Once you have been touched by God's Word, you are never the same again, you see everything differently. Without faith you cannot please God (Hebrews 11:6), and 90% of faith is just raw courage, faith being a verb, action based on belief sustained by confidence. Man made his choice at the very beginning, in the garden. He chose a slimy serpent instead of the creator of the universe simply because the first two souls wanted things their way. It has never changed, from 4000 BC, God has tolerated a belligerent Jewish nation. He even chose to become one of them in his incarnation, He and his disciples taught the law, Christ preached Himself, the Gentiles did not enter in to the picture. When they did, they were just pagans, knew nothing of the Old Testament, the psalms which the Jews sang.
In the garden, Satan took over, he even tempted our blessed Lord (Matthew 4) offering Him the world. With the preaching of Paul, the kingdom of grace, on this side of the cross, where sin did abound, grace did much more abound (Romans 5:20). If God's Word says it's going to happen, it will happen. The world's fastest growing religion is witchcraft, this was all predicted...even those ordained to teach and preach the truth, find it unpopular to do so. You can be sure that Osteen, Schuller and others would not attract big crowds if they preached sin's ruin and Christ's redemption (¼ of all church members give nothing to the church).
Law enforcement, lawyers, no one wants anything to do with sin, law breaking. I called my lawyer recently about a tenant in one house, a professional man who moved out, taking much of my property with him. The lawyer said, “that is just the way it is these days, it is a cost of doing business.” In many localities, police have taken down their cameras, because it has become too expensive to prosecute those breaking the law. This includes speeders, etc. It has become too expense to have court sessions for collections of bad debts, credit cards, etc.
Most business is based on deceit, they have found deceit gets better results. For instance, this morning, I get a bill for my flood insurance company, stating my insurance has lapsed, but can be renewed if the bill is paid immediately. Now, this is the first bill I had received this year for the insurance. Naturally, with a house on the ocean, I pay my flood insurance without question, and have done so for many years. I have never had an insurance policy to lapse. Next, they say, if you pay the larger amount we will increase the coverage “to allow for increased property value.” How many millions of policy-holders do you think would not pay the increased $15, even though the policy says nothing about how they would increase the coverage or value?
The tragedy, over the years, such bizarre practices as this, and this is just one of many involving the world's greatest rip-off, the insurance market. Policies written by lawyers, so that no one but a lawyer could possibly understand it, have been reported by me to regulators. There again, nothing was ever done because the regulators have political appointments. Look at your telephone bill, your electric bill, other utility bills, see the small incremental charges that creep in. One man said, “I just pay it, what is the need of a fight?” And, that is the answer, incrementally, the slimy serpent of sin crept in, and we have all been subdued.
Collection of debt is totally dependent on automation, during a depression with such a loss of jobs, people do not spend, there is little hiring, much moving around, and debtors have learned to ignore the court system. There is little blood left in the turnip, sinners, like politicians, know how to work the system. Buyers know how to work the system, in a depression, a vehicle priced $20,000 today can probably be bought later for 10,000.
Learning, growing, sharing are kingdom principles, kingdom of Heaven, grace. As a securities broker said to me, “today's business students are taught to do whatever is necessary to make a profit” (John Dewey, communist dictum, “the end justifies the means”). The old tried and true business principle: “honesty is the best policy”. has become out of style in my lifetime. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness has been removed from the Constitution, survival has become a mafia-type exercise.
In a commercial building, a misreading caused me to dispute with the state's largest energy supplier, Progress Energy. I had contact with the regulators and the utilities commission. A woman called me, sent emails, representing herself as working for the utilities commission, she said, “I have Progress Energy on the phone right now. If you will approve the paying of the disputed amount, we will enter into negotiations to resolve the dispute.”
I found out later that the utilities commission had nothing to do with such a dispute, but even more bizarre, the head of the utilities commission said they had no employee by that name. Is there something wrong with this picture? I went through the expense of making copies of every communication involving every detail of this activity, I sent copies of this entire matter to the commission, the legislators involved in utilities, the NCAG, the NC Governor, and two local legislators, to date, I have heard nothing from anyone. Are you beginning to understand why sin and the treachery of sin is on the increase?
We have only one recourse, faith is pictured as the safety found in the cleft of a rock or under a mother bird's wing. God's Word is truth, the only thing left on which we can depend, the verse of scripture exactly halfway between the 788,000 words of the Holy Bible: “trust in the Lord, and put no confidence in men” (Psalm 118).
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