I almost fell out of my chair, the first time I heard George H W Bush (41) use the term, “New World Order”. It was on September 11, 1990 before a joint session of Congress. I am the staunchest republican you will ever meet but I had very little affection for Bush (41) or Bush (43). Neither did I have any affection for their father and grandfather, Senator Prescott Bush, the Nazi sympathizer. The Bush's, in my book, secret Skull and Bones, Barbara, Laura or whoever, just fraternity men elitist who spent most of their time on vacations and enjoying the presidency as a big country club event. The Bush's are globalists, backed by all the international elite...the worlds wealthiest most decadent en slavers of the masses...the Illuminati, the Bilderbergers. These rich beyond words people, promoters of eugenics are the epitome of everything God despised, the world, the devil...death and destruction.
Do you remember Bush (41) in the grocery store, he had never seen scanning at a cash register. He did not realize that more people are robbed at a cash register than anywhere else. Remember the bee that fertilized the flower robbed the flower of its pollen. Remember the storm after you see the rainbow. Elitists are unconcerned and unfamiliar with the real world. The world in which you and I must survive. The billionaire trust funds enjoyed by the Bush's and the Kennedy's, the Walton's and the Gates', the millions in bonuses paid to Wall Streeters such as Henry Paulson and their Washington enablers such as Nancy Pelosi and Barney Franks...all billionaires...all on the list of Washington's 10 most corrupt politicians (C. Dodd, J. Ensine, B. Franks, T. Geithner, E Holder, J. Jackon Jr, N. Pelosi, B. Obama, C. Rangel and J. Mertha, but dead) are spellbound by their own importance. God is going to break the spell as the ground bomber, Joe Lewis said, before every fight, “they can run but they can not hide”.
There was a time when fat women and tattooed women were only found in the circus. The worlds fastest growing religion is that of witchcraft. There was a time when real people dressed decently (Sunday clothes) to attend church and to attend a funeral. Pastors tell me they are degraded by the appearance of people at funerals “the corpse is often the only person well dressed”.
After our defeat in Vietnam, after we left Saigon, Godless communists Vietnam leaders said, “rid this city of western decadence”. It is hard for Americans to throw stones at any Godless nation considering activities in our own nations capital. Think of Monica Lewinsky in the Presidential office. Think of the Santeria Witches cleansing the White House before the Obama's would move in. Think of the Salahi's at the first state dinner of the Obama's and almost in the second state dinner of the Obama's. Think of Faisal Shahzad (Times Square Bomber), on the no fly list, coming into the country and almost leaving the country. Are the inmates truly running the asylum?
Much is learned just by living on a farm. For instance, in the chicken house the chickens are lined up on roosts. Chickens sleep with their head under a wing. One of the worst things that can happen in a chicken house, a possum getting into the chicken house. Reaching up and taking one of the chickens off the roost...immediately sucking the blood from the chicken. And then eating the entrails of the chicken. Usually, the chicken still had its head under its wing. Have Americans gone to sleep? Communists, Jewish Carl Marx thought so. Sir Winston Churchill, writing in a London newspaper in 1920, just 3 years after the Communist takeover in Russia in 1917 said, “the Russian people are sleeping while their fellow citizens are being destroyed”. I met Gus Hall, Chairman of the American Communist party, who died in Yonkers, NY at an advanced age of 90 in the year 2000. He said, “the American population will be taken over so easily”. In this time of political correctness with a news media subservient to Liberalism, and a population dumbed down by the very same experimental measures the Nazis used (fluoride and chloride in the water systems, the body is 80% water and man can not live without water, now treated with poisons) entanglements of academia and corporations bought off by government tax payer funds, all ideals of God inspired truth light and love have been forsaken. The Russian poet Pushkin, perhaps Russia's greatest poet, just before the Revolution said, “sleep on you grazing cattle and sheep”. Alexandr Solzhenitsyn, author of Gulag Archipelago said, "you can have power over people as long as you don't take everything away from them. But when you've robbed a man of everything, he's no longer your power". I have traveled through every totalitarian country (Russia, China etc...) and I can tell you without fear of contradiction that just like this mornings newspaper or news broadcast America is well on its way to humanist, socialist, God less takeover and no one seems to care.
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