Malignant or Benign
Any time an excised biopsy tissue from your body goes to the pathologist you wait to hear, in these days of cancer scares if the diseased tissue is malignant or benign.
I have not forgotten the casual, callous practitioner whose name just happens to be Cashman who sent my tissue to the pathologist. He called me on the phone and told me that my tissue was malignant. Obviously, he missed his school class when doctors are instructed to bring a patient in and present bad news in a quiet, private manner. Knowing my condition, old, totally blind, living alone, would it not have made sense for him to make this diagnosis in a professional way? For a non believer it would be so easy to just end it all (suicide) after such a phone call.
For the Christian, you know that your health like everything else, is in the hands of the great physician. Even Christ's disciples could not comprehend. On a ship, in the Sea of Galilee, a body of water I have been around several times (a sea about 39 miles long, 17 miles across), there was a great storm. Our blessed Lord was asleep in the boat. The disciples were scared to death. They awakened Him and asked Him if he did not care if the perished. All He had to do was say, “be still” and the sea became calm (Matthew 8:24). The blessedness of putting everything into God's omnipotent hands is the inheritance of believers...all problems. This does not mean that we can not exercise the free will of seeking problems solutions with His help, regardless of type and, we know, that he is the great healer. HE IS BOSS. We trust in him. The miracle of faith is trusting in his promises. We can say with the disciples on the ship, “what manner of man is this that even the winds obey him” (Matthew 8:27). At Joppa, they were too busy with their shipping to listen to Him. At Copernican at the base of the Mount of the Beatitudes, near the same Sea of Galilee they did not LISTEN to Him. In Jerusalem, just 5 miles from where He was born in Bethlehem and where He was crucified and buried, they did not LISTEN to Him. Today's young people are rebels, too busy with their technology, too spoiled by indulging parents, to LISTEN to anybody...certainly not God. Women today, liberated, too busy in the rat race of career, children and the suicidal culture to LISTEN. Today's man, wanting to give his family better than his family gave him, confused and distorted, in the rat race, of golf, civic, political clubs and even a little time for church is too busy in the rat race to LISTEN.
In the early years of planned parenthood girls were told that the malignancy must be removed for their health. Now, instead of abortion the busy girl in the rat race wants the security of a child. One 22 year old single college graduate told me, “why bother unless I can have what I want. I don't need a husband, I want a male child with a certain IQ, a certain hair color, eye color and from a certain economic, DNA and culture strata. Why should I go through the process of child bearing and rearing unless I can do it my way”. She was too busy to LISTEN. On his way to hell, she had heard Sinatra sing “I did it my way”. She wanted something to love other than a pet. She believed The Beatles when they sang, “all you need is love”.
Chesterton said, “faith has been replaced by psychotherapy”. Today's culture lives just for the moment. I find few young people think about the past or the future. Their most precious inheritance is their DNA. Their most blessed hope is there eternal life. I find today's culture cares nothing about either...just what is happening now...and only to me...the me generation. Reality sets in when the pathologist states malignancy instead of benign.
Democrats in this county where I live were stupid enough to elect a lesbian woman as their Senator in the state legislature. She passed my car in her Mercedes traveling at at least 85 mph on her way to the capital, her Senate license plate on the rear of her car. Her significant other, another lesbian, produced a baby boy for them...they have just had a ferocious legal settlement over custody and property...illegal drugs and other ills. She is not a candidate again...thank God. This is modern America. Malignancy has taken over.
Deborah, first woman judge in Jewish history, wife of Lapidoth went against Sisera with 900 iron chariots, the wheels of which were like revolving blades. Under the horses hooves and the revolving blades, she chopped up the enemies. Always, God had it His way and will have it His way. 2000 B.C., He brought Abraham on the scene to father His chosen people. 1000 B.C., He taught David a few lessons. The Jews, a stiffed necked rebelling people, taken into captivity 740 B.C. and again into captivity in 586 B.C. have just refused to LISTEN. Even in April 33 A.D. when Jesus Christ was nailed to the cross, they refused to LISTEN and Christ died, rose again, and will return. Still, to this day, from the 3 and ¼ million who left Egypt, going to the Red Sea on dry land, there are now only 17 million Jews in the world including the 7 million in America. From the Jews, we have both Communism and the Masonic Order. Jewish intelligence has produced both Engal's and Einstein's...the world's greatest scientist's...the winners of more Nobel Prize's than any other group...always learning but never learning the truth. One of them, Jesus Christ, said, “I am the truth” (John 17:17, 14:6)
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