I was a young army medical officer, at that time I still had my eyesight. I was well-trained, serious about life and my future. I was commissioned to do a good job for the army and my country. The army hospital to which I first received orders was not one of great reputation, after WW2 and Korea, many officers, particularly doctors, were just trying to put in their time until retirement...after which, they could live the rest of their lives at ease...entitlements, full pay, usually that of full colonel.
The first time I met the ranking officers at the hospital, it was so obvious that they were just a bunch of old drunks, bloated, unkempt, their one ambition: to keep breathing until retirement. When not on the job, doing as little as possible, they were sopping up booze at the Post officers club.
One of my first assignments was to inspect the hospital. Now, this lower ranking officer gave the hospital a good inspection. The ranking head of each department was accustomed, as in most military inspections, to some “eyewash”, “good ol' boy” prognosis. It just so happens that as I inspected the hospital mess (food service), I got up on the table and looked inside the coffee urns, I inspected all the bathrooms (where there was no soap), I looked into the cabinets (where there were bugs), I saw rot in the refrigerators. I even inspected the cook's hands and nails...all this had never been done before. In the wards and clinics, I looked into the closets, I asked the officer in charge, “what are these brooms doing in the closet?” He replied, “we use them to sweep the floors.” I told him, “don't you know that you never sweep in a hospital, only mop. You do not do anything in a hospital that will provide or disrupt bacteria, there should be no hiding place for bacteria in a hospital, no draperies, stuffed chairs, etc.”
My report was many pages, so complete, so drastic, that the administration was afraid the hospital would be closed down. The dietitian in charge of food service never spoke to me again. The hospital commander said I should read Dale Carnegie's How to Win Friends and Influence People. The above encapsulates what happens in government, what has happened in our government.
One radio commentator in Boston said he spent an entire week calling various agencies in Washington DC, he said that with every agency, every branch of government, he only got the run around or left a message on the answering machine. He never got to talk with a single government official.
This has been my experience with writing government officials and government agencies (I have files of letters to prove how many times I have written). You can depend on one sentence in every letter, “We cannot give you an answer, we advise you to obtain the services of an attorney.” Even the veteran's administration, the most inept agency you will ever encounter, I don't know what they expect from a disabled veteran who can barely survive on the pension he gets, the veteran too, is told to get an attorney.
One of my attorneys from one of the most prestigious law firms in the area, said to me recently, “there was a time when our letterhead would get some attention. The only way we get attention anymore is by filing papers at the courthouse.” He said, “if a totally blind, 100% disabled, service-connected veteran cannot get attention at a Washington agency, no one else can.” I find you get no response at all from any area of government, even your representatives or senators, those wanting your vote. You only get a generic letter which says absolutely nothing that they send to everyone who writes them about anything.
Dr. Henry Louis Gates, black communist professor at Harvard was seen trying to get into his house through his window. To make a long story short, the police became involved, and then later president Obama himself became involved. Obama commented on the incident, calling it racial profiling, his presence only serving to exacerbate the issue. At Fort Hood, Texas a Muslim medical officer with the rank of major, killed 13 of his fellow soldiers. The same president that jumped right into the Harvard problem said to not be hasty about Fort Hood.
Lila Rose started her active participation in the pro-life movement at the age of 17. Trying to expose the hypocrisy and fraud of “Planned Parenthood”, the Rockefellers planned, US taxpayer financed, promoter and controller of he largest abortion clinics in the world, outside communist China, most built in poor black sections in American cities (3,000 abortions each day, 1,400 black).
Lila Rose would tape and film activity in an abortion clinic when she would represent herself as an underage, pregnant girl having been impregnated by an older male. She brought out much information about America's attempt to deceive. Remember, eugenics and abortion were promoted by Margaret Sanger, who called black citizens “weeds”, who assisted Hitler with his holocaust of the disabled and German Jews. 275,000 of Germany's disabled citizens and 6 million German Jews were put to death between 1933-1940.
When Hitler began his cleansing of the German republic, book-burning in the libraries, the first book on his list to burn was the biography of Helen Keller, the female child born both deaf and blind in Alabama. Her remarkable life, her remarkable book, first published in 1905, was first on his list. He so despised handicapped human beings, gypsies, homosexuals, disabled, and then the Jews. I will never understand how and why blacks, Jews, homosexuals can support the US Democrat party (blacks 99%, Jews 78%, homosexuals 92%). It is in these police controlled, totalitarian, collectivist countries that these groups are most despised. The Muslims do not permit homosexuality. Cairo, a city of 17 million has arrested and killed many homosexuals, and so it goes in most Muslim countries.
On the farmland where I was raised, out in the woods, one hundred years later there was still a small wooden church building with tin roof, door-type windows, windows built of wood which had to be opened, not glass. There were handmade benches in the small building, on which the black people sat. There were no slaves on these farms, the black people lived very much as the whites...hard working, poor, god-fearing. On my great grandfather's farm the house which his overseer lived, Elisahs' house, was still standing. Even as a child, descendants of the members of that little church still drove up once a year in their nice cars, dressed in nice clothes, to have a memorial service of singing, speaking and a meal at that church in the woods.
Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, a black megachurch with 8,500 members. Preachers across the world have heard the 36 year pastorate of Jeremiah Wright and how he blasted whites. Strange how president Obama had sat under this bigoted preaching for twenty years and had not heard what he said, could not Obama see what was going on. Did he not see the portrait of Harriet Tubman (black, radical abolitionist and union spy) hanging in the vestibule in the church?
As a university student in Memphis, I had attended a black church (Dr. Wooster; nationalist radical). But, thirty years ago, the black churches were still evangelical, today according to every thing I hear, they are a nationalistic, liberated socially-engineered political party. From what I hear, it is a mixture of voodoo Christ gospel, with a sprinkling of Paul's teachings.
Our third president, certainly the most brilliant, knew that we could be facing all these problems. He knew about torches and pitchforks, wanted to keep our having to resort to such again. He knew, and this is what he said, “Yes, we did produce a near-perfect republic. But will they keep it? Or will they, in the enjoyment of plenty, lose the memory of freedom? Material abundance without character is the path of destruction.”
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