Memorial Day 2010
Mud In The Hole
To the millions of veterans who have worn their countries uniform on this Memorial Day, as many days, we think, what has happened to my country?
We are told that Washington takes advantage of every crisis...The 9/11 towers and now the nations worst oil spill.
From Secretary of War Stimpson's Diary and other historical facts, we know that F.D.R. and others were aware of the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor. We know that J.F.K. was assassinated by his own country in Dallas. We know about the Bay of Tonkin lies during the Vietnam War. We know that there was no reason for Janet Reno and Bill Clinton to burn 85 women and children alive at Waco. We know that the Murrow Building in Oklahoma was destroyed in a most unusual explosion from a truck which went in only one direction. Little makes sense about the 9/11 Towers falling in Manhattan. Planes hit two of the towers, why did the third fall? Little makes sense about the plane going into the Pentagon...hole in the building smaller than that of a plane. What happened to the parts for all these planes? Little makes sense about the oil rig in the Gulf. Obama said yesterday that the media would probably forget about it real soon, as he trucked in many cleanup people not there previously. Evidently just for his photo opportunity, the usual control of media. Little makes sense about attempts to correct this spill. It has been 38 days with an estimated 15,000,000 gallons pouring into the Gulf, killing a fisheries industry and bringing much horror to the people depending on that coast for their living. We wonder why mud (commonly known as cement) was not put into the hole from the very beginning instead of trying certain siphoning measures. Attention to this disaster has been a disgusting embarrassment to the government and the big oil companies who mostly control the government.
On this Memorial Day, mud is an exacting description of what is happening around the world.
There seems to be mud in the eyes of the worlds financial community (international bankers) as we watch the crumbling of Greece, Spain and the European Union. There seems to be mud in the eyes of national defense officials as Israel, on Wednesday, had their largest civil defense 11 o'clock on Wednesday morning every citizen going to a bomb shelter. There seems to be little doubt that World War III has already begun, starting as everyone had expected, in the Middle East. In Lebanon, once a Christian nation, since the takeover by Hezbollah now is killing all Christians.
There seems to be mud in the eyes on the Asian continent as North Korea lines up defiantly 70,000 troops on the DMZ ready to attack South Korea.
There seems to be mud in the eyes of democrats in the American Congress as they gave applause and standing recognition to the President of Mexico as he defiled the American public. Which was worse, the statements of the Mexican President insulting American laws or American lawmakers, especially American Presidents, as they honored him both in Congress and at the White House?
Mud was in the eyes of the Europeans, as again, the acrylic-acidic ash of the Icelandic volcano dumped its toxic refuse across the European continent. Almost as bad as the chemical trails and chemical clouds which permeate the skies of the United States bringing toxic metallic poisons to agriculture and forestry. It was the poisons of the volcanic ash which brought starvation to Europe in the 1800's. It is the chemicals from the sky and we control chemicals sprayed in agriculture in this country bringing farming consequences to food production. We have heard of microbes that cannot be controlled by antibiotics. Such is true with weeds that become immune (giant weeds). We have yet to see the full effects of genetic manipulation of plants (seedless grapes etc...). We have yet to see the effects of chemicals in our water systems (the Nazi's discovered that fluoride like bromide would change brain tissue). Look in your grocery or drug stores, you will find fluoride as a poison in rat poisons and in toothpaste. Our public schools, at the behest of government control, has so dumbed-down young Americans that we do not realize we have a culture, a society of mud victims. I remember the mud people of Papua New Guinea (human beings covered in mud, men, women and children). These people were not as unfortunate, and I saw them up close on my trip to New Guinea, as those in the world whose mud filled eyes refuse to see what is going on.
About 2,000 years after God breathed life and a soul into Adam, the world had become so evil that God sent the great flood of about 5,000 B.C.. Today's world is not yet totally evil, but it is rapidly getting there The 150,000 Americans who are buried on foreign soil, fallen comrades having defended what they considered the greatest and most blessed nation on Earth. The multiplied thousands who lie buried in out national cemeteries, such as Arlington, believed they were dying for you so that you and and your descendents could have a good life. I stood at that great cemetery in Manilla, Philippines where 18,000 are buried. There were no satin lined caskets. They were just put in the ground wrapped in the flag that they loved.
Today's young men and women, fighting on battlefields completely remote to anything they have ever seen before...fighting people herding goats, riding donkeys besieged by people as foreign as moon aliens. Our soldiers wonder where they are and why they are there. Our youngsters, see the results of drone destruction. Like those in this country unconcerned about the legal abortion holocaust of 53,000,000 babies since 1973. Mud must be taken out of eyes so that clearly we can have the transparency of evil taking over with less and less obstruction every day.
It is time to get away from mud and rather hang on to the promises of God by our ability to trust him...on this Memorial Day and every day.
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