Anthony Newley's hit song, Stop The World I Want To Get Off, 1962 musical, tells the plight of many of us. We feel that life is a roller coaster, just up and down … Great drops that take our breath away. I was on a roller coaster once in my life, with my sister. She was enjoying the ride but I promised God, on that crazy ride, that if I could get off, I would never get back on.
I suppose I have said it 1000 times to friends and acquaintances, “I just don't know how people survive in this world, with it's ups and downs, evil and corruption, sorrows and disappointments, without faith on which to cling”. How does a loved one follow a casket to an open grave in a cemetery without faith? More important, how does a family follow a “lost” family member to an open grave knowing that the soul is forever gone … In the torture pit of hell for eternity?
Yesterday, the first time in history, the stock market fell 1000 points in just a few minutes time. Certainly, if a bomber can get on a plane in Europe and fly into this country, if a bomber can get on a plane in this country and “almost” fly out, in spite of the continued lies and deceit in Washington, we know the terror we face. If, Goldman Sachs and other international bankers can manipulate the financial world as they have done and are doing … It is a matter of record … While the regulators are sitting in their office watching them do it … 33 SEC regulators making salaries of 100-119,000 are in their offices watching pornography … There is no one watching the store even on Wall Street.
In 1987, President Reagan initiated a “so-called” plunge protector to prevent this type of thing from happening. With such a calamity, trading should have immediately shut down. We find, in this, as everything else, those in charge are drunk at the wheel … Intoxicated by their Obama inspired power-hold, on the finances and lies of so many people.
Another roller coaster is NASA and the space program. Think of the billions spent on space activity … Putting a man on the moon.
Involving weather control, instead of practicing weather control around the Gulf Coast bringing on such catastrophes as Katrina, why not Africa? The Sahara areas of Africa needed all that water. Traveling through the Sahara many times, there is never a cloud in the sky, such tremendous heat that most of the continent is parched.
Describing life as a roller coaster ride can be easily defined. For instance, your birthplace in a family. The oldest child is usually more authoritative, bossy, an alpha animal. Most of the great inventions of the world, literature, political leaders, all were first born children. It is the last born child who is the comedian, the jokester, never takes life very seriously, never accomplishes very much. Those in between are, more or less, just there.
For most of us, life is a dancing experience. We tap dance just as hard as we can to get ahead and stay ahead. If you are fortunate, blessed, you do an Argentine Tango, you have a partner to dance with and you move two, almost as one, the beauty of the Argentine Tango. Fortunate the man who finds his soul mate, someone to whom he can depend and trust in every life activity. Fortunate the woman who finds that soul mate, she knows that she is the very essence of his life … his reason for living, working, coming home whether in the evening or from around the world. The greatest trauma to befall a human being on the roller coaster of life … other than death, is a disability, many, born with a disability. I have been asked many times, if it is better to become blind or be born blind. I am very glad that I have been able to see in my youth … people, trees, flowers, animals etc.
Once, a totally blind man, blind from birth, was brought to my house to visit me. He had wanted to meet me and his parents brought him down to my house. I sent my secretary out to buy some food, so we had lunch and a very nice visit. Later, I took them down to my large den in which I have animal skins, masks and other worldwide travel memorabilia hanging all over the walls. I went to describing the room to him, the things that were hanging on the walls. His father, a University PhD professor, jumped up, moved him, and put his hands on the very objects. Then, I realized how blessed this blind man was to have such parents. Then, I understood how the young man had received two University degrees. His parents understood the debilitation of blindness, the harbingers of disability.
Without God, you cannot know God. Those who have never experienced disability or loss can never know loss. I'm very thankful for my disability because it has made me a much better person. I have taken this burden, this chasm in the roller coaster, to our blessed Lord as my devotion to him. We are taught, to know the “fellowship of his suffering”. The normal people, so brash, so competent, so permanent, think nothing bad will ever happen to them. Like the politicians, the power brokers of the world, they think we are just the dumb sheep who should be bossed by the border guard dogs in our existence. They have so much to learn. When will they learn how they have been deceived?
Tragic in this roller coaster ride, confusion of gender … masculine and feminine. Most of these homosexuals are just silly putty, being used and abused by Satanic forces.
Many youngsters have been wounded in the trauma of home life. It is almost impossible to repair the wounds suffered by many women from dis-functioning husbands or distraught wives bringing their wrath on their pragmatic husbands. We are living in a wounded world. 55% of marriages end in divorce, 52% of all black babies aborted, 70% of all children reared by single mothers.
On the roller coaster, there is a paradigm shift between good and evil. When I was an Army medical officer, we tried to save lives. At Fort Hood, Texas an Army medical officer killed 13 of his fellow soldiers. When I was a student, we pledged allegiance to the flag. This week, in Morgan Hill, California, school-children wearing an American flag on their shirt were told by Principal Miguel Rorriguez of Live Oak High School that they could not wear the shirts and the parents of the children were told that they would be suspended from school. This happened on Cinco De Mayo when California was honoring Mexico … a country in ruins, now ruining the state of California.
As with the oil catastrophe in the Gulf, as with a bomb in the nation's largest city. As with the flooding river flowing through America's music city there is nothing “fail-safe” in the challenge of life. Get on board, the ride is exciting, it is over quicker than you can imagine.
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