Arriving at a remote south sea island, the small boat I was on was met by small boats with natives bearing spears. Once they learned that those in my boat were tourists, all was well. But, believe it or not, the natives of these south seas islands are still fighting one another, keeping territorial boundaries, by seafaring warfare, much as their ancestors did thousands of years ago. We read of Caesar's Gallic wars, the exploitation of the new world by ships from Northern Europe. America did not intend to have army, naval forces, forced to do so because of pirates.
In the naval battles of history, the flag of the country, the country's colors, could be easily raised and lowered very much like the sails on the galleons, but anytime a warring ship's captain entered a naval conflict which he intended on winning, instead of raising the flag so that in case of defeat it could be lowered, he would nail the flag to the mast...no turning back, no defeat possible...only victory ahead.
When the conquistadors (Spanish conquerors of the new world, 15th - 19th centuries) arrived off the coast of South America, as Cortez and his conquistadors sought to conquer the Aztec, when those aboard ship, now on land, looked toward the sea, they saw nothing but burning ships. Cortez's soldiers knew right away that there would be no retreat, no turning back, that it would be a battle to the end. According to Aztec and Inca history, there were never more ruthless rulers than the Spaniards who conquered most of the Americas.
In today's warfare with drones and robots, warfare has become very impersonal. Even in the Civil war, where more Americans were killed than in any other war (630,000), war was close and personal, killing one another with swords and bayonets. There were probably more killed with bayonets in WW1 than in any other way. In the Hutu-Tutsi conflict in Uganda, much as the conflict in the Congo, most of the killing was done with machetes. Machetes manufactured in Mexico, shipped to Africa with the shipping boxes marked “garden implements”.
War killing is truly murder when you are looking directly at the victim, this is the reason we consider “partial-birth abortion” murder (the killing of a baby just before birth, the abortionist having turned the child so the head comes out last instead of first, the head in the mother is separated from the body). It takes a real murderer to kill an innocent child, one who never had the breath of life. Mr. Obama and his followers, those who voted for him, will answer to God, the only One who could possibly avenge this practice.
Not since WW2 has America won a war, still suffering the pangs of defeat from Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, and now Afghanistan. We have a supposed “war on poverty”, there are more people in poverty in America today than ever before. We had a supposed “war on drugs”, more drugs are used now than ever before, drugs have killed more people than nuclear activity. We had a supposed cold war, with the USSR, the communist warriors just went underground, and we are still facing them. With the arrest of several last week, Russian spies in this country, we know that they have just “backed up” and are getting ready to start again. Really, America is engaged in warfare all over the world.
Henry David Thoreau of Walden Pond fame said, “Whatever your sex or position, life is a battle in which you are to show your [flag], and woe be to the coward. Whether passed on a bed of sickness or a tented field, it is ever the same fair play and admits no foolish distinction. Despair and postponement are cowardice and defeat. Men were born to succeed, not to fail.
I personally get so tired of spoiled, lazy people, I was thinking recently, if only I could meet one young male, who has the same zeal for life, the want for success, the desire for knowledge, the demand for all on the alter which I had as a young man. You don't find them anymore, most are just “momma's boys”. It is no surprise that there is so much divorce, same-sex marriage is nothing new. Many women have been married to one of the same sexuality, just not the same plumbing, for a long time.
Foundations are really important, young people should learn early in life, that is the sure and basic foundation on which you will depend at old age. Throw away your health, ambition when you are young, and you will not have much to go to battle with later. Learn everything you can about everything. My mother had a very little formal education, and so did her mother and on back, same with the male ancestors. My father was a high school graduate equivalent to today's college graduate, this was their axiom: “learn how to do anything, if you never need the knowledge, good; if so, you will know how to do it.” It is as important to prepare food, as to use a hammer.
I was a military field-grade officer, I have worked my entire life, both in my chosen profession and every area encountered. Even blind, I have not found anything I could not do. The reason I promote the draft of young men into the military service, at least all are taught something about discipline, cleanliness, healthcare, work-ethic, responsibility. Many of these qualities they do not get at home, and sad to say, usually not their fault, just as small children are anxious to learn, want to read, want to do schoolwork, want to engage in controlled athletics, they must be trained...this take time. This is why is the coach is always voted the most popular teacher, because the coach has rules, the coach takes the time to train, around the coach you are dressed uniformly.
A mother who allows her daughter to act like a whore will have a whore for a daughter, and her grandchildren will have a whore for a mother. A mother who allows her son to act like a girl, never insist that he does manly things, will have a gay son, it never fails. I have known many gay males, not once did a hear a gay male speak of his father, he always talked of his mother, and that is the way his mother wanted it. A mother must really hate the biological father of her son to turn him into this awful, winless way of life. Life is a big enough battle without having to fight the battle of “mixed gender”.
If I could talk to every young person, I would speak of early training, early study habit, early education traits. I would talk about the remarkable body...the value of health, the value of exercise, the value of rest. Our ancestors lived healthy lives because they went to bed early, did not stay up late watching a filmed slop (liquid garbage), and then yawning all the next day. It is true, early to bed, early to rise, make a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. No truer words were ever spoken.
The greatest men and women I have ever known celebrated youth by captivating life. They realized that the trip is short, not a dress rehearsal, you only go around once, make the best of it. Nail your colors to the mast, there is no turning back.
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