I was probably around 20 years of age, home from college for the weekend when my father said, “put on some heavy shoes, we are going to do a lot of walking”. He said, “Life is very uncertain, something could happen to me and I have never shown you the boundary lines of the land”. For most American farm families, “the land” meant one thing, your land. In our case, land which my father, his father before him, and his father before him, owned. It was probably on a survey map at the county court house but before the time of spray-can paint, transportable cement stakes, land descriptions were somewhat indefinite. A deed might refer to a stump or an old fence post. I was amazed as he showed me the corners of the land, hundreds of acres, most of which I knew nothing about, because it was wooded land. I was not a hunter, nor was my father. I never knew this man to take off one day in his life, to do anything like hunting or fishing. He always had too many things that needed doing. My father could find more work for me to do on a wet day than most men could on a dry day. On most rainy days, the men in the community would go to my cousin's country store where they could regale one another with all types of stories, most of them lies. They could talk about their accomplishments, my father walked his accomplishments. They could talk about other men's land, my father, like his fathers before him owned land. I remember one of the ministers conducting my father's funeral at the church which he and his family before him had built, starting in 1874, “when he had the stroke he was picking peaches from trees which he had planted”. I have in my possession a survey map from 1766, of the first farm in America, near Morristown, New Jersey.
So easily, we forget boundaries … even our daughter-ship and son-ship with God. It is difficult for sons and daughters that have never known their earthly father to have a relationship with their heavenly father.
So easily, we have forgotten the dignity and vocation of womanhood. All of this is not bad. My grandmothers could not vote until 1920. My great grandfather left each of his daughters large farms. The land was deeded to their husbands … daughters could not inherit land. It was in WWII, when there was such a desperate need for workers in defense industries that women liberated themselves. A 1936 issue of Life magazine first showed women wearing slacks. Until war-time, women wore dresses. I never saw a school teacher or any other professional woman wearing slacks. Even in the military, and I was a staff member at the Army hospital in Fort McClellan, Alabama, WAC center of the Army (Woman's Army Corps). These women, on the parade ground, wore dresses, uniforms. They dressed and looked like women. I understand that women in the military today, dress in the same uniforms as the men. This is how far we have fallen … Entrapped by the Marxist system. I found in all Communist countries, Russia, China, etc. women wore the same clothing as the men. In fact, the women in the military, industry, schools, everywhere in these Communist countries looked and very much acted like men. They had forgotten the boundaries. In China, the women had the same haircut as the men. They do not wear make-up or anything that makes them smell better.
Femininity is just a memory much like fading perfume to women in Communist countries and mostly to women in America. You smell cigarette smoke on women but they do not wear perfume. It is rare to find a woman anymore who does not smoke … who is not tattooed … who talks with a feminine voice. They have jumped the boundary line, they have become liberated.
It has been a long time since I saw a man or a women but I understand just the opposite is occurring with men, going to women's hair dressing salons to get their hair styled, wearing earrings, make-up, tight clothing, speaking in effeminate tones.
We know it is coming … Just where or when? Israel has lived under the gun of Islamic terrorism for over 50 years. They have seen their Rabbis retrieve body parts from miles of suicide bombings. They know hostility, but there is no hostility in the world, like that directed towards America. They have already won, Americans subjected to searches and seizure, excessive taxation, limitation in all life activity as we never dreamed possible, even if the enemy had landed on our shores. Stupid people so stupid things. Members of Congress, stupid, yet thinking they are safe behind armed guards, have allowed America to be invaded by un-armed enemies. It is going to happen, we just don't know when but there will be blasts in cities large and small perhaps, even, nuclear holocaust.
When it happens, and perhaps, since all electricity will be off and there will be little communication, and you learn that you just have three minutes to move into safety, what is important for you to take with you? Have you considered survival? You will be blessed if you are caught in this catastrophe at home. God help us being in transit or away from home.
Firstly, care for your children, essentials for them. Second, essentials for the maintenance of life … water, medications, nourishment. Flaxseed is the most nourishing food anyone can have. You can survive on that alone. Nutrition bars are an essential. Thirdly, you must have good walking shoes because it may be necessary for you to walk long distances. Fourthly, matches and even a fish hook in case you get a chance to catch some food, scissors or a knife. Other items which we consider important in our daily lives such as shaving, bathing, communication will be a thing of the past. Survival is the most basic instinct.
In my lifetime, I have seen most boundaries, most barriers broken, torn down, diminished. There is no such thing as morality or integrity anymore. Let's face it, the Satanic forces of evil have taken over, we chose Barabbas. The thief went back to the streets stealing with our votes and our permission and everything Holy and decent was nailed to the cross. God is having the last word, as he told us he would.
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