Cooking Frogs
I doubt if there is an American living who has not heard the illustration concerning cultural changes as compared to putting a frog in a pan of hot water. If you put a frog in a pan of boiling water he will jump out, but, if you put a frog in a pan of cool water and slowly build up the heat to boiling, you will cook the frog and he will never realize whats happened.
So it is, with our country in my lifetime incremental changes until now we realize that we are living in a different country... A different world. Evil has become good unacceptable has become acceptable, bad manors are just expected the rare has become common place.
This morning, I went to my doctor for my regular appointment. Not even the old military hospital, the old veterans hospital, the old psychiatric hospital treated patients as shabbily as its common place in most doctors offices today. You are called at least twice ahead of time to make sure you will remember your appointment then, when you get there, check in, the most important thing... Not your well being, your health... Rather payment all office activity surrounds a identification card... Insurance government identifications etc. I have all my identification cards, military information, veterans information on sheets of paper which I leave everywhere. They never seem to keep information evidently they just throw such information away.
One of my employees must drive my car. One of these bright doctors assistants walked out and said, “Dr. Morris how did you get here?” It is obvious to anyone that has ever seen me that I am totally blind I said, “ I drove”. One, said to me recently, after she had helped me find a chair in the examining room, taking information, said, “do you still drive?” This morning, the doctor made a complete ass of himself in some of the questions that he asked, I told him about one of his fellow practitioners, a member of his same specialty who, before I came to him, had given me a “sham injection”(just sticking a needle in a person without any medication. Faking giving a shot) This happens more than most wants to realize. So many practices are just frauds... Getting good pay for nothing. I could go on and on about what I have experienced and what I have seen but, this is just another example of a gullible public accepting deteriorating health care practices... Perception becoming reality... But who cares, Insurance, government, someone else is paying the bill.
Even when you report malpractice to the group “supposedly” giving professional oversight and regulations. These “pier review” fellow practitioners (legal, medical, dental, pharmacy, nursing, etc) are just there to cover up their fellow practitioners mistakes. It has to be so egregious that law enforcement become involved such as recently, medical drug pushing from a legal office in this city. One time, there was much journalistic information about a surgeon leaving a patient on the table, open, while he went to lunch. One doctor said, “I can tell you much more”
When are we going to awaken to what has happened to our country... It's most important, fundamental practices and professions.
Some believe in the fraud (and he spent almost a million dollars trying to convince the public and get elected) of this new black president. He sold the idea of “hope and change” 99% of the black people voted for him, 78% of the Jews voted for him, 54% Catholics voted for him. It is rare to find a young person any color, any description, who did not vote for him.
Things get worse everyday... Bail outs, sell outs, move outs, war fare and health care. This years budget is 3.8 trillion dollars we will borrow 1.6 trillion or 42% of the budget, worthless fiat currency mostly from china but where ever possible. Money just made up from thin air. If the economy stays as bad as predicted, another trillion will be borrowed. This will make 68% of the budget. Borrowed money, more than the entire gross national product... Like Iceland, Ireland, Greece, Spain and Portugal, any way you look at it, bankruptcy slowly, with few headlines, every man, woman , and child in this country owes to the government 48,000 dollars. 75 million adults in America have no retirement. The foreclosure rate will double this summer. The federal reserve is shipping dollars to Europe thinking that the American tax payer must save Europe now, also.
Obama will not tell you that we are in crisis... Economy banking health care two wars which we are losing.
I have never known a person to regret saving money, I have never known a person to regret taking care of his health, I have never known a person to regret having a child (there are more abortions under Obama, the worlds greatest promoter of abortions, then ever before in the history of man), I have never known a person to regret living a clean life (illegal drug activity, adultery, fornication, and pornography, the greatest sins of this generation), I have never know a person to regret getting a adequate education, I have never known a person to regret serving in the uniform of his country even though, very few anymore, appreciate his service.
incrementally, Americans have defrauded themselves in physical as well as spiritual survival.
God will not forgive a country that does not repent of its sins of commission or omission. Multiple thousands of our finest lye buried believing they were defending a god fearing country. They would not believe what has happened to their country just in my lifetime.
The most famous of all Russian poets, Alexander Pushkin, just before the Russian revolution said, “Graze on you sleeping cattle and sheep”.
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