Flim Flam Scandal
10 years after he wrote the book, Franklin Scandal, Nick Bryan is being interviewed by the national media about the unbelievable corruption involving pedophilia in the highest of their government.
The FRANKLIN SCANDAL is the story of a nationwide pedophile ring that pandered children to a cabal of the rich and powerful. The ring’s pimps were a pair of political power brokers who had access to the highest levels of our government. Nebraska legislators nearly exposed the ring in 1990, but its unveiling had the potential to produce seismic political aftershocks. The legislators' efforts resulted in rash of mysterious deaths and the overpowering corruption of federal and local law enforcement, including the FBI, Secret Service, and Justice Department, effecting an immaculate cover-up of the trafficking network. In Washington, elaborate facilities were set up at parties to compromise powerful figures of government, both elected and appointed. Perhaps this accounts for unbelievable votes by the same members of both parties... A matter of blackmail.
The only television I watch anymore “rather”, listen to since I'm blind is C-Span. I never seize to be amazed that those before investigation communities are so absolutely uninformed about everything. You wonder, how did they get there. But, with the private sector it's a matter of how many behinds you kiss and how many cocktail parties you attend. With politicians, its the matter of paying to play, we have the best government money can buy.
After 100 years of stock markets after the inquires involved in internet trading doesn't surprise you that some is crooked enough to manipulate the market surely, anyone with trading intelligence knows that the 1000 point fall in the matter of minutes for they developed, yet these “paragons are Virtual” want you to believe they will get to the bottom of it. You can be sure the “Big Dogs” of Wall street and Washington, which, today is about the same entity did not get hurt by the drastic value fall. As always, as with this matter it is the “pheasant participant” who loses money. As was clearly shown by the testimony from the past and the ESC chairman. They have no idea about what is going on in this agency of government. They are “underlings” The 33 who are not watching porno, those watching Madoff's operations and gold-mans sacks operations were entranced by drug activity
Today is the first meeting of the North Carolina legislature, the general assembly. With several prominent democrats already in prison such as Dr. Black, Representative Wright, and prospective inmates of the easily administration. A meeting is being held by SEC involving corporation between legislation members and lobbyist. It seems to me that there is to much corporation and to many meetings between committees. Both interested in padding their own pockets. The democrats have been in total power in North Carolina for over 100 years. There is no boundary line to what they will do. Even if it means a congressional redistrict which runs like a crooked snake, through the snake in order to give prominent black district. Mr. Watt a representative from the district has become one of the chief power brokers in Washington. 2 black preachers came to my home last year and was asking for funding on a project for schools in his district. I asked them if he has been to see Mr. Watt, almost in unison , same time, they said he wont give me the time of day. One thing be sure and write “in stone” having been involved with Washington, Raleigh locally for many years. Elected politicians and bureaucrats who work very hard to put them in office, are only interested in their own welfare. If this means corruption, corruption is what you voted for and what you have. “ You deserve the government you get”.
In Greece and in Iceland both socialist countries , like most of the countries in the European alliance. I found that the citizens were just sitting around, doing nothing. As has become customary with 50% of population in the US, where 60% of Americans now live off government checks. No one wants to work. Don't think for one minute that the Europeans will “bail out” Greece. The federal reserve of America will bail out Greece and the other bankrupt. European nations just as federal reserve is bailing out American interest. They are printing worthless paper just as rapidly s possible, paper which is worth nothing anymore... Its just a promise to pay. Any check you write is just a promise to pay, it is when your check with your signature, start bouncing that people and places refuse to take them anymore. At least in great depression, Americans money was back up with gold, today's dollars are backed up with thin air. In 1971 Nixon close the gold window. After European nations “Switzerland and France demanded quality in American money and the Bretton Woods agreement mostly fell apart. Many nations bought off Americans gold reserves at about 45 dollars an ounce and today's gold is selling for about 1300 dollars an ounce. Everyone knows across the world, a dollar is almost worthless across the US. But, with the dollars in other countries is almost worthless... Euro dollars and currency from many nations. To give stability to their monetary system. China, India, & Russians are buying up the gold reserves. The problem will come later when the world discovers that someone, a corrupt American, has gold platted bars of tons ton.
With Americans monetary problems, almost every advertisement promoting the buying of gold , showing to Americans and to the world. The incompetence of our monetary system, we have the largest spill in the history of liquid gold in the gulf of Mexico. Threatening the economy of the gulf states.
With all the knowledge of engineering skills, the money involved the greatest oil companies in the world. It is as if the new bride not only could not cook but did not know how to turn on the stove. Since you would think these problems would be recognizable ahead of time. You do not design anything without having an exit door. It was unbelievable. A scandal to say the least, for the CEO of British Petroleum (BP) to suggest before investigators that his company had sufficient funds to meet all the financial problems of this disaster. No company is that well financed. The company will finance lawyers to keep claims in the courts for our lifetime. It is a scandal that government and corporations do not plan ahead for disasters of every type... Particularly one involving the “life blood” of the worlds economy.
Joe Lewis, “The Brown Bomber”, heavy weight boxing champion of the world. Always before every battle he said “They can run, but they cannot hide”. Corrupt government officials elected or appointed nauseating corporate officials. Sedated puppets or the state controlled news media. All eventually will from from their actions but they cannot hide... Not in this world or the next. The hard working, god fearing, tax paying citizens who appeal their government for help can depend on getting one sentence back in reply “ I would advise you to get a lawyer”. These same citizens can depend on hearing one sentence from those giving evidence to an investigation, “I'm not responsible it happened before I got there”. Eventually it may be to late, these citizens will get the awakening to the fact that their country, is constitution, is promise has taken from them. By their fellow Americans who have fallen victims to most of the sins of human nature. Pride (beginning of every sentence), anger, envy, lust, laziness, and above all greed. It is not just Americans whose pockets have been picked, who will pay but there is a payday, someday, for those who pretended to love their country, it's people and the god of its people. God is very interested in sin and scandal. Albert Estine said “There is a limit to genius but no limit for ignorance”.
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