Once upon a time
Once, in Copenhagen, I walked through the house of Hans Christian Anderson. Like Lewis Carroll, and many other fairy tale writers. Stories were started in a didactic to excite the imaginations of children. 300 years ago, the story of the founding of the nation like America would have seemed like a fairy tale to those living under the drudgery and monarchy of European, African, and Asian enslavement. It was to these shores that dreamers fled clinging to the hope of the freedom of the human spirit, A determination for a better destiny. We have the mistaken impression that history is behind us, No, a thousand times no. History is in front of us. In the grandstand, watching the parade, we know what has gone on before, it is the mystery of what lies behind us that creates consternation. No person has ever had a physiological problem or committed suicide over what is happening today or what happened yesterday. It is only the unknown to which we must approach with faith. Our four fathers, those who braved the new world, once upon a time, knew the three absolutes of god, one. All have sinned (Romans 3:23), two forgiveness depends on the shedding of blood (Hebrews 9:22), three without faith you cannot please god (Hebrews 11:6).
Once upon a time earnest, pragmatic pilgrims landed in a place called the new world or America. Arriving by ship, many died on the way over, and others died during the first years establishing a colony.
Seeking to be free, free from the enslavement of the higharchy royal governing seeking religious liberty desiring just to be responsible for their own life. They envisioned just immediate subsistence could not have dreamed of this continents development 234 years later.
At one time, the sun never set on the British empire. I remember standing at the “gate to India”, Bombay, where the royal barge bringing King George and Queen Mary to India for the first royal visit. The British, now a fading, bankrupt monarchy sought to rule the American colonies. It was 56 fearless patriots who risked all to give us our constitution. One of my ancestors, wrote the preamble to the constitution. The freedom of worship, speech, to bare arms, to assemble, all freedoms coming from god were worth defending in many wars... Revolution, Spanish, Mexican, Indian, 630,000 killed in a civil war, 60 million killed in two World Wars. 100,000 killed in wars involving Korea and Vietnam... Thousands more being killed to preserve American honor and commerce even to this present day.
Once upon a time a continent, over 2,000 miles across protected on each side by the two great oceans of the world in harbors and strategic bends and points on rivers built cities.
Once upon a time, through their own annotative, their love for their fellow man... Their neighbors, they built, dedicated to god, colleges which became university's, great sanctuary's of worship, sent out from the shores of this nation. 90% of all the worlds Christian missionaries. No nation had such wealth, great farm lands which could easily feed the world. A great store house of energy (oil, natural gas, Cole, chemicals). This is the nation, first builder of the engine, automobile, air planes, farming equipment and Appliances of every type which made life easier. It is from this nation that most scientific discoveries took root... Medicines, surgery techniques, DNA, nana technology.
Once upon a time this great nation connected large beautiful farm lands with villages. In every small town, there were schools controlled by the people, denominational houses of worship, banks that encouraged investment even to the smallest, dealerships and franchises of every types. Giving to the American people, whether urban or rule the greatest lifestyle in the history for the world... Copied but not found in any other nation (your writer, a totally blind, 100% disabled, service connected, medical officer veteran of the Korean conflict has traveled every continent of the world, passport stamped in 157 countries. As I have stated in every graduation address that I have ever given, “ you young people do not have to travel the world as I have done, I can tell you without fear of contradiction that you live in the greatest country in the world. A country which opportunity is limited only by you..
Once upon a time, free American citizens exercised their own provecy in selecting their own doctor and hospital, whether the country doctor, in horse and buggy carrying for my grandparents or today's specialist found in specialized facilities, the envy of the world. It was a time of decent time of movies, first decent radio shows, then decent TV shows not today's decadence, a stench in the nostrils of all mighty god who has given us moral principals to live and die with and an embarrassment to parents who want their sensitive children to live God-Centered lives. There is nothing attractive about sin, sin does not contribute anything to anyone any where. God knew his first creations, (Adam and eve in a perfect setting) could not keep one commandment. 2000BC, god called the first Jew, and his chosen became a great multitude. They could not keep his 613 commandments god came himself, through his son, (the only way of salvation to man is through the trinity, and they killed him but, our four fathers died for our religious struggle until today, when, because of political correctness, the world and the sin of the world is now indistinguishable from gods people and gods church. From a few laws governing our four fathers, laws which were just common sense even to the natural man, law books of statutes now cover every lawyers office and, like the tax system, so simple in the beginning now, no one can comprehend. A country, which, once upon a time, as the french writer DE Tocqueville said, “When America seizes to be good America seizes to be great”.
Once upon a time, America was good. Our greatest joy and asset our children then, 1963, prayer was taken out of the school room which in early years had been the basis of education then, 1973, the killing of the unborn was made legal. Since, 53 million of the most innocent of gods creations, have been killed. A country so blessed, do we expect to escape the wrath of god?
Once upon a time, young people could hardly wait to finish school, educated taking on the responsibilities and spirituality of work then, from federal and other government in doctor nation many found they could live without work. Today, 60% of all Americans draw a government check. Money picked from the pockets of workers in the form of taxes to support those who don't work. 47% of all Americans pay no income tax. This year, the budget of this country is 3.8 trillion dollars. Of this, we must borrow 1.6 trillion and if taxes are as scarce as expected an additional trillion must be borrowed. Nothing is backing up these dollars... Fiat paper just made of thin air. The consolation in the last great depression, America owned 90% of the worlds gold reserves. Nixon closed the gold window in 1971... Selling what was left of out gold for 42 dollars and ounce. Today, gold sells for 1200 dollars an ounce. America is no longer the creditor nation of the world rather the debtor nation of the world. The two great world powers, china and India owned all the gold. So anxious to become a socialized, communist nation under the directions of democrats who have been in control most of my lifetime, like Iceland, Ireland, Greece, Spain, Portugal we are a bankrupt, poverty stricken nation, just waiting for the gavel to fall on the demise of a nation which, once upon a time people from undeveloped countries risked life and limb to live here. The children of many Irish , Italians, Asians who migrated here for opportunity are now returning to the ethnic homelands of their ancestors.
Once upon a time a retired worker was happy for the reward of a reasonable pension. Living next door to me, a police officer, formally from west point, NY, now retired he is drawing 200,000 dollars a year in pension. He laughed at me, He said, “ you were a real fool to go through what you went through for an education, then lose it all in a war... Spending your years stumbling around in darkness for a few crumbs a penance, that the government drops your way from the table.”
Once of the biggest casualties on Wall Street, the California pension plan worth 260 billion now worth 186 billion. The average school teacher in California gets 100,000 dollars a year in pension. Even the director of the pension fund, sentenced in court for corruption involving the funds receives over 100,000 a year for the pension fund. All over the nation, pension funds are bankrupting states. The entitlement mentality of Americans has reached the unbelievable largess excess of 100 trillion dollars. Now that is 100, with twelve zeros.
Once upon a time Americans “solved” their problem, they did not shift their problems. Adults did not blame their problems on the “milk they drank as a child” “ All have sinned and come short of the glory of god”. (Romans 3:23) The seven pall bearers, involving the sins of people and country. Anger, pride, envy, laziness, lust, gluttony, and greed. The ten most corrupt officials in our nations capital include the president, the speaker of the house, the secretary of the treasury, and the secretary of justice. Most republics lasted a few hundred years, we can easily see our destiny because, character determines destination.
Once upon a time, Americans did what they did because they believed what they believed. Our beliefs system has gone the way of Saddam. Only the destiny of believers is secure.
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