In the old western movies, often a warning shot was fired. This let the enemy know that you would shoot, in today's world. There is no time for warning shots, often not time enough for a second shot, the enemy may think you too scared to shoot, so you better get your one shot. I was never a hunter, my only familiarity with firearms was military, from 1959 until 1968 the army used the M14 rifle, the only one I ever fired, and although replaced by the M16, the M14 is still considered the best, Mr. Clinton destroyed most of the M14s. Once, on my several trips to the middle east, I was in the so-called “no man's land” between Pakistan and Afghanistan, near the Khyber pass, it was where the famous Khyber rifles were built, bolt-action rifles still used after 200 years by the tribesmen, these men with the blackest eyes I have seen, explained the building of the rifle to me.
The longest war in American history, now going on 9 years, 188 Americans have been killed by these tribal sharpshooters. A rag-tag military trained and supplied 25 years ago by Americans, now, called the Taliban, led by Osama bin Laden, instead of fighting Russia, now they are fighting us.
I correspond with my Republican senator very often, I bring many things to his attention, this morning he said, “the national debt is now 14 trillion dollars”. A trillion is a million million dollars, so that is 14 with twelve zeros: 14,000,000,000,000. That is a real warning shot, for those sane enough to care. All this debt was not all brought on by the Sunni Muslim, Marxist, Hussein Obama, but his administration has certainly spurred it on. At the beginning of 2010, every man, woman, child was in debt to the government for 40,000 dollars. Today, six months later, each one is debt 45,000 dollars. Some actually believed him when he said he would bring spending under control.
McCain might not have done any better, his record is liberal, we probably would have had the same type socialized healthcare plan, perhaps bailouts. I do not believe we would have the same type end-of-life issues in the healthcare plan, rationing. The one phrase which passed the Obama plan, a plan which the country cannot afford: preexisting conditions. Insurance companies are not crazy enough to cover preexisting conditions, only the government will care for your illness regardless of conditions. They may put on a piece of paper that they cover preexisting conditions, but loopholes may move them out of the coverage, if nothing else, rationing and end-of-life issues. You can be sure that scarce money will not be spent on old people. Dr. Donald Berwick is Obama's Czar controlling all healthcare, a recess appointment, he would have never been approved because his record is clear: he is a devotee of socialized care, particularly that of England.
The ACLU, the most communist organization in America, founder Roger Baldwin said, “the aim is communism.” The ACLU blames Obama for continuing the Bush wars, they should know that the third World War has already begun, in the middle east, three fronts: Iran, Syria, Afghanistan. America is depending on China to keep North Korea in line.
I have traveled the world, I have never heard BBC radio speak of a city I have not visited. There is poverty in every city, only in America do you see street people eating out of garbage cans, because it is only in America that people throw food away. In Raleigh, Arizona, Washington DC, you have busloads of people protesting, most of us are at work while they are protesting. Where do they get the money for travel, for surviving as they protest?
There are 77 million baby-boomers who will expect to draw social security. Social security, like everything else in government is broke. The Google outfit on your computer has become your worst nightmare, Google is now the NSA (National Security Administration), working with the CIA and FBI, your government knows what you are doing at all times, everything about you. The Google trucks patrol the world, snooping on every continent. You can search any building, anywhere, you can find the tax paid on any building, anywhere. I am a rare book collector, yesterday me and an assistant were looking for a rare book. It was in one library (University of Kentucky), it had never been checked out. Another assistant asked me about my NYC address, he said, “I'm looking at the building right now.” This is the amount of privacy you have left in your life: Facebook, Twitter, all your research, it is all a matter of international knowledge. According to records, the people who sign in most at the White House are Google executives. Top lobbyists from Google meet with the National Security Council. Stalin, Hitler, Mao could only dream of such control.
Google is known to spy on every Congressmen, they have the goods on all of them. You can be assured that the Obama, Pelosi duo will get any vote they want because as we have certainly learned with Mr. Wrangle and others, many have much to hide. You hide nothing from Google, it is the biggest spy scandal in the world, and most people do not have a clue. The congresspeople in charge of intelligence oversight get thousands in political contributions from Google lobbyists. The thing that should keep Americans awake, shadow government, Google knowing everything about you, your business, your health, your estate.
Georg Hegel, teacher of Marx and John Dewey, instilled the ideas of nationalism and socialism which brings in to play every evil of eugenics, plant and animal control. His was the philosophy of slavery, Stalin, Mao, even Bokassa and Castro tried it. No one have been able to accomplish the total enslavement of a people. The human spirit is too strong, the desire to be free, with total control, it has taken a long time and certain sick individuals. He might succeed, because Americans have been dumbed down as no other society in history.
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