Reared in the Hinterlands, very much away from civilization, we never had any contact with law enforcement. I understand that now law enforcement officers visit the schools, talk about illegal drugs, even though law enforcement are known for having much to do with their trafficking. In many large cities, police corruption, especially dealing with illegal drugs is more the norm than the exception. I will not go into the accusations made against the CIA and their participation in bringing illegal drugs into America via Mexico.
Anyway, the only law enforcement I can remember as a youngster were two uncles, one an eastern NC sheriff, another uncle, his brother, a member of the secret service. Since my relatives were all Republican, all law enforcement as well as other bureaucrats, there would be no reason for law enforcement to seek out my relatives about anything.
My first real contact with law enforcement was with a highway patrolman, Patrolman Wilkie, I was then a university student selling books door to door in Brunswick, Pender and other counties. I stayed at a home in Shallotte, where the highway patrolman also stayed, room and board. Perhaps, he was trying to shock a young student, a Christian boy with some character, but he told me how let on young woman whom he stopped for speeding, tourists passing through on Highway 17 S, the girl could pay her fine and go on her way without getting arrested if she submitted to sex with him in the woods. This evidently went on everyday, he seemed to despise everyone, especially the people he was extorting. He was pleasant to the local politicians.
I was just an uninitiated, poor student, I did not particularly fear him, but I did not feel compelled to engage in any controversy, then as well as now, it is a matter of survival. Some men think they look big by cursing, some men think they look big by immoral acts. Later in life, as with the highway patrolmen in Bennetsville, SC who tried to shake me down as a young army officer, just returning from the war. The officer stopped me outside Bennetsville and must pay him the fine. I told him I would have to write a check, he took me to a service station where he tried to get a man to accept my check. I reported the incidents included the time, place, officer's name, and the name of the service station. I have reported worse recently, nothing is ever done. The honor among thieves, as well as political jobs, is in protecting one another.
Sargent Buster Yost, from the local police department came to my house one day in uniform, he told me that the chief did want me walking on the streets. He said, “everyone knows you have money, everyone knows you are blind, the chief wants you to stay in your house with the doors locked.” You see, if you know something like this is going to happen, you can get your recorder set up ahead of time. I would like to have recorded that a totally blind, 100% disabled, service-connected veteran is not allowed to walk on the streets where he pays taxes of 6 figures a year, while criminals are allowed to roam the streets. You see, until then, since I need sunlight and exercise, I would walk around the block each day, I was familiar with every hole in the sidewalk. People were accustomed to my walking around the block, and a few would come out to spend some time with me. I stayed on the sidewalk, because so many of these fine, ecological citizens walk their dogs toward the river each day, and since dogs do not defecate in their own yard, their dogs are trained to defecate in the yards of their neighbors around the block. It is difficult for a blind person not to step in such, but dogs, like criminals are entitled more decency than taxpaying, blind veterans.
This week, Governor Perdue met with the leadership of the state highway patrol in NC. Recently, highway patrolmen have been accused of drunk driving, animal abuse, having sex on duty, profiling women during traffic stops, and inappropriate text-messaging, we have heard it all before. Governor Perdue said, “there will be zero tolerance for bad behavior, if you betray your oath to uphold the law or betray the patrol code of conduct, you will be dismissed.”
Lets face it, you do not get a government job in NC unless you are a Democrat...even to driving a school bus. Judicial watch published the ten most corrupt politicians in Washington, DC...all Democrats except for one, the Republican senator from Nevada. Four, including the President, and members of the cabinet. Think of North Carolina, Dr. Black, Representative Wright, Representative Ballance, and others, all Democrats, all in prison. It is my conviction, from having watched NC politics for most of my life, if all NC politicians who were criminals were in prison, government would come to a stop, and this would probably be good for the public.
Sitting at a table, at the hotel Sir Walter in Raleigh, forty years ago, Governor Sanford and US Representative LC Fountain said to me, “North Carolina will always vote Democrat, Democrats control the blacks, the teachers, the unions, the liberal minorities such as gays, academics, Jews and most people who get government checks.” This is proven to be true every time, every election.
Face it, bullies and thugs become law officers, one tazed a man recently for not wearing his seat belt, one tazed a pallbearer at his father's funeral, one killed an inmate at the local jail, one shot a student in the head behind his own front door, then shot his dog. The local county is paying millions to settle this lawsuit. One tazed a man seven times, the officers said, “the man would not stop moving after he hit the ground.” The federal government through homeland security is laying down federal rules, it has become an us-against-them attitude with law enforcement. As in Germany, before WW2, they first came for the gays, then the gypsies, then the disabled, then the academics, and when the came for the rest, there was no one to defend them. Mark Twain said, “nothing improves a mind like travel.” It would be good for some politicians to travel around the world and see what happens in police-controlled countries.
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