.
I said in this radio interview, I surrendered my disability to god for him to use as he sees fit. God cannot lie (Titus 1:2).”Gods word is forever settled in heaven” (Psalm 119:89). All to Jesus I surrender...All to him I freely give: I will ever love and trust him, In his presence daily live (Hem, I surrender all).
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