“For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven.” (Psalm 119:89)
There are some things that are settled forever, the longest chapter in the Bible, Psalm 119, settles God's message to us, there is nothing to be added, you add at your own risk (Revelations 22:18). One young man working for me, a Mormon, knew little about the Bible, he said, “I know about the book of Mormon.” Another young man working for me said, “I study only the Jehovah's witness material.” You may study the cults, Mary Baker Eddy, Ms. White, any other books, any other references, listen to any expositor, but you are to wise to stay with the inspired, inerrant Word of God. I have learned much from uninformed, misinformed preachers of the Gospel...Dr. Jean Scott, Mr. Harold Campen, Tex Mars, Peter Peters, etc. I never went into another doctor's office that I did not learn something, someone was doing something good or bad. You learn more from your mistakes, than you do of your successes.
There is nothing wrong with history, history of the world, history of civilizations, there is nothing wrong with travel, studying the great cities and museums of the world. But, as I have said to many graduating classes, I have traveled the world, it is not necessary for you to do so, I can tell you without fear of contradiction that the greatest country in the world is America. I heard young people all over the world tell me how much they wanted to come to America. At a university in China, the students begged me for books...most young people want to learn, want opportunity, I have little time or patience for young Americans who throw their lives away.
It is settled, America was the greatest experiment in human civilization, tragic, many yield for change. It is settled, the Bible, all world history converges to one point on the map, the land which God called to Abraham, the first Jew, in 4,000 BC. The small strip of land now called Israel, the small strip of land where God himself lived for thirty three years. Jesus, his mother, his earthy father, John the Baptist, none of his disciples would have stood out in a crowd, they were ordinary people.
I have visited Israel many times, they are mostly ordinary people. I was in the Hilton hotel in Jerusalem, the American comedian Totie Fields was also staying there, by then she was already confined to a wheelchair. I had been telling her about my experience trying to get to Hebron, to see the burial site of Abraham and Sarah, she said, “Dr. Morris, what is wrong with these people.” I said, “one word: religion...two sons, Isaac and Ishmael.” I said, “it is so simple, there must be a two state solution, Israel and Palestine. If Israel allows Arabs to dominate, then Arabs will take over because of their birthrates, just as they have taken over Europe.” There is an Arab in the Knesset, an Arab on the Israeli Supreme Court, there are now 1,500,000 Palestinians in Gaza. Seeking peace, Israel gave Gaza to Hamas, 25 synagogues were immediately destroyed. Today, the stores of Gaza are full of food, yet, Hamas continue to shell Israel, just as Hezbollah from Lebanon continues his warfare. It is believed that 20,000 Hezbollah fighters are ready to invade Israel after being shelled with 800 rockets everyday. Israel has been preparing to defend itself since it's beginning in 1948.
On the Larry King television program Prime Minister Netanyahu said he looks forward to studying the Bible on Sunday with his son. The nation of Israel is 80% secular, most do not believe in God, what a tragedy since they are the apple of God's eye (Genesis 12), the richest history in human history. What a tragedy that American Jews are Democrats, voting 78% for Obama, promoter of the abortion holocaust.
If you were to take a large sheet of white paper and wrap it around a basketball, and you poke a hole on that large piece of paper with a pin, that is the comparison of the Jewish populations of Israel compared to the Arabs that surround them, Arabs (Muslims) who want their absolute destruction.
I was in Israel twice before the 1967 war, there is only one nation which Arabs hate more than Israel, and that is America. When will this knowledge sink in, when will American politicians realize that the scene is already set for World War 3? On this blog, I have written much about Israel because the history of Israel so controls the history of the world.
Any time anyone tells you to prove God, just say, “one word will prove everything: 'Jew'”. And yet, in the pulpits in America and around the world, ignorant professors and “possessors” of Christianity still preach “grace”, “church”, and “body” from the Gospels. Christ and his disciplines kept the Jewish law, it is from Romans to Philemon, that we, as gentiles, find grace through faith...”Christ in us, the hope of glory” (Colossians 1:28).
Mark Twain said that India was the ultimate travel destination. Each time I was in India and many other unusual places, I was astounded by religious practices such as the sex acts on the ancient temples at Khajuraho and Amritsar, in Calcutta where mothers were throwing their babies off the top of temples, trying to appease a Hindu god. Much like the ancient philistines who threw their babies into mystical fires, or the early Romans who put their babies by the roadsides where horses hooves could crush them. The holocaust of baby-killing is nothing new, sexual perversion, sorcery, such as you would find in the most jaundiced, wealthy areas of American life.
God's Word is settled in handling these things, his vengeance towards those who practice and promote these things, and even those who support such horror. Think of the horror of old people in Africa, when family can no longer take care of them, being taken into the bush, to be disposed of by wild animals. Or the Inuit (Eskimos), putting their aged on ice floes (icebergs) and sending them out to sea. Thank God you are in Christian America, even though it is popular now to hate God, to be an atheist. I have never known a poor atheist or a female atheist.
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