Abraham Lincoln was little known until February 1860 when he made his most famous speech other than the Gettysburg address, the Cooper Union speech. The 1,800 red leather seats were full on that February night in New York City. Among other things, he said he would emigrate to another country where no “pretense is made about loving liberty”, rather than tolerate hypocrisy.
I cannot understand why everything has sought the common level of hypocrisy...politics, religion, commerce, social service, academia, etc. In a world of political correctness, why is truth and honesty so difficult? Even Jesus scorned hypocrites (Matthew 23). In the rules of the people's house, the US House of Representatives, the word hypocrisy is not allowed.
The American Indian brave could put his ear to ground and tell you about a buffalo herd many miles away. Their direction, their numbers, their movement.
So it was with most honest souls, hearts, minds, bodies of God's Great Commandment (Matthew 22). Jesus Christ, The Word, He Who made heaven and earth and everything in it (John 1) designed man for honesty, not deceit. Diogenes, with his candle, looked for an honest man.
A young girl doing secretarial work for me, as I was dictating about the beatitudes “blessed are the meek” (Matthew 7) said, “Dr. Morris, what are meeks?” I said, “they are much like geeks, weeks, very rare.” Some people refer to themselves as moose, elks , lions, bird-lovers. I rented a suite of offices to the local Audubon society, people supposedly interested in birdlife. It was necessary for me to restore and redecorate the unit after their occupancy, even to the carpet.
One of North Carolina's best known politicians, known for inviting Washington hierarchy to his palatial hunting grounds on the coast, was severely criticized for “seeding” land with corn so geese would come in and be an easier shot for the Washingtonian hypocrites...men who supposedly loved wildlife.
At tiger tops in India, I rode an elephant for many miles to a famous lodge, where , supposedly you can watch tigers in the wild. I said to the guide, “totally isolated, only accessible by plane then riding an elephant, what is this train track doing here?” He said, “In former times, the Maharajahs and ruling class of India would come here by train and then, from the train would shoot the game in the wild. The natives would actually tie game to trees so the rulers could get their kill from the train.” This is what you call game hunting by the “rich and famous” and politicians who make rules for the rest of us.
Have you ever tried to describe eternity? Have you ever tried to describe a man's relationship with God, the One who spoke and the world was formed? Have you ever tried to describe man's attempt at worship, giving to God, the greatest act of worship? Are you more afraid of God's blessings or God's curses? Because, if you believe, you know that he has challenged you to prove him by giving cheerfully to him, of that by which you are blessed (Malachi 3:10).
You cannot get giving out of Christianity, in the Garden of Eden, only one tree was fenced off to Himself. He told them not to touch it, a part of everything you own belong to Him, whether you believe it or not. God has a right to draw a line around some things, a part of your wealth, your time, your talent. I never ceased to be amazed at those who find substitutes...civic and social clubs, politics, masonic groups, Skull and Bones, professional societies.
The cardiologists have their own group, the astrologers have their own group, the astronauts have their own group, all taking up your time, talent, money. There is very little that these groups or people in these groups will ever accomplish for you.
Like the college fraternity, many men seek security and recluse in secret handshakes, exploring one another. I understand the Masons strip naked, take off their wedding ring, even the Christian cross, commit self entirely to a satanic organization. Such decadence as this must be a stench in the nostrils of all mighty God. Much as having a mistress when you have a wife at home, who is supposed to submit to you.
Do you love your schooner's gear, your golf clubs, your season tickets more than the Word who created you, or the Word you should study and share. In Calcutta, India the second largest city in the world (Mexico City being the largest) a small goat was tied at an alter, a priest, in a spotless white robe came out of the temple, and in front of hundreds he chopped off the goat's head, then with his hands he put goat blood on everyone who would come up and kneel. Meek, moose, elk, geese, skulls and bones, all become insignificant before the holy God of the universe.
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