Investing is as old as America, land, buildings, jewelry and, these days, especially silver and gold. I have the first deed to the Morris' family land survey, signed by the first surveyor in America, Adjoniah Peacock, Morristown, NJ, 1766. Peacock supplied weapons ammunition during the revolution.
You can make a good living with your hands, labor, hard work, but you make money by investing... money makes money... nothing as powerful as compound interest. You are not stuck where you start. This writer, like so many Americans, born in poverty but learned early to invest in self and then from responsible-opportunity, afforded by American citizenship and the grace of God, invested in other things.
It is no secret, well published, working my way through 8 years of professional schooling (investing in self) and, almost impossible to describe, investing in my country by serving as an army medical officer, now totally blind, 100% disabled veteran, I still, after that, invested. I have invested 50 cents of every dollar I have ever made... 25 cents in real estate, 25 cents in the stock market. Living frugally, from the other 50 cents, tithes, offerings and taxes. To this day, (age 82) still working, buying-selling securities, real estate, etc.
I have spent my life collecting, antiquarian books, records, antiques. Even when traveling the world, retaining every airline magazine, every play or concert program, thousands of old catalogs-magazines. One would not believe the money I have made selling such items online, money which I can use to help others since I spend less than most welfare recipients on myself.
Investing is a mindset, just as conservatism is a mindset, politically, spiritually, or otherwise.
Last night, Manhattan, auctions began in selling the estate of Elizabeth Taylor who had invested, evidently, from many husbands and their largess, in jewelry. $13 million for a "La Peregrina," necklace, $4.2 million for a diamond tiara, total of one night's auction - $115.9 million. Because of inflation sales probably doubled the worth of the jewelry. Some men collect shares of corporations, the country's two wealthiest men, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, know how to buy securities. Oprah Winfrey, America’s richest woman, born in poverty in the delta of Mississippi, invested in herself and her talent, now worth $3.7 billion.
Your greatest investment is in self, your education, talent, the best version of yourself. (If blessed with talent, you are that much further ahead of the rest of us.) The band which sold the most records, GUNS AND ROSES, young men developing talent, becoming millionaires, yet not knowing how to control their new wealth. One said, “I went to the brink of insanity, drinking one gallon of Vodka a day then 10 bottles of wine daily.” Wonderful to invest in education but, do not enslave yourself with student loans, particularly in obtaining a degree in worthlessness. Equally absurd, enslavement to a mortgage on a home. As so many have found, homes and wealth so easily lost.
On the block where I live, a children's museum. Next to a symphony of bird's singing, the sound of excited children's voices at that museum or any school playground. At a time when 3000 children are killed by the abortionists in this nation each day. (1452 black. 52% of all black babies killed. The most dangerous place for a baby is the womb, particularly black babies but, thank God, some are surviving, playing, bringing happiness and a future to this nation (Read the horror story of the abortions in Philadelphia by Dr.Kermit Gosnell (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/01/19/kermit--gosnell-charged_n_810976.html))
For parents, grandparents, the church, the school, life’s greatest investments, you still hear children's voices. Those who vote democrat their eugenics program of promoting abortion-population control. As much as you think you are liberal or broad-minded, you will go to hell with the likes of Margaret Sanger, Hitler, Mao and Gosnell.
A young doctor in Boston asked me if I had ever traveled to Kerala, India. I said , “yes, I was in Trivandum, the large airport there.” Kerala is the most educated area of India. When there a young man with an advanced degree in electronics told me the only job he could find was picking cocoanuts off the tops of trees. The large airport is for their students leaving the country, traveling the world to find jobs. Like drinking salty seawater, it never satisfies, the more you drink, the more you want. So it is with the welfare state, communism, having taken over most of the world. Ambitious investing no longer pays off... the government pays those who sit at home and do nothing, just as much as the producers-inventors-entrepreneurs. In America, 50% of the population supports the other 50%, a total contradiction to the human ethos, temporal and spiritual. The greatest investment for any person, investment in your eternal security. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9)
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