Visiting the University of Moscow during the depths of the USSR, my question to my guide, "I have never seen such ostentatious buildings, such poor students. Everything about the place seems pretentious. Do any of these professors or administrators have any real professional standing?" My Russian guide said, "no, most are just apparatchiks, all in thier place of leadership, prominence because of their communist party affiliation. In the collectivist system, it is not ideas but ideology.” My friend told me that her husband went before the county Democrat “boss” in order to get a job driving a school bus, when will Americans awaken to the absolute fact that “apparatchiks” are now running our country.
The 97th Tour de France ends on Sunday, the 25th, there is just eight seconds between two top bicyclists. The total length of the bicycle race is 2,263 tortuous miles, as with all true athletic events, the winners get the reward, the yellow shirt, because they had the discipline, drive, character, have taken the risk to come out a winner, no matter who they knew. Justice demands that players performing on the real playing field of life have a level field. Americans, in particular, have no patience with players who use steroids, crooked umpires or referees, or preference shown because of money, family, looks or anything else. We want accomplishment to be real, earned, no slack or head-starts given.
95% of the world's archeological history is still underground, every time there is a new discovery of any type, I think of my professors who died not knowing about this new information. Think of what the developments of each 5 years bring, think of nanotechnology, and past scientists, who would have been so thrilled to know such. Just recently on the Northern coasts of Peru, ancient sacrificial temples were discovered, probably, prisoners of war were sacrificed there, about 2000 years ago. The artwork shows participation of spiritual as well as secular leadership. Nothing makes Satan happier than to know that spiritual leaders have compromised with political leaders, that all have been tarred with the same stick of greed and corruption, nepotism, hypocrisy. If you do not have an infusion of the Holy Spirit of God in your being, so that you are fasting, praying, giving with joy, there is something very wrong with your belief system. If you think you are Christian, yet compromise with the sin tactics of government, vote party instead of principle, you are lost.
I have been to many funerals, been around many families and friends, experiencing the loss of a loved one, most do not have a clue about what is going on. I have seen a heathen pastor in a pulpit eulogizing someone in a casket in the front of the church, who did not have a clue about what is going on. A worn out body, usually for an older person, laying in a casket, total value for the chemicals in a deceased body, 75 cents, the person (soul or spirit), no mass, invisible, now an eternity. Most do not understand the magical, powerful, sovereign, supernatural understanding of death, or even prayer. If the average person understood prayer, death, the gift of life, the gift of eternity, such earthly, inconsequential apparatchiks would cease to be important, we would be so intent on honesty, charity, the spirit of Christianity, soul salvation, not earthly, secular involvement.
When you give serious thought to the fragility of live, how easy it is for the oceans of earth to become polluted with oil, and even larger oil pollution in the yellow sea near China, polluted water producing polluted rainfall, water going into ponds, killing fish and plant-life, chemical water falling on agriculture. Remember Germany's black forest was killed with acidic water, as was much of Canada's forests. Nothing threatens agricultural production like air pollution, which kills the bees and birds. In the great depression, which I well remember, 7 million Americans died of starvation, at that time, 90% of the American population lived on farmland where food was obtainable. Today, 90% of the American population lives in cities, large sections of which expect the government to care for them.
Can we even imagine the futility of apparatchiks to care for their fellow man in time of a nuclear disaster when water, food, housing, everything is destroyed? When I was in New Delhi, India (the population of India, over 1 billion, poor beyond imagination) water was being harvested. Pipes and barrels were being used to retrieve all rainwater, they know the disaster which lies ahead. Think of what Port de Prince, Haiti is experiencing: just one city, millions still without shelter, food, or water.
I was on a train in India during one horrendous flood, dead bloated animals everywhere polluting the flood waters. Every time the train stopped, the bed for the train rails, high enough to be above the flood waters, perishing people lined up with containers trying to get some drinking water from the train. I have tried to forget this sight. Remember, anything you experience, especially anything you see with your eyes: pornographic or principled, terrible or tempting, can never be erased from the recesses of your memory. The plague of America, elected politicians and political appointees, responsible for the government, responsible for the welfare of the many, totally inexperienced in dealing with vagaries of life.
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