We are living in a time of historical fiction. Those of us who studied French literature always return to the greatest novelist of the 19th Century, Victor Hugo. When I walked into Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, down to the front to view the great North Rose window, my thoughts raced to the book, Hunchback of Notre Dame. As I have seen poverty, throughout the world … particularly in France and now in America, I think of Jean Valjean and Les Miserables … stealing bread to feed his children.
The third President of the United States, Thomas Jefferson said, “I fear for my country when I realize that God is just”. I have recently heard the chief operating officer of Goldman Sachs (Lloyd Blankfein) testify before the Senate Finance Committee. The thought kept occurring, “how can such a dense, unprepared, pitiful man reach the top in the world's largest financial institution?” In another hearing, Mary Shapiro, Chairman of the SCC (Securities Exchange Commission) gave testimony. 33 of her employees making between 100 and 117 thousand a year, were caught viewing porno on tax payer supplied computers while on the job. Reportedly, SCC employees knew about the Goldman Sachs mortgage debacle just as they know about Bernie Madoff and his scheme. Watching these officials give testimony (Goldman Sachs, Lehman brothers etc.), they always have the same answers. “This was before my time with the company or commission or, I'm not an expert in this area.”They arrange to steal billions of dollars from the American people while drawing stupendous salaries and ludicrous bonuses, all the time making the arrangements for tax payer bailouts in case anything goes wrong.
Like the catastrophe taking place in the Gulf Of Mexico, where evidently there are no fail-safe or preventative methods involved, one would think that engineers involved in offshore oil exploration, like chief financial officers in the world's largest lending institutions would know what they are doing. Rather, CEO Lloyd Blankfein is talking and acting like a high school student or at best a college economics student discussing something he has read somewhere.
Almost as pitiful was the questioning by Senator Tester of Montana and Senator Pryor from Arkansas. How did these two men ever reach the Senate of the United States? The “Forces of Darkness” such as those that ruled France during the 19th Century are pressing down on us today. David Rockefeller, said on page 405 of his biography, “some men are born to rule, others to be ruled”. FDR's Secretary of War, Stimson, in his diary, sheds light on America's knowledge of what went on before the Pearl Harbor attack. April Gillespie, Ambassador to Iraq has shed knowledge on what went on between America and Saddam Hussein before the Iraq wars … America furnishing the very supplies for Saddam Hussein's gassing of the Kurds, the fiction of babies being thrown from bassinets in Kuwait.
Like our spending money to de-stabilize Japan before WWII, a reported 400 billion has been supplied to de-stabilize Iran before the pending war there. We have 250,000 military service men involved in Middle East warfare at present. Most assuredly, the buildup has begun for America and Israel involvement in an Iran conflict. Details are being worked out now for Israel to fly over Saudi Arabia.
As the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico continues to worsen, with sabotage seemingly involved, we hear that one bird, one day, has been cleansed of oil. One bird, yet the same day, 3,000 babies were killed by the abortionists in America. Planned Parenthood, in it's plight to gain money from it's abortion industry is up against the ropes. For the first time in history, a plurality of Americans are against abortion while Planned Parenthood is building the largest abortion clinic outside the Communist world (China) in Houston, Texas.
Fright and flight are making a battlefield of the border area between Mexico and the United States. The Mayor of Juarez, Mexico actually lives in the United States and travels back and forth. Just think of what will happen if the volcano in Mexico, in which the largest city in the world is located (Mexico City, population 30 million), blows with the resulting problems such as we found in Port Au Prince, Haiti. Each year, each month, there are increasing physical disasters ... Earthquakes, volcanoes, floods.
Only six earthquakes were recorded in God's word, the Bible. Each was recorded before a tremendous world and Biblical event. Those lurking in the shadows of the “Forces of Darkness”, hovering over the earth, should realize that God just might be talking to us. “[It is] a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” (Hbr 10:31)
Moses went up on Mount Sinai for his meeting with God and to get from God, laws for the leadership of the 3 million ex slaves, children of Israel, descendants of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, encamped at the foot of the mountain. Having seen the mercy of God with the parting of the Red Sea, the drowning of Pharaoh's army, in their very presence, their very hearing, this great mountain shaking, surrounded by smoke. They still stripped naked, got drunk and used gold bought from Egypt to construct an idol … a gold calf, the worst thing they could have done in the presence of Almighty God. Above all sin, God hates idol worship most. God, told Moses, that he would kill them all. Moses could have taken what Gold he could carry, and could have gotten as far away as possible from the smell of the rotting corpses of the Jewish race. But, Moses, honoring God, honoring Jewish ancestors all the way from the first Jew Abraham, chose to continue with these belligerent people. Are we not witnessing the same today, God continuing to put up with us in-spite of ourselves?
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