People my age have the unforgettable experience of the best in television: Milton Berle, I Love Lucy, Ed Sullivan, and even the Sonny and Cher Comedy Hour. The Sonny and Cher Comedy Hour started in 1971 and ran until the couple got a divorce in 1974. Cher, about half naked, and they often used their daughter Chasity on stage, who would later turn out be on of the world's best known female-to-male transgendered.
Sonny wanted to be involved in politics and was elected to Congress, like many who get elected there, he learned too much, just as JFK was assassinated for looking behind the curtain, the overpowering string-pulling “shadow government” eliminated Bono while he was on the ski slope. The ever-controlled news media said it was a skiing accident, but other reports show it was a blow behind the head, nothing involving “running into a tree”. Perhaps their best known song, “I got you babe” projecting what has happened to the American public during the past forty years.
Totally blind, I learned years ago, after speaking through my intercom, to get anyone's attention at the door, with something unusual, a writing pad, a rolled up piece of paper. When walking to a meeting, I always bring a briefcase with something sticking out of it, everyone's attention is immediately, not on me and my condition, but on the unrelated object. Notice, how you are hypnotized by such on television, or the radio. Mind control is the most irascible, contentious factor in American life.
Black nationalists, especially members of the “black liberation” church, will always vote for a white racist if he knows how to hypnotize them. We are a hypnotized, controlled population; Madison avenue is good at it, but not as good as politicians.
In Togo, West Africa, where the voodoo religions are a way of life, I saw an entire nation controlled by hypnotism, the voodoo acts of drumbeats, didactic, pulsating music. Listen to your local black radio stations, listen to boomboxes on the streets and you will hear the same thing. It is like putting a baby to sleep with a rocking chair, (don't bother me with facts, anything new, just let me believe anything). This same method is used with a teleprompter, you will notice the talking heads just read at the same cadence, the voice seldom raised or lowered, you are being hypnotized and do not know it. Now, you can understand why the president uses a teleprompter, he and his managers know what they are doing. Every light, every object around him, has a purpose. The local movie studio has used several of my buildings for films. On occasion, I have had business in my office at one of my buildings, it amazes me that they shoot the same scene over and over, every word, every light, every piece of music intended to convey and control your thought processes.
Watch a speaker, in front of you, hold a piece of paper in front of him, moving it in a certain way, he is hypnotizing you, many of us know how to do it. Gone are the days of the Lincoln-Douglas debates, when voices were raised, shouting could be heard. Babies are controlled by a pacifier in the mouth, grown ups are controlled by pacification of every type, mostly sounds and sights.
A president can sit in a church in Chicago for twenty years, hearing the most bombastic racist preacher known to ministers across America, and hear nothing. It is only with a crisis or something “out of the ordinary” that we awaken from our slumber.
A missionary friend was talking to me in my office, who always came by when he was home from the Congo. He told me off a catholic priest in his area became very ill and was taken to the hospital. He died in just a few hours, and was brought back to the village, laid out on a table at the parish. The hundreds of church members gathered around mourning their loss. He said, “I went in, went up to the table, held up my hands and began to pray for the church and its people.” He said, “the dead priest began to move, and before long he was sitting up.” He really had not died, but was in a coma, but the people still believed that I raised him from the dead. Americans will believe anything in a time of crisis.
The church has been very silent about illegal drugs, abortion and the killing of the innocent, homosexuality and its resulting gay-marriages, even ever-increasing terrorism in the world. The church has just become a way to spend a pleasant hour on Sunday, a psychological “break” in a hectic schedule of work, survival skills, sports interests, hobbies, social activities, and perhaps even family.
The greatest ecological and environmental tragedy to hit the world for many centuries is now taking place right under our noses...the gigantic oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Having split the atom, traveled to the moon, made hybrids or clones out of just about every plant or animals With all the degrees at the universities, no one seems to know what to do about this rip in the ocean floor, the penetration of this ocean of oil and gas. At least we know this, there is still much oil in the earth, and the fairy tale of fossil fuels being made by dead animals and plants is just that, a tale. Maybe these smart professors can tell us how all this dead material got there, how and why thousands of animals walked, evidently, continuously into a hole.
Now the problem, all this oil, solvents, chemicals sprayed onto the surface and the atmosphere. A cauldron of chemical reactions being accidentally manufactured, should be deadly to the human physiology...neurology, liver, kidneys, etc. Think of the air from this morass at it mixes with the chem-trails already destroying much of our insect and botanical community. The honey bees, frogs, many insects, are already gone, just from the chem trails. We know how it has affected tree growing and pollination. Dr. Einstein, not exactly an uneducated man said, “when the bees go, man will not be far behind.”
God has been talking to us incessantly in recent years, many earthquakes around the world, volcanoes, tsunamis, the time has come for the silent church to plead for His mercy. But, with the gobs of government money, who needs God. There was a time when the Christian college needed the support of Christian people, the Christian orphanage needed the support of Christian people, the Christian day-schools needed the support of Christian people. Even, nursing and retirement homes, catering to old people who cannot support themselves, needed the support of Christian people. During the past 50 years, even at Christian colleges, these supposed Christian administrations, spend all their time grabbing the crumbs of government money largess. The universities, who dance more to the tune that the government plays get most of the government education dollars. The orphanages, retirement homes, hospitals, everything, depends on government dollars...grants, social service, bail outs.
I remember when church, Christian colleges, Christian organizations were happy to get gifts and contributions (as unto God) from those who know the joy of Christian giving. Today, it is rare to even get an acknowledgment. The religious communities, almost with one voice have raised up to say, “we don't need you babe! We don't need you God! We don't need you committed Christians, we have the government and the endless printing presses of the government to supply our need and wants, our entitlements.”
I've traveled through every communist country, the greatest tragedy of communism, socialism is what such satanic, hypnotic control does to the individual. Almost as tragic is what it does to a government, when free people learn to depend on the work of others. You will know the tragedy of communist socialism when you see your churches fold up and fade away one after another because those depending on the mercy of God, had rather wait on a mercenary government.
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