My mother had four children. Three were up in age, I was already in college when the last was born. I remember one of my mother's friends, talking about that perfect last baby saying, “your mother's babies always smell so good”. I remember, she, in changing him, always used so much baby powder.
Traveling the world, I never saw a mother who did not show absolute love for her baby. The difference, so many of the mothers in these poor, third world countries could not afford baby powder, even food for the baby. But, I am convinced, that in most of the world, mothers do the very best they can for their baby in spite of everything. In fact, I believe that even in the Communist world, where forced abortions are a matter of daily life, mothers suffer in the loss of a child. Abortion is the most insane act known to mankind. Killing is always an act of insanity but the killing of innocent life, especially by a mother of her own child, is insanity beyond comprehension, something that the lower animals never do.
There is much insanity in sickness. It is not sane for the body to be sick. The body has a remarkable ability to heal itself. It is our own confusion, our own in-discreteness that we have contagion or illness. When will we learn to protect our immune system? Instead of eating junk, when will we learn to eat nutritious, benefiting foods that will supplement the homeostasis of the body? A depleted physiology cannot provide the energy necessary for life. Most foodstuffs, even those presented well in the grocery store, are bereft of all life giving products for cell metabolism. The circulatory system transports nutrition to the cells but the neurology of the body screams for help. We eat but stay hungry because the digestive system is sending trash for assimilation. The fat cells just keep expanding. Those specializing in weight control, and joint replacement, get rich off our inability to understand the healthy lifestyle. God help the hoax of dieting and the purveyors of these various diet styles.
America has the greatest hospitals, the greatest doctors, and health specialists of every type, the world has ever known. More American taxes are spent educating healthcare professionals than is spent on any other type education. Yet, we have more sickness than any time in history. According to the Office of Actuary Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, news from the insurance industry is very hard to get, the U.S. spent $2.26 trillion on sick care in 2007. This is more than any other country in the world (World Health Organization).
I have traveled through 157 countries of the world, every continent. Always, without exception, my guide wanted me to observe healthcare in the country visited. On Easter Island, an island isolated 800 miles off the coast of Chile in the Pacific ocean, there was a beautiful hospital, a gift from America. NOT ONE PATIENT IN THE HOSPITAL. Moving around the island, I found the people healthy and happy. They exercised, played in the sun, ate nutritious food … mostly seafood and vegetables. They told me, “when we get sick we eat food to get well”. In other commentaries, I have told of my relationship with old doctors who used food as treatment. Today, even the poorest Americans, do not think they are getting any treatment unless, some doctor starts writing a prescription for some expensive chemicals. Often, with family or friends, I would suggest some holistic remedy but they, knowing so little, would immediately spoof the idea because their pocketbook had not been sufficiently massaged by big pharmacy.
I am convinced that more Americans die from overeating than under-eating … starvation. I am offended to go to a public meeting of any sort, church, civic club, educational and see supposed informed people gorging themselves with food … Gluttons of prosperity.
When I was young, I never saw a buffet. Today, you can go to most any restaurant, most public functions, and there are just trays of decaying, useless food to which people are going to pile up plates … someone coming by to take the empty plate while you fill another. Then, at the end of this exercise in intemperance you have a large plate of sweet deserts … The very worst thing you could eat because only the body free of sugar can possibly be cancer free. Life in America, largely because of our intemperance in living, leads to slow but sure suicide.
I am offended to go to a funeral, where the family, are sitting around grieving by eating. I have relatives who make it a point to visit every deceased family just at noon so they will be included in the gluttony. I have been on ships, mostly an eating orgy where five times a day there is a dining room call, a ritual of gluttony in temperance. You see wide-bottomed men and women lined up as if they are going to miss something … “the last supper”. Don't they know the stress it puts on the 2000 miles of blood vessels in their body for this vital muscle, the heart to push blood through these vessels, the excess tissue brought on by excess weight. Most older people could live well eating their food off a saucer three times a day. Over 50% of the population, younger as well as older, now obese, 50% now diabetic.
I get sickened, in a church or civic group, to hear anyone talk about the intemperance of tobacco use. I get sickened to hear intemperate eaters talk about their friends who abuse alcohol. More Americans dig heir grave with a fork than ever smoke or drink themselves into it. Please, please, please don't let me hear about a fat preacher, a fat doctor, a fat nurse, a fat school teacher. These should set the example … health and healing.
Most people who eat, don't know why they are eating, they are not hungry. Eating has become a social thing. Most churches even have an eating orgy at prayer meeting. There are more alcoholics today than at any other time in the history of the world. It is truly an expensive disease, you spend much money to get it.
The worst insanity of them all, pedophilia or the molestation of children. Why in the world would any sane adult care to sexually malign a small child … Total insanity for a priest, preacher or teacher? What possible satisfaction could any adult get from even looking at a suggestive sexual picture of a small child? Does not a priest, preacher, teacher, parent or relative understand the sensitivity of abusing the body and feelings of a small child with sexual inappropriateness? Sexuality is confusing enough to most children, don't you remember this yourself?
Christ has told us the penalty for abusing a small child. “It is better to be dropped into the bottom of the ocean with a rock around your neck”.
In history, we study the great battles of the world. How well we remember the Bataan Death March, the Battle of Corregidor, the Battle of the Bulge. I have seen the destroyed American ships still in the bay at Guadalcanal. Today's battles revolve around lust, one of the seven greatest sins of mankind … lust for children, lust for food, lust for drugs.
Perhaps the greatest lust we are facing in America is the lust for power … That's shown by the lustful creature in the White House and the lustful creatures of congress and voters who put him there. Can you even imagine his laughing at the despicable White House correspondence dinner when he talked about predator drones and his own daughters? Does this man of low reputation and lower skills have any idea of the horror story he is perpetrating on the people of Afghanistan and Pakistan with predator drones … The horror story he is perpetrating on innocent babies as their bodies are torn apart in the abortion holocaust he is promoting around the world?
Healthcare is getting more expensive every minute of every day. With the projected Obama plan, everyone will pay ahead of time and everyone will want to get his money's worth. You are fortunate indeed if your doctor touches you now. After the vitals have been taken by an assistant, your doctor mostly depends on the computer and in the future you will seldom see him. It will all be done via microchip embedded in your body and trained assistants interpreting SOP (Standard Operating Procedures). Most large corporations (John Deere, AT&T, DuPont etc.) are canceling previous insurance and throwing all employees at the mercy of government, socialized healthcare. It is cheaper for them to pay fines than to undergo the intemperate, insane dictates of government mandates.
With today's technology, people, if smart, will learn to take care of themselves. Babe Ruth had 714 home runs but struck out 1,340 times. Thomas Edison tried 1000 experiments before perfecting the light bulb. We are glad he did. You may have to try several things for your health problem. The best way to approach any problem is the triangle. You can do it as well as an assistant in your doctors office.
With the insanity of global warming, the insanity of abortion, the insanity of child molestation, the insanity of one world government, the blessed promise of our blessed Lord taking our healing as well as our sins to the cross in his atonement seems more sane and precious than ever before.
“But he [was] wounded for our transgressions, [he was] bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace [was] upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.” (Isa 53:5)
The prophecy found in Isaiah, written 700 years before the birth of Christ assures believers that our blessed Lord's healing as well as forgiveness is ours for the taking. Don't cheat yourself from this “hearing and this healing”.
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