An interesting study for any student, the men who have been president of the United States, all 44 are interesting in their own right, three of the worst in my lifetime: Carter, Clinton and worst of all, Obama (a man who should have never become president). Perhaps our greatest president, Thomas Jefferson said it best, ”I fear for my country when I think of the justice of God.” What would he say now, when a plurality of stupid people, put such a creature, not even born in this country, into the White House. We will never recover from this presidency.
George Washington was without a doubt a great man, the wealthiest president. He once said he'd rather be on his farm than be emperor of the world. Woodrow Wilson was probably the most egotistical president, it was written that he had such an ego he always wanted to be the center of attention. If he went to a funeral, he wanted to be the corpse, if he went to a wedding, he wanted to be the bride. He always had the details of a conversation in mind before he talked with one, once at a conference, he was slow getting out of the car. He told the guard he was still arranging his thought. He was the only PhD to occupy president's chair, he was the clog that messed up things at conferences. However, towards the end, stroke victim, was doing little, as his wife ran the country.
President Thomas Jefferson, third president, wanted on his tombstone only his date of birth and his death, and that he had been president of the University of Virginia, his instructions were that it was not to be note that he was president or vice-president of the United States or governor of Virginia. Such a mind, writer of the Constitution, violinist, speaking French, Latin and Greek, avid curiosity in all fields and who frequently studied 15 hours a day. His brilliant mind did not allow him to believe everything in God's word, most of us remember the Jefferson Bible. He cut from his bible, the verses with which he did not agree. We wait for light, but behold obscurity; for brightness, but we walk in darkness (Isaiah 59:9)
History has been good to mankind, giving us brilliant minds that have penetrated science and philosophy. God talked directly to several of them, Abraham, Moses and Paul. History has proven that men prefer darkness to light. And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil (John 3:19). People know that eating and drinking garbage will make them sick, they know that thinking garbage will make them wicked...they continue to do so anyhow.
Foolish people will always get behind an unnecessary war, it is happening right now, those who have never been to war think it is exciting...fireworks, television documentaries are not real, just excitement for the nervous system, a product of illusion. It has not occurred to many Americans yet, that 500,000 innocent children were killed during the Iraq war, we get word back that Americans are being killed in Afghanistan. Think of the hundreds killed, killed by drones or robots, bombs dropped out of planes in a very impersonal way...mothers of babies who go to bed hungry, sick from the ravages of disease. There is an elitist group in the world, rich beyond compare, self-centered, selfish, wicked, members of the brotherhood of darkness. These promoters of eugenics, want a world system just for them and their few friends. For the first time in the history of the world, just a few people are able to get control of the world. Marco Polo, Alexander the Great, Cyrus, Napoleon, Hitler, perhaps even Hirohito may have had designs on the world, never saw a piece of real estate they did not want. Greed beyond compare, but it is now the 21st century, that it is actually possible to conquer the world.
Now, we have the trilateral commission, the Bilderbergers, the commission on foreign relations, rich power-dealers, munitions dealers, dealers in the trafficking of human beings who belong to a brotherhood of darkness and actually believe that it is their destiny to rule the world. In the biography of David Rockefeller on page 405, he specifically advocates the brotherhood of darkness, the elitists of the world, controlling everything, a one-world government, . He said, “some men are born to rule, most are born to be ruled.”
The American state-controlled news media, academia, totally controlled by the state because of funding, corporations controlled by the state because of taxation, fraternal groups, denominations, all mired in political correctness, afraid to speak out. Those of us who have traveled, studied, been exposed to maze minutia of world politics recognize the consistency of inconsistencies, please explain how a third world country like Pakistan can produce nuclear weapons when they do not have the ability to produce a bicycle. Please explain how a benevolent society like the western world can stand by and see a country like Ethiopia (77 million population) starve because of drought. We hear much talk about entitlements, only 20% of the world's population has electric power and a competent supply of water. Every human is entitled to the supplying of the most basic human need, water. Every time I think of poverty, I think of the women I have seen on every continent spending their days just trying to find drinking water. God has a day of reckoning ahead for America and other nations controlling the world's wealth. These people of darkness, who do not believe in light, certainly not the light of God's love, have a day of reckoning ahead. In Shakespeare's Macbeth, toward the end of the play, the doctor said, “God have mercy on us all.”
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