Christopher Hitchens, America's best known atheist, died last night at age 62. He died of cancer, still hating God with a British accent. Like TV's Carl Sagan, Cosmos, who said, “This life is all there is to it, there is nothing else.” Both know by now if they were right.
More famous than Hitchens or Sagan, England's Richard Dawkins, THE GOD DELUSION. Like all atheists, thinking the human mind is superior to the Creator of the universe.
Hatched in Hell, false religions of the world, new age religion, new pseudo science-philosophy “wanna-be”, accepted disciplines of psychology on a professional basis. Mired in the Godless pragmatic ilk of “everything goes”, nothing wrong with anything, no absolutes of good and evil, we find our world enmeshed in an addictive behavior. In my lifetime, Big Pharma has taken over the medical science community... researchers more interested in government grants, largess from corporations than in finding and establishing truth. Proven, scientists will produce the results which their financial benefactor wants, whether government or industry The same Big Pharma has taken over agriculture (Merck owns Monsanto), most produce items in the grocery store, and indeed most “so-called” food items are GMO produced. Can one even imagine buying seedless anything?, knowing full well that the scientific value of the fruit or vegetable is seed-embedded. One of my friends purchased seedless grapes, yet takes grape seed as a supplement.
It is absolute Witchcraft, how any person with two purkinje cells still functioning in the brain can study cell morphology-physiology, DNA science, even photosynthesis or the clotting of blood and still hide behind the enigma of atheism or non-belief in a Supreme Creator. Millard Cote, a Paris, France entrepreneur, whose mother owned a lingerie shop, hired a prostitute to wear a bikini on the beach, now, beaches all over the world are filled with bikini-clad females. The addiction to pornography, designer drugs, designer anti-social behavior, ALL GOT STARTED THE SAME WAY... evil is always popular. The huge advertisement expenditures of many corporations are not spent because they want to waste money but rather to sell, whether prescription drugs or “junk” foods.
Big Pharma has already announced that it wants every man, woman and child taking at least two prescription drugs per day. The carts in most grocery stores are full of junk... the packaging, in most cases, has more food value than the “supposed food” in the package, food filled with MSGs, GMOs, and synthetic chemicals which the body can never assimilate. The first matter of treatment in most diseases, detoxifying the body from the synthetics such as artificial sweeteners, which will slowly poison, slow suicide.
I still remember old doctors in the science and healthcare practice, such as Dr. W.C. George of the UNC Medical School. Stenhouse. Strosnider, Pearson, who treated diseases with food. They knew the value of berry bushes, fruit trees, the turnip patch, white and colored potatoes. They knew the value of chemical-free well water. They knew the value of apple cider vinegar, cayenne pepper, garlic, ginger, cinnamon. The animal body starves for nutrition, nutrients from live plants, recently slaughtered meat.
The most basic, fundamental law of science is potential... the potential of every element to react with another and produce a product, often catalyzed by sunlight or heat. When will you have your epiphany, that God of the universe, Creator of life and everything good, does not want you destroyed through the wisdom of man?
The Witchcraft, antagonism toward life and living, starts soon after birth. Foreign substances, infant vaccinations, injected into the body before the body has a chance to establish it's own immune system. Now, Australia, parents are refused a tax deduction on their child unless the child has received the government-controlled vaccinations. God has given us the natural, innate, in-born skills for survival... starting with immunity from the breast milk of the mother then raw milk, God-given natural nutrition through natural, not processed, plants and animals. Has it ever occurred to you that the Witchcraft of scientific knowledge has filled at an ever increasing rate, hospitals, asylums, prisons, and graveyards. In my lifetime, onslaught of soft drinks, (God help us, Diet drinks) artificial sweeteners in candy and cookies, adulterated meats, dead fruits and vegetables added to starving bodies from lack of nutrition, satanic chemicals in addictive, prescription and non-prescription drugs, enticing-afflicting designer drugs along with the Witchcraft of mind control.
In 1785, Joesph Haydn produced the oratorio, The Seven Last Words of Christ since, around the world, cathedrals or small church houses, bishops or country preachers, we all know that He forgave us because, “We do not know what we are doing.”
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