Mothers Fish Sandwich
One of my favorite foods at fast food restaurant is a fish sandwich. It always makes me think of the thoughtful mother who knew her young son would get hungry the day he went to hear our savior speak. So, she fixed him a lunch of 3 small loafs and 2 fishes. This, again, shows what we all know... A mothers love.
There were thousands in the audience, hungry, tired. Our blessed lord first asked if someone would could go and by food for the multitude. There was not enough money available. So, as always, doing everything in order, he had them all sit down in groups of 50 then, he took this one small boys lunch, blessed it, and fed thousands. Since I am a frugal man who never throws anything away I'm glad he gave us another lesson. They picked up many baskets of left overs. Like so many of His parables, His examples, many lessons can be gleamed from this story. It is amazing what god can do, what god can do with something small, what god instills in the heart of mothers.
One of my fathers friends turned an old run down farm into a agricultural paradise, through hard work and careful contour planning. One of his friends said, you should thank god for the abundance you get from this farm. He said, “And I don't want god to forget what the farm was like before I got a hold of it, while he still had it to himself.”
We are celebrating mothers day... Our thankfulness for the world of motherhood and what a loving mother was able to do with us.
I do not know the author of this poem, I memorized it in the fourth grade, and it is still in my mind;
The women was old and ragged and gray
and bent with the chill of the winters day
the streets were wet with the recent snow
and the woman's feet were aged and slow
She stood at the crossing and waited long
alone, uncared for, amid the throne
of human beings who passed her by.
Not one realized the fear in her ancient eyes
afraid the carriage wheels or the horses feet
would crowd her down in the slippery street
Along the street with laughter and shouts
laden the freedom of school letting out
came the children like a flock of sheep
hailing the snow piled high and deep
passed the old women, so old and gray
hastened the children on their way.
At last came one of the married troop
the gayest lad in all the group.
He paused beside her and whispered low
“I'll help you across if you wish to go”
Her aged hand on his young strong arm
She placed it without hurt or harm
he guided her trembling feet along
proud that his own were firm and strong
Then back again to his friends he went
his young heart happy and well content
she's “somebody's mother”, boys you know
shes old and slow and I hope some fellow will lend a hand
to help my mother you understand if ever shes poor and old and gray
and her own boy is far away.
And, “somebody's mother” bowed low her head
in her home that night, in her prayer she said
“God be kind to that noble boy who is some mothers pride and joy
There is no love like a mothers love, except the love above all love, the love shown by god to us... His chief creation. In the year 33AD, incarnate god, on a hill just outside of Jerusalem, we saw such love with Christ, on the cross, making sure, his mother, at the foot of the cross was cared for and, though all of his disciples except one had fled though the very ones that he had fed and healed, taught and now bought had fled, his mother was at the foot of the cross.
There is no evil, in any culture, any society, any language like the evil of abortion or homosexuality. Anyone, any place, any time, who supports such evil or politicians who supports such evil will face with shame the wrath of an omnipotent god. I know intercessory prayer works every time. I have some democrat relatives and friends. I have told them, I am praying for your repentance and the change in your life and politics . One said, “I don't want to be like you” I said, “It is to late now, you will either change or god will change you”.
Only parents understand what I am going to say now. A child is born, although with your genes, very much a blank sheet of paper. It is up to you to train and guide this child's development. You teach them to say words, to walk, to go to the bathroom, to hold a spoon but, especially with girls, by the time they are 13, they know more than you do... They want to tell you what to do... Both girls and boys know it all. This Sinatra attitude “I did it my way” continues in reacting against you and god right on, most of the time, through college. It is amazing how smart my parents became when I went to college! Relax fathers and particularly mothers if you do your job most will turn out better than you think. President John F. Kennedy said, “your children will not remember you for the material things you gave them but, for the fact that you loved them”.
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