My driver often says to me, “Doc, I think many times it is good that you cannot see, because you would not believe what is on the streets.”
This particular day he was talking about a middle aged man, dressed in women's clothes, about to go into McDonalds. Some days before, he had described teenagers, followers of Emo or Goth, all three dressed in black, fingernails painted black.
At this time in history, would it not be advisable to do a critique of the last 200 years in history and, looking forward 200 years?
It is much like the old movie trailers, Perils of Pauline, Pauline on the front of the locomotive and the locomotive going over the hill... no stopping the disaster. Have we become so tepid, so politically-correct, so dumbed down by mind controlling television that we cannot face the facts? It is known that the medical officers and others at Walter Reed Army hospital knew the mental condition of Muslim psychiatrist, Major Hasan. They did not want to be politically-incorrect, to tepid to warn officials at Fort Hood.
In the name of diversity, influx of Muslims and gays into the military services. Real soldiers face more danger on the home front than the battlefield.
There is no one to blame for today’s problems but ourselves. Academia-Atheism, God erased from their agenda on their mantra of “who created the Creator”? If No God, where do you get a foundation for morality? Believers in God are blamed for the world’s violence. Non-believers never discuss the history of violence by non-believers. They even blame Jesus and His followers for violence. Even Pilate exonerated Jesus (I find no fault in him (John 19:6)) Atheism has a horrendous record, evolving things and people are supposed to improve.
Bertrand Russell, when asked why he did not believe in God said, “There is not enough evidence.” In a day when global newspapers compete for the worst news headlines, knowing that these horrendous end times have been prophesied, how much evidence do you need about sin's ruin and the redemption of Jesus Christ?
Until the end of WWII, God had His hand of blessing on America. Since then, we have not been able to win a war. (Korea, Vietnam, Balkans, Iraq, Afghanistan)
The chosen, the church, has become faithless... neither hot or cold, tepid. Mosques are built in increasing numbers throughout the world. In Europe and Australia Muslims are pushing for polygamy (multiple wives) and Sharia Law... forcing producers of chickens and turkeys to have them blessed by a Muslim Imam. (spiritual leader)
Humiliation is a lost word in many vocabularies. Dumbed down by public schools, television slop, only 5% of the population is aware of what goes on in the world. Even when screened-stripped at the airport, they do not understand, thinking that TSA means SS Troops, and this was Hitler's start. The last year of the 3rd Reich, Hitler promoted 40,000 abortions, the same number as in America last year. A Swiss bank president said this week, “People around the world should prepare for a world depression by buying canned goods and small firearms.” It should be humiliating that the schools, colleges, even the secular media are not preparing the public for times of need. Spiritual leaders should be humiliated that they do not recognize, as well as advise, congregations about physical as well as spiritual preparation. Scientists, sociologists, and even pastors, are very tepid about fetal (murdered babies), tissue used for vaccinations and experimentations.
As in New Orleans, Katrina, caretakers fled, leaving old people to drown in nursing homes. So, this week, caretakers fled, leaving patients to die in a hospital fire in Calcutta, India.
The Apostle Peter did not have a Bible, never attended a seminary or Bible College, but on the day of Pentecost (50 days after Christ's resurrection), he was not tepid, as he preached, the only thing he knew to preach, Jesus Christ (Acts 2) This was the beginning of the Christian church, believers who have changed the world. It is not tepid believers then, now, or in the future, who make the difference.
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