This conservative Christian writer has learned ,as the English writer Malcolm Muldridge stated, “If you stand up for Christianity, be prepared to take your hits.”William Booth, later a General in the Salvation Army, and founder of the Salvation Army, saved in a Methodist church, took his redemption seriously. On the streets of London, he led many downtrodden young people to Christ, invited them to his church. These ill-clad, unkempt, new Christians were not welcome in this Methodist church. Booth had married a woman of some means and they used all their resources to establish a worship place for these people... Salvation Army.
Why is the Bible and the Christian church never used as a resource? Why are Christians so discounted-despised by the media? The state-controlled media, journalists, their world spanning the area from the Hudson to the East river, Manhattan, made up of people who left the church, most, cradle Catholics. They have a group idea of the world.
A recent London Daily Mail story concerning the mother of a Downs Syndrome daughter submitting her photographs in competition for photogenic modeling without telling the agency of the disability, but being accepted in spite of the disability... becoming one of the most popular models of the agency reveals that God has reparations in store for everyone, in spite of the preconditions of the world.
On today's 70th Pearl Harbor anniversary, if some sailor, on that “day of infamy”, December 7, 1941 had known, as the military brass in Washington knew, that there would be a Japanese air strike, and he were walking around on one of these ships, designated to be destroyed, wearing a life preserver, he would have been called a fanatic, nut, or lunatic. 70 years later, books written about the matter, we know that America was preparing for a Pacific War, that it was known of the attack. Prize ships had been moved far out to sea. Few civilians and older military were killed. Those then, and since, with other national disasters that have made little sense (911, Murrah Building, WACO, Bay of Tonkin, etc.) have been considered “fruit cakes”. The Bible is replete with those who have prophesied, every prophesy-promise fulfilled. Everything in history will be fulfilled. (Revelation 1:1)
THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH HAS BEEN DRAGGED ONTO THE TORIC STAGE OF THE WORLD, THE FLESH, THE DEVIL. The church, like the secular world, has been drawn into the temporal plight of the world... social and financial problems, crime, drugs, etc. The Christian will escape these, because of the Holy Spirit of God possessing the Christian, they pay their debts, live conservative lives... no true conservatism in everything.
Even during WWII, Christians cared for selves and one another, were considered lunatics because they had their own chickens for eggs, planted garden vegetables along with their flowers and shrubbery. God has always directed the survival of His own even with hyperinflation... the world's greatest robbery, easy money for the robbers led by the government. Inflation hurts all, the poor more than anyone else.
Raising taxes is the ultimate weapon of the popular politician because everyone wants politician promises which must be supplied by others. The pastor, like the politician yearns for popularity more than anything else, afraid to offend anyone. Today's church, large concert hall, everything gauged for acceptance by everyone. Have you not heard a pastor use selective words in the pulpit, a politician parse words on talk shows? TRUTH HURTS!!
Incrementally, Globalism, one world government, one world money supply already, USA-Canada-Mexico, Euro dollar. In order to have one world currency, buying and selling with the “mark of the beast” everything must fit into place, and it is a gradual process.
Abortions would end tomorrow if churches, and the Christian world were serious about life. You can get thousands of “occupiers”, “tea party” exciters in the streets.
My only child, son, now a seminary professor, when in Seminary school, working in a local Baptist church, a drive in porno theater was down the highway form the church. He constructed a large cross, painted is white, stood outside the theater with the cross. Cars approaching the theatre slowed down, saw the cross, and then sped up and moved on. Finally, one assistant pastor came out and stood with him. Where were the other concerned members? These two, the cross, and the theatre closed. God knows about reparations.
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