It is no secret, my blog, facebook pages, photographs from all over the world. God blessed me to experience things beyond my ability to explain but, this one thing I do know, as I traveled through the communist countries such as Russia and China, the Muslin countries, such as Pakistan, Tunisia, and Egypt. The human spirit God instilled in all of us is present in these nations too. Technology has changed the world but human nature has not changed. God was careful to instill the spirit of free will, individuality, in the heart and soul of Asians, Arabs, Easterners, as well as Westerners. There may have been a time that the uninformed could be kept in darkness… slaves obedient to slave masters... ignorant subservient to the intellectuals but with the proliferation of electric power, electronics such as the television and computer, the telephone and radio, even in the peasant villages of Africa or on the tenant farms of North Carolina, people able to read and write, and most of all, “yearn” for a better life. "How 'Ya Gonna Keep 'Em Down on the Farm? (After They've Seen Paree)
The thought occurred to me over and over as I experienced the treatment of my fellow human beings in the religious strongholds of Muslim countries or the atheistic “control-regime” of communist countries “when will they learn?”
It started with the Muslims in 1928, the Arab-brotherhood. Long shackled by Sharia Law, many could still see the systemic decadence which had pervaded Islamic rule and bureaucracy... tyranny. Protests started in Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Somalia, Libya. The quasi religious-dictatorship in Iraq, Iran, and even the Kingdom of Morocco festers.
Likewise, in spite of Marxism's promises, the comradeship and equalities proffered in the controls of communism are being overthrown. It happened so quickly in Russia, is happening so quickly in Cuba, China, exposed to the capitalism of Hong Kong and tourism is ready to throw off the “Great Wall” of separation between the rulers and the proletariat. America's lying, state-controlled news media, like that of China, will say nothing but there have been thousands of protests in China-occupiers, in almost every village. Often, using metal-tipped bamboo spears, they attacked well armed soldiers.
The nose of the camel, the desire for freedom, will always get under the tent of mind control. You cannot cure sin with more sin, cannot repay debt with more debt.
Those who do not study history, must repeat it. Underlining problems always lead to revolutions. Government bureaucrats know how they got there jobs, know better than anyone else the truth, not only of nepotism, but of indolence. Law enforcement, who guard decadence, knows the truth of what is going on. The crooks in government may demand that they protect them, but are realistic to know that they may be one day out of favor. Allegiance and alliances change quickly when you recognize friends and relatives among the opposition, especially when you know you are protecting the wrong side. Over and over, in communist countries, guides and employees of the government told me, “I know I am on the wrong side, my sympathy and empathy are with the peasants.”
Those with a thirst for truth, those with a scintilla of honesty, in the healthcare fields, know that there is a medical fraternity-pharmacy conspiracy more interested in financial gain than patient care.
Shame, like concern, are lost words in most vocabularies. I have attempted to shame dieticians, nutritionists, for not having knowledge and using knowledge in the schoolhouse, the state-house. There is probably more starvation in America than in any nation in the world, not from a lack of “stuff” called food, but a lack of nutrition from a cell starved organism called the body. The cells of the animal body must have elements of nutrition. Without, the human body stays hungry, getting fat from “junk”. Along with the three “Rs”, there is no place better than the school to teach young people about the facts of nutrition and the dietician to demonstrate the knowledge by what is served in the lunchroom. There are many scientists-nutritionists, even rich doctors in the graveyard, who knew better and did not take care of their own bodys.
New age religionists believe there is no hell, sin, or evil. Entertainers in the pulpit such as Osteen, Hinn, Jakes “flirt” around the edges of real Christianity. The thirst for knowledge, hunger for truth, extends to their concern for daily living as well as eternal life. 75% of all diseases are caused by lifestyle problems. This should concern doctors in healthcare as well as doctors in spiritual care and, the satisfying of this thirst should be of concern to every fellow human being when thinking of another's “soul” welfare
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