North Carolina and Oklahoma were the last two states to allow open bars, liquor by the drink. North Carolina was the last state to allow a lottery, supposedly for education purposes. This writer was very active both in speaking and raising money to prevent this legislation. Too many lives have been ruined with alcohol and gambling, intemperate, excessive, addictive. It is not necessary to give examples of those who cannot control alcohol and gambling anymore than those who cannot control overeating, sexual perversion, or any other action that is or can become a sin.
As a scientist, probably a small amount of liquor is good for you and, as one who has made much money on the stock market, buying shares is always a gamble. It is impossible to take the risk out of living.
After much thought and prayer, and limiting the expense to four dollars a week, money which I would never miss, I buy four lottery tickets on the big payoffs. This past week someone won over $200 million, one number, one ticket, one person. My objective, just as with every other dollar I make, I would establish a foundation for the disabled because I well know, without a shadow of doubt, that the country's largest minority, the handicapped and disabled, are totally left out in most areas of life and living... school house, public expenses such as libraries, parks, restaurants, even the church house. “So-called” Christians and pastors have ignored this vital sector of the community. You will find most of us at home, even veterans are not appreciated at political and other events. I am a totally blind, 100% disabled, service connected, medical officer, veteran, of the Korean era. I could count on the fingers of one hand the times anyone has made anything available to me. I have offered $1000.00 to anyone who can show at any Holy day or holiday any church, veterans group, civic club, and I could say family member, has done anything for me. Even the Red Cross, Salvation Army, Government Social Services, when I was both a patient and staff member of A military hospital, nothing was ever done. God is my witness to these statements. This blind veteran has never been able to get a white cane from the VA, I find them at thrift stores, probably discarded by someone who has gone on to a place where such is not needed.
The writer C.S. Lewis, in his book, The Great Divorce said, ”At the end of this life, you either say to God, “Thy will be done or My will was done.”” This writer has already won life's lottery, born in America with the opportunities afforded American citizens, born in a home with the parents, with the ancestry, with the “raising” given me.
In the council chambers of eternity, God knew the beginnings and the endings of every individual life who, He chose, He foreknew to live on this earth. (Romans 8: 28, etc.) He put thorns on rose bushes, so loves you that He will allow you to hate Him, gave you freedom of choice. He knew that you would be so miserable around real Christians that you would not want heaven, where you would be with them for eternity. He put good and evil in the world so you could tell the difference and make your own decision about which you like best. Despite what Rabbi Harold Kushner said, Why bad things happen to good people. You will decide why good things happen to bad people.
God gave to the weak, the depressed, the disabled, a blank check. My blindness has been my greatest blessing. Two of the world's greatest Christians, theologians, Martin Luther and Charles Spurgeon, crippled by depression. The Apostle Paul, next to Christ, the world's greatest preacher “Thorn in the flesh.” (2 Cor. 12:7) In the international dog and pony show, political grandstanding, financial rewinding, making a few very rich through wars and military corruption. The “PAUSE THAT REFRESHES” (The most famous advertising statement by Coca Cola) is the time available to every child of God who knows, without a doubt, that he has available to him, the greatest power in the world the One who created the world, available to him or her as a blank check, fully-forever endorsed. Any problem, BE SPECIFIC.
Our greatest wealth, book beyond describing, The Bible, rich in the history of one chosen people, much about the eternal city. Sennacherib's Syrian Army had captured most fortressed cities, encamped outside the walls of Jerusalem. The people could see the thousands of campfires, could hear the cursing of the messengers to King Hezekiah. The King and the people knew the ravaging, killing, raping awaiting them. The King took the problems to God. In one night, one angel of the Lord, 185,000 dead Syrian soldiers. Sennacherib returned home and was later killed by one of his own sons.
In 2012, and I can still hear those old folks singing this hymn in the old church where I was reared, Take your burdens to the Lord and leave them there. Don't allow your circumstances to affect your faith but rather ALWAYS, allow your faith to determine your circumstances.
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