The USA birth certificate is the Declaration of Independence, signed by the 56 fore-father, ancestors who risked life, fortune and sacred honor to birth this nation. From 1799 to 1892, the Supreme Court declared this a Christian nation. It is a matter of record, in the court case of Church of the Holy Trinity vs United States, which should be taught in every Christian Sunday school, every Christian church, every Christian seminary: “This is a religious people. This is historically true. From the discovery of this continent to the present hour, there is a single voice making this affirmation… we find everywhere a clear recognition of the same truth… These, and many other matters which might be noticed, add a volume of unofficial declarations to the mass of organic utterances that this is a Christian nation.”
— Supreme Court Decision, 1892 Church of the Holy Trinity Decision v United States
Four times the Declaration of Independence refers to our belief in God, it is a matter of the congressional record that in 1774, the first meeting of the Congress, the representatives spent 3 and ½ hours in prayer. These men, founding fathers of our republic, believed in the greatest power in the world: the power of prayer. The modern church has been silent with prayer as with everything else, prayer in the schools, the holocaust of abortion, the homosexual agenda, gay marriage, homosexual pastors and bishops, terrorism, drug addiction, poverty and pornography, the greatest ecological and environmental disaster in centuries (the killing of the Gulf of Mexico).
The colonists did not want war with England, they spent ten years trying to avoid such a war with the world's greatest power. England considered the colonies part of their colonial empire...actually gave large land holding to Anglican church (Episcopal) which still has influence on the east coast of America (Tryon palace, etc.). These early Episcopalians, thinking they controlled the spiritual lives of the colonists actually hanged some early baptist preachers. It was the Armenians, Calvinists and Free Will Baptists who formed the early non-Church of England faiths.
I have a deed signed by the first surveyor, Adoniah Peacock, showing my family's first farm in New Jersey...founders of Morristown. Then as now, the early Americans wanted opportunity, responsibility, just life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Just 60 years before, their family members had been burned at stake for their Christian faith. William Tyndale had been burned at the stake for translating the Bible into English. Until the English translation, most people had never seen a Bible. Finally, they were able to read the bible, could learn of it's promises, wanted to worship as a free people in a free land. Today, because of the hardship of these early Americans, Bibles are everywhere and most everyone has never read one. One of the oldest churches, on land granted by the King of England, is here in this County. Every time I pass that edifice, I think of the woman who worked for me, Lorraine, who was a member of that church, who went to church almost every Sunday, and yet had never read the Bible, did not realized that there was an Old and New Testament. I said to her, “why do you go to church?” She said, “it is a social thing with me.” A member of the first baptist church here in Wilmington said to me,” Golgotha was the disciple who killed the apostle David.” Such is the Christianity and the Faith of the 21st century.
After the Declaration of Independence, each of the 13 colonies must have a new constitution. The constitution of North Carolina, stated then as now, that anyone holding public office must believe in Jesus Christ and almighty God. The first constitution of North Carolina, dated December 18,1776 states: “That no person, who shall deny the being of God or the truth of the Protestant religion or the divine authority either of the Old or New Testaments, or who shall hold religious principles incompatible with the freedom or safety of the State, shall be capable of holding any office or place of trust or profit in the civil department within this State.”
For the past 150 years, Democrats have been in absolute control of the state of North Carolina. Even though it was Republican Lincoln who brought the abolition of slavery to the State, even though it was a Republican US Congress who brought civil rights to the state. The liberal Democrats, controlling 99% of the black vote, 78% of the Jewish vote, 92% of the Gay and other minority vote, have walked in lockstep to keep Democrats in office. Even though nowhere in the Democrat party platform, state or national, do you find reference to God. With the gobs of federal money which North Carolina, because of it's historic Democrat legislature, it's historic Democrat academic system, who needs God?
From the writings of Christopher Columbus, we know that he knew the Holy Spirit of God put into his brain the search for this “land of the free and home of the brave.” 85% of all money going to the foreign mission field has come from America, 90% of all missionaries have come from America, America has been Satan's greatest enemy and he has done everything possibly to defeat America, especially Christiandom in America. Satan's desire, and the desire of the henchmen of Satan, is to turn this land of promise into a land of promiscuity, pornography, prostitution, and abject paganism.
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