`The American democratic republic is like building a new house then putting a match to it and burning it to the ground.
Homosexuality is the ultimate expression and evidence of Western decadence. Permeating the halls of learning, sexuality has taken over. Even more pathetic, students showing excellence in mastering disciplined subjects involving science, mathematics, are left to fend for themselves in the world of political-correctness, where the more popular, charismatic subjects are easier. Is there a reason that the human animal is the only animal who sees color? Other animals thrive in black and white and are more intent on survival. More despairing, exceptional students in subjects requiring brainpower are not recognized anymore than the “foreign” students from abroad are encouraged to stay in this country where America could utilize their exceptionalism.
America has become the world's debtor nation, occurring in the past 24 years. We have a certified national debt of $15 trillion, and in truth, it is probably many times that, debt that can never be repaid. In the illusion of prosperity promoted by a lying, state-controlled news media, citizens forget that one half the population supports the other half, social service-welfare, subsidizing of housing, food costs, education, the entitlement mentality has taken over. Americans have become cynical about everything because they know that the government lies about everything, that they have become enslaved to taxation, necessary to house, feed, retire in style, and give health care from the cradle to the grave. The incentive for study, hard-work, entrepreneurial spirit, grabbing at opportunity has been taken away by a culture and society of envy... one of the most contagious of our seven deadly sins. Why work, save, economize, depend on self, when the needy and greedy of the world are enjoying the best the table has to offer and magnanimously tossing you a few crumbs.
There are 2.2 billion “supposed” Christians in the world, more Christians than any other religion, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindus, etc. The Christian worships the Creator of the universe, the world and everything in it, totally sufficient for all our needs. We are the only ones who worship a God whose birth was prophesied hundreds of years before His birth, who put on a tent of human flesh and dwelled among us, showing us how to live in perfection among one another. Yet, from the very beginning, we have been stiff-necked rebels. IF, When the chosen race, the Jewish people, delivered from 400 years of cruel slavery, arrived at the Red Sea, and there had been a bridge, they would have insisted on crossing the bridge instead of, because of a miracle of God, parting the sea, allowing them to walk on dry land. From 1799 until 1892, even the Supreme Court declared America a Christian nation. Yet, the non-Christians, aided and enabled by the Christian church, has made Christian faith an object of ridicule, a target of hypocrisy, a goal for elimination, through lesbian-gay preachers, the insanity of same-sex marriage, a conquered military, bowing to don't ask, don't tell. Christians, built and financed the great universities, hospitals, children and aging homes, kept a damper on heathen practices of the world, the flesh, the devil. Today, the “tares” have taken over the church, just a country club with a steeple.
Whether occupiers or protestors, tyrants or presidents there is within the spirit of the human being, the human mind, an obsessiveness for truth, most have a conscious, most recognize good from evil, right from wrong. There is embedded in the minds of all men, even those not indued by the Holy Spirit of God. The realization and recognizing of love toward home and family. Even narcotic and other addictions will not defeat a soul, the ethos of the human spirit.
In the Catahare (Botswana, Africa), Wildebeest herds numbering thousands, I saw them stampede, frightened by a pride of Lions. My guide said to me, “Look in the bush, they run senseless, reckless, leaving behind the young babies dropped from the mother's womb, the sick and frail, unable to run.” On these, the Lions feasted.
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