A young man who works for me has a growing family, a wife and 4 children, these parents have never attended church, but had the intelligence to know that their children should be in church. They can certainly see the direction the world is going. There was a church near their house and they went there last Sunday. They enjoyed the music, it is one of these churches with “drums and drama”. But, they became very confused, even bewildered when the church observed the Lord's supper, Communion. They had never heard anything about remembering the atonement of our Blessed Lord, and they became even more confused when some members of the church, filled with the spirit of the occasion, began to talk in tongues.
There are spiritually elite people in every congregation, those who have been in church their entire life, many members as well as pastors have been lulled to sleep believing that everyone has caught up with them. Knowing that there are visitors in the church, would it not behoove any pastor to explain the Lord's supper, that it is a believer's ordinance, not for the unbelievers.
Most of the “unchurched” have just witnessed brief encounters with Christianity by way of television. Anyone who can read can learn everything he needs to know, it does not take the spiritually elite to instruct him. As with everything else, there must be some desire, motivation, involved. I have been in mosques all over the world, I just kept quiet and observed, same in Catholic cathedrals, or even Pentecostal brush arbors.
People whose souls are mesmerized by this electronic age, the worst Satan-inspired invention one can imagine, television. The second worst Satan-inspired invention, bringing pornography and every decadent act known to man right into your house, the computer. All these should be unplugged. Get out into the fresh air and sunlight, which God has provided for the health of your soul and body.
I remember very well, World War 2, and so many young men could not pass the physical examination because, as victims of the Great Depression, they were undernourished and underweight. They had bad teeth, bad feet, bad musculature, all from the debilitation brought on by an unhealthy life. Now, most enlistees fail the test because of excess: overweight, illegal-expensive recreational drugs, sitting around watching television or playing games on a computer, laziness, lack of exercise, every thing in their lives automatic. Most young people are too lazy to change the gears in their cars, or raise and lower a window in their house. Their food, their entire lifestyle must be automatically controlled, automatic dishwashing, automatic clothes washing, most young people have never seen a clothes line or clothes pin. Farms and farm life is the only rational, promising lifestyle left in this county. The politicians are “chewing at the bit” through licenses, regulations, numbering, to get rid of America's farm life. When everything decent about America is gone, someone will say, “we unplugged the wrong things”.
The greatest republic the world has ever known, was made up of free enterprise, entrepreneur, hard-working, capitalistic, freedom-loving, family businesses. Today, through government regulation, we have a fascist-capitalistic-communistic-collectivist controlled government.
The greatest healthcare system was found in America, the Gravitas of healthcare practitioners prepared trained, licensed, peer-reviewed by their fellow professionals, unsurpassed education, quality students, carefully selected and paid privately according to ability. A profession-business atmosphere which gave America superior care all the way from the country doctor making his calls, first in a buggy, now in a car, to the university research centers.
The greatest schools the world has ever known were small, parent-directed and controlled, not political boards trying to meet to government objectives of political correctness. Finally realizing the failure of socialized public education, many parents, loving their children too much to see them entangled in satanic decadence, have chosen to home school. There is nothing prohibitive about homeschooling, it can be the most rewarding choice ever made regarding your most precious possession. Set a room aside for education, everything you need is available to you: online, from others in your community, from national self-help groups. You can always tell a student who has been home-schooled, and even one who has attended a private Christian school. The bad manners, illicit acts, quirks of confusion, have not affected these children. Youth is confusing enough at best, impossible at worst.
One of my friends had a young boy who was very confused about the satanic acts in public schools and the holiness of home. I said to the father and mother, “home school him!” The next time I saw the young man, he was a different person, showing all the potential I knew was there. If a national enemy were to invade this nation, go into the schoolhouse and do to your loved children what you are paying taxes for your own nation to do to them, you would rise up with guns and armor. Don't use the school's model for your model, American schools are a total failure, don't copy them.
God chose the foolishness of preaching to teach stiff-necked rebelling, defying people about him...his love, grace, faithfulness to the unlovely, almost beyond the mind of man to understand...the miracle of faith. So many deceived into thinking God's work is a matter of numbers. God is not interested in counting numbers, but rather making numbers count. Gideon first had 30,000 men, God told him to tell those who were scared,” to go home”, as would be the case today, 20,000 went home. Through other tests, and the tests always comes, only 300 were left. These 300 won the battle.
So often we depend on the sophisticated to make sophisticates, the world to give us God's advice. As in homeschooling, Sunday-schooling, it is a matter of teaching simple belief. A lady in a country church taught children for 27 years, the basics of God's word. At her funeral, some of her students said there was an aura about her when she talked, so convincing were her words.
The world needs to plug in to the fact that the most important teaching is in the home, we teach all the time, whether we know it or not. When the biography of Winston Churchill asked him to verify the names of his school teachers, he put his mother's name at the top of the list. He said, “my mother was my first and greatest teacher.” It is time to unplug the unnatural, and plug into the natural, that which will never fail or have a failing grade.
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