God alone knows what went on in bringing His Word to the eyes of the average man. The early Hebrew scriptures were written on a few parchments, the Jews would stand for long periods of time as the priests and prophets recited the scriptures from memory. There were a few parchments at the time of Christ. Paul's ministry to the gentiles, salvation by grace through faith, was to a people who knew nothing about Jewish history, or anything else. Christ was crucified by the modern calender, around 33 AD. It was at least 30 years later that Paul began his ministry, and the Bible was not completed until around 95 AD. There were very few early manuscripts. One monk found some nuns burning manuscripts at the Mount Sinai ministry, just trying to stay warm.
A monk by the name of Erasmus, divided the scripture into chapters and verses. William Tyndale wanted the public to be able to read the scripture. He was run out of England by King Henry, and continued his work of translating the Bible into English in Belgium. There he met Henry Phillips, who “supposedly” was assisting him. One night, Phillips assisted King Henry's gestapo in arresting Tyndale and dragging him back to England, there he was burned at the stake for translating the Bible into English, Tyndale was heard to say, “Lord! Open the King of England's eyes.” The ashes of Tyndale's body, washing into the Themes river went into the oceans, and the Tyndale Bible eventually went to every continent of the world. Because of the ministry and majesty of God, because of the sovereignty of God, King Henry became a believer of the Bible.
There are so many things we do not understand, how and why God gave us His inspired Word, and yet it has been so difficult, to give His Word to the world. I heard Dr. Vance Hapner preach many times, this marvelous, sensitive man, who because of crippled feet, walked with two canes said, “I do not understand electricity, but I will not sit around in the dark until I do understand it.” We will never understand why humans beings, supposedly of superior intelligence will jump on a sinking ship instead of a ship built and dedicated, perfect rudder, no anchor to hold, bound for assured eternity. The entire message so clear...read Romans 8:28-39 and learn the truth of your security, by being on a sound ship. A trip that makes all the sense in the world. Those who are lost, who have no sense of direction, will jump on just anything, many will grab at broom straw, if thrown at them, floundering in the sea.
There is no sales emblem in the world as familiar as the Ford emblem. Henry Ford, founder of the Ford motor company, made first the Model T. When he was giving the subcontractor his specifics for the chassis, he told him to ship the chassis in a wooden box, he told them exact measurement, the exact place to put holes. The subcontractor thought the old man was crazy, but he would humor him by doing it the way he wanted it done. Little did he know that Ford was using the wood crating, cut exactly to size for floorboards in his cars. It is essential, more than ever before in history, to have people in charge in government, business, military, education, even churches, who have some common sense, and who know what they are doing.
More so than ever before, it is time to get down to basics, our grandchildren cannot repay the debt America owes (estimated 118 trillion). It will be a miracle if most of the world's population survives the present turmoil of toxicity. When “old Gene” Talmage was running for Governor of Georgia, he once told a crowd at a gathering, “the people of Georgia only have three friends: me, Jesus Christ, and Sears and Roebuck”. The people of America only have Jesus Christ left.
In Washington, in the canyons of Wall Street, at your statehouse, at your courthouse, the time has come for you to recognize that just as with the peasants and rulers several centuries ago, the rulers are now of one class, just one political party, they want you think they are divided, almost equally: Democrat vs Republican. They are of the same breed, elitists.
As David Rockefeller, a half-breed government entity, banker oppressor, eugenics promoter said, “some men are born to rule, others are born to be ruled.” I have been in gatherings, incognito, with some of these elitists on rare occasions, they know that whichever party is in power, it makes no difference, they are always in power. They know who they are, and they know that they are not like the rest of us. These people would be bored to death in Heaven, because they have it so good here on earth. They know, without a shadow of a doubt, that whichever way the wind blows, come what may, they are going to come out on top. They belong to the elitist club, will always win one way or another.
These are the people who always get the choice seats in the synagogue (Luke 11:43), plush commission in board appointments, even if one regardless of political party, loses an election, he has a plush job as a lobbyist. These are the old families, their blood is blue, these are the people for whom university buildings are named, who at their country club say to one another, “I wonder what the poor folks are doing.” Most southern cities are afflicted with the virus of “big I, little [yo]u”, the town in which I live, one of the commissioner's mothers would walk around the Cape Fear country club, making such a statement. But, the descendants of tenant farmers, cotton mill workers, blacks who were not permitted to put their feet in the nearby ocean, will still vote for such elitists. The poor and the disenfranchised have always been the ones who gave their lives and limbs in the defense of this nation. Have you ever known a son or daughter of a poor family to be appointed to a military academy? It is truly unfortunate that the hard-working, taxpaying, god-fearing, real Americans have trusted their future on floating in a sinking ship.
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