My college roommate's wife called me, she said, “I wanted you to know about Robert's death. He was found dead in his hotel room in Las Vegas, you know he had a marvelous medical practice, a marvelous family, two sons as doctors, but he could not resist gambling. He had become completely addicted to gambling. I remembered what he had said to me, 'most of us think we know one another, but we really do not, there is a difference in the outer man and the inner man', the inner man is known only unto God, the public, even one's family and friends, knows only the veneer, the outer man.” I think this is the reason many people are so addicted to their pets, the pet has nothing to hide, what you see in the pet is what you love, and the pet has an unconditional love.
On the farm, we had several barn cats, big cats, emperors of the barn. I pity the child who has never seen a large mother cat move her babies from one place to another, carrying them in her mouth. I pity the biologist who has never seen a large cat torture a small mouse. The genome of the mouse is not very different from that of man, only about 5%. This is the reason rats can be used in medical research; the physiology, neurology of the rat so akin to that of the human being.
The cat always tortures the mouse for a while...never kills him immediately, the mouse is much tastier, desirable once his neurology has been excited. The autonomic nervous system of fight or flight takes effect, the mouse is more desirable after aggravation. Satan, the government, their persecution complex, thinks man is more adaptable and desirable after aggravation. The mouse will take off running, thinking he is escaping, the cat just reaches out with his paw and drags him back, the cat knows what goes on behind the curtain and gets a vicarious thrill from this “feline” activity. I have seen the same thing take place in the African bush, the Katahari, with large lions and wildebeests. The lions always enjoy torturing prey.
We learned long ago, first discovered with Arabian horses, that if a pedigreed animal were ever impregnated by an animal of lower genetics, there are certain “blood prints”, morphology remaining in the pedigreed animal so that signs of lesser pedigree always show up, even after many births with other pedigreed animals, this happens with dogs and many other pedigreed animals. Pedigree papers do not often tell the entire story. We are learning now that children do not like to find the word “donor” in their ancestry. Children get no thrill in knowing that some young man, old enough to have sperm, left sperm in a cup in a bathroom, then used to fertilize his biological mother. Children want an ancestry, God designed the family correctly, God designed the child correctly, not to be a product of science.
I am convinced that deep within the recesses of man, there are shadows in the biology, it is not just good genes, a good immune system, but very important, good intestines, that lead the road of a long life. It is so necessary to look behind the curtain in every life activity, no matter what your destiny becomes. President John F. Kennedy looked behind the curtain in Washington, and saw things which had been hid from him, pertaining to “shadow government”. Rothschild, Rockefeller, umbra over the oil and financial world, then penumbra of silver, gold, and fiat money transactions, I believe this led to his death. Admiral James Forrestal, Admiral Jeremy Boorda, General George Patten, and others looked behind the curtain, knew too much.
I will never understand, how and why anyone can live in this uncertain world without faith in God. Everything in our mental, logic system proves the genuineness, greatness, guarantor of our Creator. Every day, in some way, you escape death, a tree limb does not fall on you, lightning does not strike you, a chemical reaction in your body does not fell you. Driving down the four lane, or even two lane highway, certain death from an approaching, speeding car is just six feet away, if there is a mechanical defect. Think of the people who take statin drugs (cholesterol control), their temporary amnesia. I can think of nothing more dangerous for the human body than statin drugs, as an effort to control cholesterol, or aspartame (artificial sweeteners), preservatives, and other chemicals that “rot” the brain.
The three big ones: heart attack, cancer, stroke are almost superseded by those affected by Alzheimer's. The worse condition I have ever experienced, other than being totally blind, using a statin drug for control of cholesterol. Like many patients, such drugs really affect the mind...memory loss, amnesia. What you put in your mouth so affects your body, why is that so hard to understand? Worse than toxic, polluted food and drink, exotic chemicals from ”big pharma” not helping you, but making the doctor, pharmacist and manufacturer very rich. Look behind the curtain, you know your body more than anyone else. Never before in history, has the average man actually had the ability to research and study pathologies as well as treatments. The time you spend watching garbage, could be better spent studying, researching, praying. The average young person spends 53 hours a week watching electronic media. There is not one question about anything in life that the answer cannot be found in God's “love letter”, laws to his chief creation, mankind. God's design always works best.
Look behind the curtain, the exotic estranged chemicals you are putting in your body whether prescribed or otherwise, are slow death.
Look behind the curtain, the garbage you are being fed mentally by media and your children in their schools is slow death.
Look behind the curtain, the feel-good, “nothing is wrong with you or me”, “God is too picky”, “all you need is love”, the Bible is all mixed up, forms of religiosity, are slow and certain death. Has your church just become a morgue with a steeple?
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