Satan has left his fingerprints on our lives. 25% percent of all church members never give anything to the church, time, talent or treasury. Members can sit for hours in a movie theater, before a television screen or computer table, but find it impossible to spend one hour in worship, once a week. I have often been asked to describe an authentic Christian. #1. Totally in love with God's Word, cannot get enough of it: reading, listening, sermon or song. #2. Love completely, particularly your fellow Christians (Bereans). #3. Believe confidently. #4. Giving cheerfully (the tithe is the starting point of faith, He owns your tithe whether you give it or not, faith is reaching toward the impossible).
There is nothing worse in this life, not even death, than being deceived. One of my friends, a doctor, came by my house. He said, “I must talk with you.” He had learned that his wife was an adulteress, was having an affair with one of her fellow workers. He said, “it is more than I can bear, I simply cannot look at her the same way. I put a private investigator on the case, we have pictures, times, places, everything. I love my children too much to put them through a nasty divorce. I have been trying to decide if I want to kill her or myself...or both.” It is the oldest and most diabolical act known to man, Moses was faced with the problem, Christ was faced with the problem, every religious talk show is bombarded with the problem. Right now, a woman (Sakineh) in Iran is condemned to stoning, by the problem.
A new business acquaintance asked me if I wanted to get some lunch, so we went to Wendy's...he had never been out with a blind person before. As always, with anyone, I told him to let me take his elbow and he could guide me to a table and then get our food. He told me later that he went home and told his wife that he was amazed by the callousness of other people in the restaurant. He had the mistaken idea, that someone seeing a disabled blind person would offer to hold a door open, etc. I told him, “No, that day is long gone.” You are lucky to not be trampled.
Everyday, in every form of media, you are besieged by news of conduct, considered rare just a few years ago, but almost expected now...rape, robbery, killings, political corruptness, deceit, hypocrisy. When a detective discovers a crime, he looks for evidence, some of the best evidence: fingerprints. We are seeing the fingerprints, evidence, of what has happened to American family life.
Men seek pornography, woman discover it accidentally, pornography is more addictive than crack cocaine. 1/6 of all women are addicted to pornography, we usually think of this as being strictly a male problem. But with both sexes, brain chemistry changes when you watch pornography. We have sat back and watched our water get poisoned by brain-dumbing chemicals, for instance, fluoride and chloride (both used by the Nazis in WW2, look on any exterminating poison). We have seen our food and medicines compromised by poisons, constant recalls.
This year, Johnson & Johnson has recalled 43 over-the-counter children's medicines, the Peanut Corporation of America recalled over 3913 different peanut butter products due to salmonella contamination, over 300,000 packages of Toll House cookies for E. coli bacteria, etc. etc. and for the thousands of the recalls, only 1% ever take the product back. After the second largest beef recall in American history, Topps Meat Co. went out of business. Can we even imagine the damage that could be done, with carefully placed terrorists in the American food industry, or sin industries such as the cigarette industry? (Muslims do not smoke, do not use alcohol, do not use pork products) Think of what could happen with pork wieners! 95% of rat poison is just innocuous corn meal, it is that 5% arsenic which does the work.
In 1941, President Roosevelt gave his famous “Four Freedom speech”, in which he listed four freedoms every human should enjoy: Freedom of speech, Freedom of religion, Freedom from want, Freedom from fear. This week at Catholic Georgetown university, Hillary Clinton introduced another, “the freedom to love”, bringing to the poor, the gay agenda. The Obama administration made 715 million dollars available for “safe” abortions. In there any safety in murder?
Perhaps there are no fingerprints on the cultural decay of those like Oprah Winfrey, the “fifth Gospel” for many people. She has promoted every area of new age religion, books, authors, politicians. None have been as effective as The Secret by Rhonda Burn, The Shack by William Young, and the Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. On page 164 of The Secret, we are told that we are gods. Recently, a professor at a Christian college told me that The Secret was the greatest book she has ever read. Now, there is something wrong with her Christianity or her mind. Page 110 of The Shack, we are told that there are many paths to God. I understand many supposed Christians read these books, such fingerprints of Satan should be burned. I have never believed in book-burning without cause, perhaps the time has come.
Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not. (1 John 3:1) Satan may have his fingerprints on you and the world, but remember this: you are the only one of the billions who have lived on this earth with your fingerprints. Behold, what manner of love, fourteen times in the 150 verse of John's first letter tells us that we can know we are saved for eternal life, in spite of Satan's efforts.
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