In an another commentary, I discussed getting lost in Bangladesh, my frightened guide had found me in police headquarters. Another time, after crossing the English channel from Dover to Calais, I got on the wrong train going to Paris. Of course, I was supposed to be in a first class train, but in the madness-multitude of school children returning from a day-trip to England, I found myself totally blind in a carriage full of small children. When the conductor came through checking tickets, they told him “he is with us”. Miraculously, I wound up at the right hotel in Paris.
I still remember, and it was almost 80 years ago, the day my uneducated but well-learned mother taught me to pay attention and stay with her while we were in town. Living in the country, we did not get into town very often, the stores and all the beautiful things in the stores intrigued me, a 3-year-old inventive boy. One time when I was running around, not paying attention, she hid behind a counter and watched me trying to find her, she had no other problem with me wandering off after that.
What has happened to our republicanism, the conservative principles which make this country great? We are not a democracy, when did we ever think that two wolves and one sheep could vote for what would be on the table for dinner? When did we ever think that people who have their noses in the trough would ever want to leave the trough and get a job? When did we ever think that welfare recipients, bureaucrats, elected politicians, would ever NOT vote to tax those who work and pay taxes? As the french writer, Alexis de Tocqueville, said when he visited America for the first time in 1835, “America will be great as long as its people are good”. When certain Americans decide they can live off of the work of others, America will fail. The great British Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher raised in a loft above her father's butchers shop in Grantham, England said, “Socialism is great, until the people with money, who pay the taxes, run out of money”. I have lived through 13 presidents, a few good, some decent, some evil...the very worst in the White House at the present time, and from whose presidency this country will never recover.
What has happened to the republicanism of Eisenhower, Goldwater, Nixon, or even Reagan? They were real Republicans...limited government, limited taxation, making America proud before the world with its superiority, industrial inventiveness, output, and its sound financial integrity. Its superior military might used, not only for this great country, but the rights of liberty seeking people around the world. In two great world wars, tyranny was defeated. But because of corruption and love of riches, particularly relating to the military-industrial conglomerates: a mish-mash, loony toons, evil-conspiracy of liberal academics supporting a gay agenda, we have not been able to win a war since. Real men fought and died for the constitutional precepts of this blessed nation. The women, mothers, wives, and girlfriends were content to stay at home and raise the children of these fine young men and support the war effort in every way possible. It is the liberated (cigarette smoking, tattooed, sexually loose) women who insisted on going to the battlefield, flying the jets, driving the tanks, and now maneuvering nuclear submarines.
I am a totally blind, 100% disabled, service-connected, medical officer veteran. My last night as duty officer in an Army hospital, I sent an ambulance to a WAC (woman's army corps) barracks at Fort McClellan Alabama to pick up an overweight woman who had given birth to a baby in her bed. She had kept her pregnancy completely hidden for the whole gestation period. At least, during my stay at this army hospital, on the parade ground, these women soldiers marched in dresses. Now I understand, that like the women all over communist China, the women are dressed in pants, shirts, caps and shoes, just like the men. They even expect to be treated like men. Don't get me wrong, women have a place serving their country, I have worked side-by-side with women officers, nurses, dieticians, therapists, who have served with honor even in WW2.
Now, to add insult to injury, this communist president and his liberal congressional fellow travelers are anxious to put the “don't ask, don't tell” gays into the services, mixing them up with the real men and real women. I have traveled the world, every continent, been exposed to every type of culture, everywhere there are two evils which all civilized and uncivilized people recognize, the evils of abortion and homosexuality. It is only when the world, the flesh, the devil takes over completely, that a nation will submit to these evils without a fight. Similarly, from the very beginning of time, the history of every civilization, boundary lines separating tribes, states, cities, countries have always been recognized. You don't cross the borders of another man or nation's property without permission. When people or armies cross over national, or even private property lines, this an act of war...an invasion. My passport has been stamped in 157 countries in the world, I have submitted to every customs requirement. If a country cannot protect its borders, it ceases to be a nation. This country, and every one of its states have been invaded by undocumented aliens...people who have just crossed over, seeking a better life since conditions in their own country are such a disaster.
In order to defeat this nation from within, the globalists, proponents of a new world order have decided to financially bankrupt us through the invasion of people from other nations, mostly Latin America. One third of all prisoners are illegal, illegals have almost “shut down” our schools, hospitals and welfare facilities.
The disaster, the impending doom from our invasion, the third world war, which has already started in the middle east, it's second front of which will probably begin on the Korean peninsula are not all the foolishness of liberal control in Congress, the Judiciary, and the White House. Much of the blame can be laid upon two of the most despised presidents in history, who wear the “charade cloak” of Christianity and Conservationism, I speak of the elitist, RINO, liberal, non-conservative, non-christian Bushs, 41 and 43. They, along with their cohorts, neocons...Rumsfeld, Rice, Cheney, Karl Rowe, and others have been co-conspirators with the far-left in bringing us to this pending, Spartacus-type uprising against the American people. Americans are spoiled to the good life, blessed because of the industriousness, hard work ethic, inventiveness, god-fearing faith of their ancestors. We are accustomed to the blight of those who hate this country, shown in their support of evil (99% of the black population, 78% of the Jewish population, 54% of the Catholic population voted for communist Obama). This one-time Christian nation hangs on to the promises of trust in god, knowing that evil will never prevail. Even the supreme court, from 1799 to 1892, declared this to be a Christian nation. With three Jews now on the supreme court, along with 6 Catholics...not one Protestant, and the new-age religions of Oprah and her ilk, God will probably withdraw his hedge of protection around this great nation.
There are 75 trillion cells in the human body, so complex each cell, that when it divides it is like Manhattan Island dividing, each division containing every possession of each of the 8 million inhabitants, accurate down to the location of the frying pan in their kitchen. We accept this, we know the chemistry of the blood clots, photosynthesis, the dangers involved in genetic manipulation of plants, yet we accept the foolishness of Evolution. WITH ALL OUR STUDY, THERE IS NO LEARNING. Academics, even teachers of small children, believe that from a tornado going through an airliner junkyard, eventually a 747 will self-assemble. How many junkyards? How many million tornadoes? But they actually believe this foolishness.
We do what we do because we believe what we believe. Only conservatism, only sticking to the concepts of our blood-bought principles, enhanced in our constitution, stalwarts of a republic, can we get back to where we were going. We had headed into greatness, greatness that our founding fathers could not have comprehended. HOW DID WE LOSE OUR WAY?
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